December 10, 2004

Rumours of Peter Jackson to make The Hobbit

Hobbit.jpgIs this story from Ananova too much to hope for?

The stars of Lord Of The Rings have given director Peter Jackson a promise they'll return for The Hobbit if he is prepared to make it.

Oh, that would be ever so nice, I think there's not much choice in there at all, the Hobbit is crying out to be made, and it's almost like making two out of the three books and stopping, surely we should see the story that started all this off brought to the big screen? Peter Jackson thinks so too.

Jackson has hinted that he would be interested in adapting the pre-Lord of The Rings story into a movie, and now his Hobbit stars are pushing him to go for it.

Brilliant, although it's only hinting so far, perhaps it is just Billy Boyd who has been pushing the rumour to try and get it made, maybe the rest of the cast have said nothing, still he did say:

"People want it so much. There was talk of us playing our characters' relatives. I'm sure we'd all make ourselves free for that."

What does everyone think of the idea?

Posted by Richard Brunton at December 10, 2004 01:38 PM


LOVE the idea. That particular verrsion that you have a picture of there is excellent. I read that one when I was about 13 and many of the pictures are still vivid in my memory.

Posted by: Mantiss at December 10, 2004 02:04 PM

I hope they do decide to make it.

Posted by: Daniel at December 10, 2004 03:32 PM

A The Hobbit movie would be nice, but I don't think it's a good idea to "fit" it with the LotR movie series. The Hobbit just has a completely different tone, so applying Jackson's dark vision of LotR on it would work against the story. That doesn't mean I think Jackson shouldn't do it, but I think he should reconsider the casting decisions completely, for starters.

There's also some other things you would probably want to change, such as making the dwarf make-up more acting friendly, &c.;

Posted by: Bj�rn Lindstr�m at December 10, 2004 03:42 PM

Did you really need to ask that question? You know we all wet our pants just reading the title.

Wasn't there some issues about who owns the rights to The Hobbit?

Posted by: Bombadil at December 10, 2004 03:53 PM

The one thing I've learned to never underestimate is GREED. Have faith in greed.

There is too much money to be made for this project to not get done one way or the other. THere may be some huge obsticales to overcome... but it will get done... because greed will ensure it.

See... sometimes greed can be a good thing.

Posted by: John Campea at December 10, 2004 04:39 PM

Besides, could be a very good and watchable movie. BUT...

-What STARS do they expect to appear in the movie?

As far as I know, only Ian McKellen and Ian Holm are to be those STARS. Because all the other CAST in LOTR doesn�t have a role in The Hobbit tale.

If Mr. Jackson alters so significantly the essence and nature of the story, there�s no reason to go to the cinema.

Posted by: Peter at December 10, 2004 05:22 PM

It may be difficult to pull it off, because if memory serves me correctly, and it fails me that I can't remember which studios are involved, one studio owns the rights to make the film and another owns the rights to distribute it and the two cannot come to an agreement because both want what the other has. Nobody is willing to budge because they want all the money that is sure to flow from a film version of "The Hobbit". "Spiderman" was in a similar position and it took nearly 30 years to get it resolved.

Posted by: Adam at December 10, 2004 07:08 PM

I loved "The Hobbit"! Bilbo Baggins is the kewlest of all hobbits.

Peter, you forgot Andy Serkis, he can come back as Gollum of course.

Posted by: Simone at December 10, 2004 07:57 PM

It's a pipe dream, pure and simple.

The rights are split between two companies (New Line and MGM / Sony), neither of which are about to hand the other one a billion dollar payday and neither of which has shown any inclination to even share profits with the other. People have been talking about this from the day Fellowship released and it's just not going to happen. So get over it.

And besides the money issues the original stars will be too old to do the film anyway ... Ian Holm would need to look about 30-40 years younger than he is to play Bilbo in The Hobbit and McKellan's mobility isn't what it was which makes him playing a much more physically involved Gandalf - he hacks and slashes his way through an awful lot of orcs - very unlikely. And if on the off chance they decided to show the Necromancer on screen there's a pretty good chance Chritopher Lee would be dead before he had the chance to film anything, even if production were gearing up right now. He's not a young man and he's a long way away from being in good health ... the ONLY one who could likely do it would be Huo Weaving ...

Posted by: Todd at December 10, 2004 11:16 PM

I agree and disagree with Todd. The cast would have to be different... but this movie WILL get made. Too much money to be made for everyone involved. It'll get done.

Posted by: John Campea at December 11, 2004 12:02 AM

I think it will be made someday, as well. It probably will have different actors in the same roles -- a younger actor will play Gandalf, for example, and that's pretty much a given and we expect that.

I predict Jackson himself won't direct, but he will probably executive produce and be instrumental in helping to get the rights sorted out between WB and Sony (they'll either go 50/50 or one takes domestic, the other international, and DVD, cable and TV broadcast rights similarly divided up). I predict it will be made and released by the end of this decade.

Who knows. If this works, we may see other movies with original plots that are based upon the history of Middle Earth as chronicled in the Similarian.

Posted by: Mark at December 11, 2004 01:22 AM

I don't know though. Gandalf is already hundreds of years old. Would he really age all that much between Bilbo's youth and Frodo's? I don't think so.

Posted by: Mantiss at December 11, 2004 01:02 PM

PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE PETER!!! You have got to make The Hobit. It has always been my favorite book and after The Lord of the Rings, I am positive that you are the only one capable of fulfilling my mental image. You don't understand how much everyone in Arizona loved the Lord of the Rings. It seems like everyone I talk to agrees that Peter Jackson is THE MAN. I was cheering after The Lord of the Rings...please, make me cheer again Peter!

Posted by: Devin Hon at December 11, 2004 06:03 PM

It would be an indescribable shame if Jackson and the 'Rings actors would not make the Hobbit. The thought of the two movies being inconsistent (presumably someone would EVENTUALLY make the Hobbit) just sickens me. Bilbo, Gandalf, Elrond ALL really REALLY need to be played by the same actors.

It would be really cool if people made movies based on the Silmarillion. I wouldn't expect that we would retain any of the same actors for those potential films (which would already have an incredible standard to live up to).

Anyway...Silmarillion movies aside, Peter simply MUST do the Hobbit within the next few years.

Posted by: Benjamin Padula at December 11, 2004 07:38 PM

I like the hobbit more then the LOTR!

Posted by: p01nt at December 12, 2004 09:07 AM

Mantiss: the issue isn't that Gandalf would need to look younger because he should look pretty much the same, it's that McKellan is significantly older now than he was when film started rolling on the Rings films. He looks his age and is less able to do the physical work now than he was then, which is a problem considering the Gandalf of The Hobbit is FAR more involved physically than the Gandalf of LOTR. If they were to use him they'd have to stunt double virtually every other scene that he was in and it's just not possible to conceal that much ...

John: if MGM and New Line were going to do a deal it would've happened when interest in the LOTR films was at its peak. Years have rolled by now with nothing ... a deal getting done becomes less likely with time, not more.

Oh ... and there's always the fact that Jackson has said he wants to make a small film or two after Kong (he's already got the scripts lined up) before making anything that'll eat up entire years of his life again. Between Kong and the new projects he wouldn't be available for something like this for AT LEAST another five years. It wouldn't surprise me to see him produce something, but I'll be shocked if he were to direct ...

Posted by: Todd at December 12, 2004 01:01 PM

I think you'll find Ian McKellen is in rude health playing Widow Twanky at the Old Vic.

Posted by: Spud at December 12, 2004 08:33 PM

This is old news that's been repackaged. I read the same story (ie Jackson wants to do it, cast are keen, etc) when ROTK was released.

So why bring it up again? And why now? Could it be there's a certain DVD release...

