December 23, 2004

Ryan Reynolds and Alanis Morissette To Appear in Just Friends Together

RyanReynoldsandAlanisMorissette.jpgFrom Moviehole:

"Blade Trinity" scene-stealer Ryan Reynolds tells today's Herald Sun that his real-life squeeze, Alanis Morissette, is set to make a cameo in his next movie.

"Just Friends", which started filming this week, stars the 28-year-old funnyman as a record executive who comes face to face with an old crush from his home town. The singer is said to be making a cameo in which "she beats the snot out of me", Reynolds laughs.

Worried about a bit of a "Gigli" backfire though, working with your real life squeeze? "Not when it's a tongue-in-cheek movie", Reynolds says. "If you put them on a romantic lead pedestral, that's dangerous. But I literally knock into her in the hallway and she's going to just kick the crap out of me and keep walking".

After seeing Blade Trinity (one of the worst films of 2004) I'm actually looking forward to seeing just about anything Ryan Reynolds appears in. He was the only bright spot in that piece of trash movie. Add that to the fact that he's dating Alanis Morissette and he's officially on my top 10 "Guys I'd like to be for a day" list.

Posted by John Campea at December 23, 2004 06:32 AM


This is great news. I love Ryan Reynolds (and have ever since I saw him on "Two Guys and a Girl"), and I am glad he is getting the chance to star in another movie. I don't see this movie being a problem for he and Alanis...especially since her role is small.

Posted by: Meagan at December 23, 2004 01:42 PM

Hey John,
how about a new audio edition ...

Posted by: Darko at December 23, 2004 05:54 PM

Ok first of all Blade Trinity was the best movie ever. Ok and Yes Ryan did steal the show and trust me I don't care. And the whole movie thing with Alanis shouldn't be a problem though I am truely jealous. Oh well I say he rocks and should keep up the work and stay a hottie.

Posted by: Stephanie at December 27, 2004 12:02 AM

Blade:Trinity was not that great. However who knew one guy had so many quips with profanities. Too bad he'll be off the market soon, he really did quite a job buffing up!

Posted by: tpeek at December 28, 2004 11:15 AM

I'd really like to know if this lovely young man is still alive as he was supposed to be on Bali Xmas day re his appearence on Carson Daly. Does anyone know if he made it to LV for NYE??? The death toll to date on Bali is 88, with the Canadians listing 4 dead and 80 some missing!!

Posted by: candy at January 2, 2005 05:49 PM

Dude, Blade:Trinity is one of the best movies ever. If you wanted to see it just because of Ryan, then don't go. Although Ryan did steal the spotlight, Blade:Trinity was still really good. Peace out muthafuckas...

Posted by: Jpizzle at January 3, 2005 05:59 PM

i saw ryan today.. he was filiming the movie just friends out in regina and i was standing on albert and then walked to my car and i shaked his hand and got a autograph suckers lol jk

Posted by: kevin weir at January 25, 2005 12:25 AM


Posted by: biteme at February 24, 2005 04:46 PM

I wanted to add that my son is Ryan Reynolds stand in at the Just Friends Movie being filmed in Regina and he got to hang out with Ryan Reynolds and Chris Klein on the set. He wouldn't even get me a picture or autograph!!!

Posted by: Brenda at March 3, 2005 11:16 AM


Posted by: NATALIE at April 13, 2005 11:25 PM

Alanis is so butt ugly, Im so disapointed that he's dating her..gawd my opinion of his went south immedately after finding that out..I think he's just banging her so he can get his movie career in action..looks like whoring yourself out to an ugly monkey faced Canadian rich bitch disapointing..Im gonna go and puke on his behalf now.

Posted by: JFo at April 18, 2005 02:38 PM

Hey, that's a really horrible thing to say about Alanis, I think she's beautiful and has an amazing voice. She's a wonderful human being and Ryan Reynolds probably thinks he's the luckiest being alive to call her his fiancee.

Good luck to them both!

