December 13, 2004

News from producers of Saw 2 script

sawposter4.jpgGreg Hoffman, the Producer at Lions Gate, has talked on Coming Soon about the script for Saw 2, and it's certainly interesting and could go either way.

Hoffman said it will be based largely on an unrelated horror script his company, