December 08, 2004

Pink to write her own movie!

Pink.jpgYeah. you might as well look up in disgust Ms Pink! IMDB have a great sense of humour, and they show it in this post about Pink and her efforts for the big screen:

[Pink] wants to tell her own story, following the decision to postpone a planned biopic of sixties icon Janis Joplin, starring Pink in the lead role. Pink - whose acting experience is limited to a cameo role in Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle - says, "I plan to write a film script based on them. They are shocking, inspiring and, above all, true to my heart." She plans to call the movie The Diary of Pink.

I love that bit, whose acting experience is limited to a cameo role, that made me smile. Oh dear me, The Diary of Pink, killer title! I suspect John may have something to say on this one!

Posted by at December 8, 2004 01:12 PM


I'm sure it'll be fun to see what Pink has to come up with. It'll kinda be like Eminem and 8 Mile, but with a girl this time. And the Janis Joplin Biopic sounds like fun too, since I'm kinda a fan. We'll all just have to wait and see.

Posted by: Anthony at December 13, 2004 02:33 PM

I personally think pink will be fantastic in her film, and will succeed in it! if eminem can do it surely p!nk can!


Posted by: laura at December 18, 2004 04:00 PM

I think that pink's movie will be great she's so talented. But the name should be changed

Posted by: axel at December 19, 2004 09:41 PM

Pink is amazing, and it'd be great to see her in her own movie... So everyone can see how talented she is... Go on Pink!!!

Posted by: Italian Fan at December 23, 2004 08:29 AM

Go P!NK u rock the film will be great i luv ya i'm a great fan of hers and i would love to be in the film with her!!! but that would be impossible. So cant wait till Catacombs comes out along with her new single from her new album and her Dvd " Live In Europe " This summer is gonna be Great!!!

Posted by: Dean at June 7, 2005 04:26 PM

i think it would be an amazing film to see.....
people dont realy know much about p!nk before she was famous....besides the fans....i think that if the film was fictional and everybody went to see it they would say it was an amazing film..and then toled that it was about p! sure it would change some peoples opnions on her....
i would kill to see pink star in a moive im sure shed do an amazing job...and if the frim was about her life it would be evin better!

Posted by: Ciara at September 18, 2005 09:48 AM

k what can i say pinks had a tough life but so has many other poeple like myself but the thing that keeps poeple like us going is to help those who are in a worse condtion i may have experience harsh times but i have a roof over my head and food n hopefully one day il be out there with poeple who actually care. so lets hope the movie will move poeple!

Posted by: kully at October 7, 2005 04:11 PM

GO!P!nk,Go!P!nk Its ya Birthday! Its ya Birthday!

Posted by: DorianxXxFarmer at October 16, 2005 03:14 PM

hurry up with the movie i wanna see it i cant hold on much longer

Posted by: norman.laurence at October 17, 2005 06:54 PM

hi i hope it gose well.

cause you like totally rock!!!

Posted by: Sarah Moss at October 17, 2005 06:56 PM

pink is hot coll and funny i lovede charlies angles and cant wait for her up coming movies to cool for school ps if any one knows when the movies coming out tell me k

Posted by: Kerrie Harrold at October 17, 2005 07:02 PM