Posted by: deccaboo at April 21, 2005 10:14 AM

Hiya peeps! Come on guys give them a break. O.k Alanis might not b the most attractive woman but he obviously sees something in her else he would'nt of asked her to marry him.I have 2 admit when i first found out they were an item i was shocked as she is not the type of girl i expected Ryan 2 go for. But hey each 2 their own ay? I am so jelous though and she is 1 lucky women 2 have him to wake up next 2 in the morning. Good luck to them both i say.Ryan is the coolest, hope he keeps bringing out fab movies i loved his last 2 Blade Trinity n Amitty. His Character in Blade is just fab!I Love him C u guys. x x

Posted by: clare at April 25, 2005 10:27 AM

I think Ryan and Alanis make a great couple!. And 4 all u lot hu r sayin Alanis is butt ugly r only saying that becoz ur jealous. Ryan cn't help hu he falls in love with! so give them a break .

Ryan is hot!!

Posted by: Tara at April 26, 2005 12:51 PM

hey everyone! First of all, who ever says ' i hate ryan' and 'alanis is ugly' you need to get a life, you might not be a pretty picture yourself and just want her beauty and personality which is much better than your sucky attitudes! Secondly, ryan is soo talented especially in van wilder and blade trinity ( and he DOESNT steel the show!) Also i'd like to say that my mate tara is in love with him, ( she wrote the comment above) and im sure many people dont want their dreams smashed by putting ryan and alanis down, so if your're gonna say something nasty, dont say it at all! and thats about it i think coz ive wrote too much! See ya everyone, and keep luvin ryan coz he is a bit of allright he he! ~x~x~

Posted by: kat at April 26, 2005 01:04 PM

hey who ever said ryan is not hot could go to hell because ryan reynolds is a hottie and sexy he has a nice body. and u could see him shirtless in the amityville of horror. RYAN REYNOLDS IS THE SEXIEST GUY ALIVE!

Posted by: chrissy at April 26, 2005 10:35 PM

Some of you guys can be so mean! Even though I am completely jelous of Alanis I still think she is attractive, nothing compared to her georgeous boy friend, but still. Oh well, I wish them all the happiness in the world and to Alanis, please tell me what you did to get the hottist guy in the world????!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: Ivy at May 1, 2005 10:24 PM

Ryan is really hot!!!! I would have never have imagined him and Alanis as a couple, but i think its nice that they have found love in each other. Alanis is a very lucky lady....I'm sure she knows that!

Posted by: Jennifer at May 3, 2005 03:55 AM

Ryan Reynolds is hot ? girls, get a grip. Ryan Reynolds is the most irritating, intolerable overrated prick ever ! He's not only unbelievably ugly, but he tends to use the only facial expression in his acting skills - namely the "self-righteous aggressive eat-shit-and-die" facial expression - ad nauseam. This guy looks like he's always pissed off about something. Little snotty prick. How can that come across as attractive ???

Posted by: Gigi at May 7, 2005 05:50 PM

Thanks for deleting my post. Youre nothing but a bunch of decerebrated wimps. Its people like you that make me fear for the future of humanity.

Posted by: Gigi at May 8, 2005 09:57 AM

Hey, gigi, are you taking life a bit serious? You are acting like Ryan Reynolds did something to offend you personally. Or like you're jealous. Why waste your time visiting an article that mentions him in the first place if you dislike him so much? You also seem somehow 'threatened' to bother to find a place to post about him when you have no care for him. I guess it's your form of entertainment... I can't figure it out. Care to clue me in?

Anyway though,I don't get why people are acting like Alanis is so unattractive. Most men like the independent, talented sort. I also don't understand why so many people are acting like it matters. Most of the happy and healthy relationships I've seen don't place a large value on appearances. In fact, most people I know that are in long-term relationships aren't on the same 'beauty' level. Seeing Alanis and Ryan talk about one another is just adorable, because you can tell that they both love each other, not just each other's bodies.

p.s. However, i'm sure it isn't hard for alanis to love his body! You just have to tip your hat to that, since he did work so hard for it.

Posted by: morgana at May 28, 2005 08:24 PM

I hate Alanis M, i thought she was a fcukin leso. Ryan Reynolds can do SO much better than that lesbian. He's such an idiot.

Posted by: Kitty Kat at June 2, 2005 08:30 AM

I can fcukin bleiv Alanis M and Ryan R are bloody engaged!!!! stupid b*stards. also Balde Trinity was a pile of c*rap. the only thing that kept me awake was Ryan Reynolds. WHYS HE MARRYIN A LESO!!!!!!?