Posted by: John at December 14, 2004 05:13 AM

Winston churchill said: I am an optimist I don't see much use in being anything else. I feel the same way. It is wise to not hope too much in case you hopes are dashed (hollywood is littered with good movies that never get made) but if you are optimistic about a Hobbit project there is a lot to be hopeful about.
Ian Mckellan is playing Magneto in the upcoming X3 (in development hell but it'll get made) and although Gandalf dispatches a few orcs in this we are still not talking Kung Fu or wire work. He'll be able to do most of it. Similarly Ian Holm looked fine in the finding the ring scene at the beginning of the fellowship although he could be recast (Ian McK has to stay on as gandalf! there isn't anyone else).
Arguements about Jackson directing are more worrying since he's hot stuff now and may be getting some pretty hefty offers for the next few years (especially if KK goes well). never the less he enjoyed making the trilogy and there won't be the doubt about this one unless he really balls' it up.
I don't think the studio issues will be a problem and just because they haven't been sorted doesn't mean they won't be, the wheels in hollywood turn very slowly sometimes. Like the man said Greed can be a powerful drive to get things sorted out.
All the nay saying aside, the book is full of crowd pleasers, the climactic battle alone would be a master peice, smaug himself, beorn the bear/man dude... the list goes on. There is a lot of good will following the trilogy and the logistics of getting the cast arn't huge since very few cast members need be brought back which will make the project more likely (mortensen, bloom, tyler etc. are all flying high and their prices will have risen but their services arn't required.)
Thinking about it this is one of the most likely movie sequel we will see in the next few years. a few niggles over director and rights to be ironed out and a sure fire hit to act as the incentive to get them sorted out.

Posted by: Jim at December 14, 2004 06:39 AM

The Hobbit tone would not be so dark as LOTR because Sauron has not come back yet and the fall of ME is not imminent as in LOTR. Think of the early scenes of LOTR-1 for Bilbo's party, etc... It is a precursor, so I'm sure it will be lighter, but as real and moments with orcs, Gollum and Smaug will be as dramatic. A balance can be found - Bilbo is lighter element, but dwarves, orcs, Smaug, Mirkwood, etc... aren't throughout the book in reality, although writing style is lighter. But real story isn't. Tricky bit will be the wood elves - read slightly more dark in the book but that is just mistrust of dwarves and strangers, so they'll have to make them an obstacle with seeming evil. I'm sure they'll pull it off with all the resources and Tolkien experts they can call on.

I hope they do it, and also work on stories from the Silmarillon which are incredible works themselves (Beren and Luthien, Fall of Gondolin, etc...). All the great works of Tolkien if brought with same quality of LOTR are a great film franchise, without being Hollywood tacky like typical franchises I, II, III, IV... Some think it is "sacrilege", but Jackson has proven his worth to do it/them.

Posted by: Chuck at December 14, 2004 03:06 PM

"Bilbo, Gandalf, Elrond" - without a doubt Ian Holm doesn't have to be brought back. There are more than enough actors in their early 30s that would suit the role of Bilbo.

I do agree though that Gandalf could not be recast without a lot of fan anger. He lives 2000 years looking essentially the same (the 5 Wizards he arrive on the shores of Middle Earth appearing as wise, old men). He isn't easily replaced by another older man (a la Dumbledore in Harry Potter.)

As for getting movies made, studio ownership and management changes hands on ongoing basis. Sooner or later there will be parties on both sides that want to get a movie made. Don't forget, a guaranteed winner like this is low hanging fruit for a newly hired stuido exec wanting to hit budgets.


Posted by: Colin at December 15, 2004 11:36 AM

I think that if they make the Hobbit, they will be killing the series. I hated the first and second movies, and I hope Peter Jackson will not make another.

Posted by: Tal Shprecher at December 15, 2004 06:49 PM

Any of you who do not think this will be made are idiots. Jackson will direct and the same writing team will write it. I'd say it will happen within the next 5 years and a release before the end of the decade.