Posted by: Kitty Kat at June 2, 2005 08:35 AM

Well Morgana, yes I'll clue you in. I found this article inadvertently - didn't seek it out. But then when I realized there was a whole heap of little geese out there fretting about Reynolds like so many headless chicken, I realized there was something really wrong about modern values. Show business is hard enough, even for talented people. Those who make it without talent at least have a body. Or charisma. Or charm. Or wit. Or something. The poor fellow has neither. How he made it is a mystery to me.

And in reply to your comment : "Most men like the independent, talented sort". Hello ? what are you, twelve years old ? Stop reading fairy tales and get real. Ten years from now, you'll be singing a different song.

Posted by: Gigi at June 2, 2005 07:57 PM


Posted by: THIEN at June 2, 2005 11:26 PM

See what I mean, Morgana ? (see above post). Gosh, who cut that freak loose ? somebody get her with the net... The Ryan Reynolds Appeal really seems to attract weird specimens.

Posted by: Gigi at June 4, 2005 06:16 AM

gig, i'm 18 years old, and it must just be the difference in where we live or our life experiences, because to me you seem rather jaded. I haven't read many fairy tales lately... and most of the women in those aren't what you would call 'independent' anyway. You must have just run into some bad luck romantically, because there really are good people and good men out there that don't only see women as just... I don't know... a hot body to bounce around on or whatever. And I'm not telling you about things I've read. I'm talking about real life. If you have such a cynical, negative outlook then maybe you should start hanging around different people or something.

I'm not saying all men are great, but there are certainly are some who are. And yes, I agree that whoever made that one post needs to be chained down or receive some sort of medication. Thinking that Ryan Reynolds is nice to look at is one thing, but it seems sort of nuts to 'HATE' his fiance, especially if you don't exactly know her...

As I said before, my positive, "fairytale" outlook is probably due to my upbringing. The midwest is a much more comforting place than the coasts, from what I've heard.

Posted by: morgana at June 6, 2005 09:12 PM

yes, i agree that girl seems a bit unstable.

And just to let you know i'm quite a bit older than 12. A whole four days!!

jk. Anyway, I'm not that young. Legally I can buy porn, lottery tickets, and cigarettes. mmmmm... Regardless, though, I can't quite place what your attitude towards life seems to be. I grew up in a nice, cozy, upper-middle class midwestern environment, which is probably one of the reasons why I don't have a gloomy outlook. This is not to say that people from midwestern suburbia aren't f***ed up. PLENTY are. But I've just heard that things are much more happy-go-lucky here in the midwest than on the coasts. I guess a word to describe the vibe I'm catching would be 'jaded'.

believe me, I'm talking about people that I've known for years when I say that there really are men who see women as more than just something nice to look at and nice to bounce around on... Maybe you just hang out around bad people. I really don't know, but there are men out there who like independent and talented women. I have a friend in her late twenties who is the very epitome of talented and independent. In no way did she NEED a man, or lack finanacial resources, but it didn't seem to turn him off.... I don't see why you think that would be a deterent.

Maybe you've been dumped for a stupid, fawning, beauty queen... I just don't see why everyone here either A. thinks the world is a completely shallow place, or B. needs to some sort of pill and chill about ryan reynolds.

in reference to the 'interesting' post by THIEN- thinking a person is hot and wanting the guy you've probably never met to breakup with his fiance are on two totally different planes. we've now moved into the realm of obsession...

Posted by: morgana at June 6, 2005 09:42 PM

On the net there are sites for all kinds of thing for example.... If one person in this world likes banging door knobs chances are you WILL find a site for it AND find that there are millions of other people in this world that also agree with door knob banging. Although YOU may not agree with what these people might have to say about that topic, KEEP YOUR THOUGHTS TO YOURSELF. The site WAS NOT created for you in fact it was the exact OPPOSITE it was created BY and FOR the people that have the same INTERESTS or IDEAS on on that cretin topic. NOBODY said that when YOU come across a fan or fetish site you have NO INTEREST in that you have to post something...
What YOU see to be is a person how gets a CHEEP thrill out of fighting with other's on the net and I'll bet there's even a site for that... Soooooooooo take your LAME insults and accusations else where.
As for your SAD SAAAAAAAD attempted to to look clever by cutting Morgana down.... GROW UP casual sex and or one night stands are all about the appearance... GET to know one of those people and you'll find that other than SEX allot of the things your interested in he may not be. Allot of true attractions are all about the personality a persons personality can make them hot if you don't believe that that how's this for an idea.... Date someone based ONLY on looks and than tell me TRUTHFULLY how well the relationship went.