Posted by: Weston Ford at December 17, 2004 09:41 AM

PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE PETER!!! You have got to make The Hobbit. It has always been my favorite book and after The Lord of the Rings, I am positive that you are the only one capable of fulfilling my mental image. You don't understand how much everyone in Pakistan loved the Lord of the Rings. It seems like everyone I talk to agrees that Peter Jackson is THE MAN. I was cheering after The Lord of the Rings...please, make me cheer again Peter! i think Sir Ian Mackellen, Ian Holm,& Andy Serkis woulb be added..then the film will be a super duper hit if peter didn't cast them no one will like that movie...because they know that those three actors act very very have to direct this atleast 2005 December 25..IAM WITH YOU PETER DIRECT IT....

Posted by: Naqash Ahmed at December 21, 2004 06:47 AM

Hi people, I am from Slovakia and have found this site after searching for news about The Hobbit movie. I dont understand why and how, but I have found information (at one slovak site) that the hobbit is already made. The author of that article was describing the characters and the movie, as if he had seen it!!! And now, now I really dont know what to think about it..

Posted by: talla at December 22, 2004 06:14 AM

There is. It's an animated tale and it's here

Posted by: Richard at December 22, 2004 08:03 AM

Yes, They should make THE HOBBITT. I think they should have made it before 1,2&3.
About the ages of the actors. Gandalf would be ok,but Bilbo would have to be alot younger.I know the perfect guy to replace him and he has very similiar traits.WHO???? That guy who plays Monk on that TV show on USA called "MONK". He really does look like him. It would be such a close match,I don't think people would notice.

Posted by: Whitney at December 23, 2004 12:06 AM

The Hobbit-a masterpiece, if it is made. No elf, dwarf, hobbit, or man could be content with the three Ring movies without this little bit. If a person has ever made an elf costume, attempted lembas, or spoken fluent elvish while their friends stared and tried to figure out what they meant, they need more. Vote yes to the Hobbit!!!!

Posted by: Lossenelenwen at December 28, 2004 11:06 AM

Quoted from a user above:
"He looks his age and is less able to do the physical work now than he was then, which is a problem considering the Gandalf of The Hobbit is FAR more involved physically than the Gandalf of LOTR. If they were to use him they'd have to stunt double virtually every other scene that he was in and it's just not possible to conceal that much ..."

It is ENTIRELY possible to conceal that much. Do you really think all of the actors who played the hobbits in LOTR are THAT short? A *woman* who is 3-4' high played each and every one of them during long shots.

If they can conceal so well the height of an actor making them look like tiny people, surely they can conceal a stunt double.

Seriously...think about it.

Posted by: Josh at December 28, 2004 01:45 PM

I hope Jackson makes it. If he doesn't some other second rate slob will, and waste the whole idea

Posted by: legolas at January 5, 2005 07:11 PM

Only orcs wouldn't want to see the Hobbit made as a prequel to the LOTR. Although Jackson altered a good deal of LoTR when he made it, I believe he has the best approach and the vision to re-create the Hobbit. If Tolkien had lived to see LOTR on the screen, I'm guessing he would have been satisfied with the overall effect.He, however,
may have taken exception to the omissions in LOTR.
Anyway, Jackson has the Valar on his side.

Posted by: melian at January 5, 2005 07:22 PM

Ahem John, meet crow. I hear he's tasty. Hee hee ...

And what's up with your name on all the stuff I wrote here!?! That link confirms the story I reported here months ago, though the by-line on it is now sporting a big ol' 'John Campea' instead of 'Bubba' ...

Posted by: Todd at January 5, 2005 07:37 PM

I am so glad that George W. Bush has been re-elected! Now we can live, at least for four more years, in freedom to watch Peter Jackson's movies. Yea Republicans!

Posted by: chris at January 8, 2005 10:51 PM

If they do make another movie, the cast should be different, they have made history by taking part of the Lord of The Rings Trilogy, its time for them to move on and let others take the part of the amazing adventure of Tolkien!

Posted by: Kitten at January 9, 2005 05:18 PM

Why don't we focus on what IS being made right now. The Narnia series! YAY!

Posted by: Wrecks at January 13, 2005 02:51 PM

chris from JANUARY 8 is a frikkin MORON. what the hell does george bush's re-election have to do with being able to watch lotr? whether you like him or not (and he does royally suck by the way, but thats a whole other argument, and has nothing to do with this), his re-election in no way influences your ability to watch a movie...

Posted by: andrew at January 13, 2005 04:37 PM

Im pretty sure jackson will make the hobbit.Andy serkis will definitely be gollum.Jackson obviously was extremely impressed with serkis's acting abilites and serkis is involved in King Kong as we speak.As someone said earlier Mckellen is involved with Xmen3 and in the previous xmen films he wasnt physically challanged,nor the lord of the rings.Ok so there was some swinging of staffs and stuff like that.But for his age(he isnt that old)he can manage to do most things required of actors.I would definitely love to see Ian holm's back as bilbo(opening scene in the fellowship in the cave with him finding the ring was great)and yes I know he's pretty old now but I think he could manage another film.It depends really when production is going to start.I do not agree that previous any of the other actors,ie,sean astin,elijah woods,billy boyd etc etc should be included in the hobbit as it happened long before the fellowship.But yes I agree with everyone who said that greed and money will decide the fate of the hobbit.

On a final note I do think tolkien would have been happen with the visual effects of lord of the rings and the directing for the most part.I dont think he would have been happy with fran or philipa's writting.They used very little original tolkien dialogue.I do kinda understand that the majority of newcomers to tolkiens world would not have understood the language of tolkien and so I suppose they were right to alter the scripts.But in the extended versions I think they should have used a lot more quotes from the book.

Posted by: brian at January 13, 2005 05:59 PM


I will start it on dec 11th..

All the best and thank you.

Posted by: Peter_Jackson at January 25, 2005 12:41 PM

I would be absolutely outraged if Jackson refuses to make the movie, or if Ian is not casted as Gandalf, or if some blasphemous legal issue prevents the production of the movie... Anyhow, I have an utter desire to see the Battle of Five Armies on the big screen (in addition to the entire storyline, of course; and if this desire is unfulfilled, my life will lose all its meaning.

Posted by: Illuvatar at February 3, 2005 10:22 PM

I have just told you, are you a thick hobbit?

I am making it..

P. Jackson.

Posted by: Peter_Jackson at February 4, 2005 01:00 PM

no seriously I'm just a n00b who thinks he's peter jackson and I like to post on shout boards actually it's hobby of mine.I think people are so gullible that they'll believe me,but in actual fact I make myself look even more stupid.Oh and even thought I'm(SUPPOSEDLY)starting the hobbit dec 11th,I don't bother saying what year just to add to the(SUSPENCE).Isn't it amazing that not one single mention of a hobbit pre production start date can be found anywhere on the internet but yet here I(PETER JACKSON)am announcing this to the world on a shoutboard which conviently happens to be called''Rumours of Peter Jackson to make The Hobbit''(HOW IRONIC)

In summary get a life you loser and stop using famous peoples names to get attention

OWNED :) :) :)

Posted by: P. Jackson at February 12, 2005 07:42 AM

I am Fuckenhead Doing nothing. I think that P. Jackson should not make The Hobbit, because it would end up in a big flop like the Matrix Revolutions. He should retire and get a horny prostitute ready under the bed.

Owned by ~Fuckhead`

Posted by: Fuckenhead at April 19, 2005 06:44 AM

I think The Hobbit will become a great movie, and that Peter Jackson will amaze us once again!
I wonder if there is any chance I could apply for one of the parts, I have the face of an orc, that would save some make up expensives. I´m in!