Posted by: BritneyMarie at June 7, 2005 08:09 PM

Ill bet because I made a few spelling mistakes in my last post that when you GIGI had finished reading it you were all about the low blows on my punctuation and spelling but any child with a grade 5 level would have bin able to pin point where and when I messed up... Im sure even with my mistakes I got my point across and that's all I care about.

Posted by: BritneyMarie at June 7, 2005 08:22 PM

I agree totally, britney. gigi leads a shallow, pathetic life if she thinks all life is about appearances.

Posted by: morgana at June 9, 2005 11:10 PM

i agree totally, britney. gigi must lead a shallow, empty life if she believes that people base everything on appearance. She's probably just been rejected at some point and deals with it by adopting a negative attitude.

gosh, gigi, get over yourself. seriously. everything is going to be ok!

Posted by: morgana at June 9, 2005 11:14 PM

sorry about my computer, it likes doing things twice, lol

Posted by: morgana at June 9, 2005 11:15 PM

Whoooah, steady girls, steady...

Well you girls certainly seem to have gotten your kicks over me - I'm glad I gave you something to release your frustrated anger on.

To begin with, you don't know me, I'm just a nonentity on the web expressing an opinion, and there you are, all ready to jump at my throat and decide unilatterally that I live, I quote, "a shallow, pathetic life". Well I sure hope it made you feel good. Glad to be of use. Obviously my intervention gave you a good reason to vent some bottled up rage you were unaware of.

I was never aggressive. I merely expressed an opinion.

So first, BritneyMarie (the name says it all, doesn't it? anyway). In answer to your question, no, I won't comment on your spelling mistakes, there are just too many of them for me to mention them all. Your use of caps is revealing enough anyway. You are one angry puppy. Get back to me once you've taken your prozac.

And no indeed, that site was not created for me - tell me something I don't know - but since it's on the World Wide Web, and therefore PUBLIC (notice my use of caps, i.e. in your world a way to emphasize something), I felt free to express my opinion. Or at least I thought I was allowed to do so, until you told me otherwise.

As for, I quote again, "LAME insults and accusations", these are neither here nor there. I never insulted or accused anybody posting on this site, neither did I attempt to "cut Morgana down", as you said, I merely replied to her. So you might wanna take that aggressivity level down one notch. Just cause someone expresses an opinion different from your own doesn't mean you have to start insulting them, BRITNEYMARIE. Well, anyway, as far as you're concerned, I'm pretty sure my enquiry about age is answered. You're surely not over 12 - and if you are, then you should seek some professional guidance.

Now to Morgana. You've got a point when you say that women in fairy tales are not exactly a model of women's independance. I'll grant you that. I'm not cynical, or jaded or negative, as you said, I just happen to have been around for some time - do me a favor and stop jumping to conclusions by saying I've been dumped recently or God knows what - which isn't the case. I just have some experience of men. That Mr. Reynolds should choose to marry an independant-minded woman like Ms. Morrissette is all to his credit - I say that in all honesty - my comments only referred to him as an actor. And I for one believe that I should be allowed to express my opinion about an actor and his skills without being insulted and without people thinking that I lead "a shallow, pathetic life". Whatever happened to freedom of speech ?

Morgana, you say you were raised in a "nice, cozy, upper-middle class midwestern environment". Good for you. That comes across to me as sound, no-nonsense, healthy upbringing. But that being the case, why do you so readily attack people on internet who just don't share your opinion ? you should know better than that. As for your attempt at differentiating people brought up in midwest from people brought up in the coasts, well it doesn't apply here, because I happen to be european. And Europe is where I live, too - always have.

So please think twice before insulting people on internet and deciding that they are "jaded" or that they "hang around the wrong people", and try to think for a second that people who don't share your opinion need not necessarily be "pathetic" or "shallow".

All I wanted, when I posted on this site, was to create an interesting discussion. It seems it's not possible nowadays to have a nice argumentative discussion about something without being insulted. Too bad, since obviously even people brought up in no-nonsense midwest families can't handle an argument without jumping to insults.