Posted by: zigg1 at May 23, 2005 01:13 PM

HOBBIT? What else in the world do you think we want and have been trying to stay alive for? We all keep going to Lord of the Ring sites hoping to read the grand awaited news that Jackson and the rest will start the filming--Gee's all of you (both property owners) will make a fortune so get together while Peter Jackson, Billy "the lovely" Boyd and all the rest of the wonderful cast could play their own relatives or themselves what ever the case maybe.
Tioraidh, mar sin leibh an-drásdá,
Alexa nicSherry
Could I be an extra? [email protected]

Posted by: Alexa MacSherry at June 5, 2005 06:02 PM

After watching The Return of the King in theatres, going to the cinima for movies has lost all effect because i know nothing will ever top it. The only reason i still have hope to be entertained is the hobbit. Oh god make it!

Posted by: chris at July 5, 2005 12:18 PM

I personaly would love to see you make the movie The Hobbit, It needs to be done. You are the only one Mr. Peter Jackoson who is capable of doing so. I love the LOTR trilogy, I do hope you get the rights to so.

Maine Fan

Posted by: Kim Owens at July 12, 2005 02:15 PM

Well I think that The Hobbit should DEFINITELY be made. I, like many other people think that Ian Mckellen should be Gandalf. I also think that if it was made, then Orlando Bloom should be the Elven King in Mirkwood (seeing as he is Legolas' father). Also, if it wasnt made in New Zealand, South Spain would be good place to make it. If you live there, you can see lots of scenery that would be perfect for Middle Earth.
It wouldnt be fair not to make it as it would dissapiont me and millions of other people worldwide, so PLEASE make it peter Jackson. Thank you.
Oh yes, by the way, I would also (I think) make a good extra, so, PJ, if you make it, my email is [email protected]
Thank you.

Posted by: zppygirdlepants at July 30, 2005 10:26 AM

Well I think that The Hobbit should DEFINITELY be made. I, like many other people think that Ian Mckellen should be Gandalf. I also think that if it was made, then Orlando Bloom should be the Elven King in Mirkwood (seeing as he is Legolas' father). Also, if it wasnt made in New Zealand, South Spain would be good place to make it. If you live there, you can see lots of scenery that would be perfect for Middle Earth.
It wouldnt be fair not to make it as it would dissapiont me and millions of other people worldwide, so PLEASE make it peter Jackson. Thank you.
Oh yes, by the way, I would also (I think) make a good extra, so, PJ, if you make it, my email is [email protected]
Thank you, Connor.

Posted by: Shark_of_Mirkwood at July 30, 2005 10:27 AM

Well I think that The Hobbit should DEFINITELY be made. I, like many other people think that Ian Mckellen should be Gandalf. I also think that if it was made, then Orlando Bloom should be the Elven King in Mirkwood (seeing as he is Legolas' father). Also, if it wasnt made in New Zealand, South Spain would be good place to make it. If you live there, you can see lots of scenery that would be perfect for Middle Earth.
It wouldnt be fair not to make it as it would dissapiont me and millions of other people worldwide, so PLEASE make it Peter Jackson. Thank you.
Oh yes, by the way, I would also (I think) make a good extra in the film, so, PJ, if you make it, my email address is [email protected]
Thank you, Connor.

Posted by: Shark_of_Mirkwood at July 30, 2005 10:31 AM

No one seems to remember that the one ring halts aging. Bilbo may have been 60 yrs younger in The Hobbit, but his physical apperance would be the same as he was in the LOTR (before he gave the ring to Frodo, of course, then his real age started to show again)

Posted by: doc inman at August 13, 2005 12:15 PM

i would cry so much if the did, good tears that is, and cry so much if they didnt, bad tears of course

Posted by: drew at August 17, 2005 03:32 AM

Hollywood wonders why its not making good business lately and nobody is going to the movies......cuz they keep rolling out one crappy movie after another! If the hobbit were made it would be a massive bonanza of money for all involved. C'mon and make the hobbit! we wants it! we wants the preciousssssss!!!

Posted by: Papasnuff at August 30, 2005 08:55 PM