And I maintain : Ryan Reynolds is not a very good actor - anybody who'd care to prove me wrong - WITHOUT INSULTS MIND YOU - is welcome to discuss the subject with me.



Posted by: Gigi at June 10, 2005 07:35 PM

I stumbled across this site while looking for Alanis info, and, due to the shocking content, felt compelled to comment.
Girls, this stuff over! Do none of you relalize how pathetic it is that you are bashing each other over some mediocre actor whom none of you know ??!!
Gigi--you seem intelligent and somewhat cogent in your writing ability however you contradict this by obvioulsy spending a significant amount of time crafting a defence for your posting. Why bother?
Girls,go read a book and fight for a worth-while gossip and belittling for the tabloids!

Posted by: Jas at June 13, 2005 02:34 PM

You're quite right, Jas. I feel ashamed for wasting time over this. A moment of weakness. I guess it's just my naive side taking the better of me again - oh darn ! caught me unawares - and luring me into thinking that it is indeed possible to establish sensible communication with air-headed bimbos. I have to work on that. Thanks for knocking some sense into me.

Posted by: Gigi at June 13, 2005 06:42 PM

I really feel bad that Ryan Reynolds is getting married. He could do a milion times better that alanis M. and plus her voice is like crap i'd rather listen to my dog parking then listen to her. I love ryan reynolds and i totally jelouse. i loved seeing him in Blade and Ammityville and think without him in blade the movie would have been really crap.I know this is really wrong to say i hope they break up and he finds somebody much hotter than her.

thanks a lot

Posted by: Aysha at June 22, 2005 06:28 AM


no offence but i think that Ryan reynolds could do 10 times beter than Alanis,.... cum on what does he see in her????


CUM ON RYAN U KNW U R BETTER OFF without her!!!!

Posted by: Angie at July 27, 2005 07:55 AM

I like Ryan Reynolds but WHO CARES? I don't think its any of our business, so go get yourself a life instead of discussing someone else's. With all respect.

Posted by: Abla at August 14, 2005 06:12 PM

Hi. I'm a Ryan Reynolds fan and I've been curious to know why Ryan used to wear an engagement ring in public and now he doesn't anymore? And did any of you guys see that kiss between him and Rachel Mcadams at the 2005 Teen Movie Awards? He hasn't really been seen publically with Alanis in a really long time, I wonder if they've called it quits or what?

I also like to say that I think Ryan is a great actor. Blade Trinity was an alright film, but definitely made it worth buying, because of Ryan. I can't wait for his new movies to come out.

I hope he makes more movies and people start to recognize him for his efforts! Amityville was awesome. :)

Posted by: Destiny at August 16, 2005 11:01 PM

Gigi, I'm really happy there are people like you. Love the attitude, you rock! :)

Posted by: Maya at August 29, 2005 03:43 PM

Alanis that sounds like fun kick him extra hard to let your anger out. (just kidding just kick him extra hard)

Posted by: Perfume at August 30, 2005 03:15 AM

I got lost, what website is this i am so sad now.

Posted by: Eggsalad at August 30, 2005 03:19 AM

im glad dat ryan is bringin out a new film he a gud actor and his new film shud b gr8

Posted by: steph at September 1, 2005 01:12 PM

omfg!!!!!!!!i cannot believe that ryan is engaged to fucking alanis morissette. she is so fuking ugly and he can do so much better than her!! he is so hottt!!!!!!!!!! it just sickens me to see him w/ her. but just one he still engaged to her? he totally made out w/ rachel mcadams @ the teen choice thing and i dont think he would do that if he were engaged and he doesnt wear his ring anymore. also, i didnt see alanis there. God, i hope they called it quits, she has such a big fucking mouth and i h8 her songs. dont say im jealous cuz i wouldnt care if he were with a decent woman, but alanis? it just suks to c his hottness wasted on such an ugly bitch!

Posted by: ? at September 5, 2005 03:13 PM

Rachel McAdams made out with the very single Ryan Gosling not Ryan Reynolds. Sadly, Ryan and Alanis are very happy.

Posted by: Tess at October 7, 2005 02:45 AM

actually she made out with ryan gosling at the mtv movie awards, and also with ryan reynolds at the teen choice awards. dont ask me why though

Posted by: Brittany at October 18, 2005 04:56 PM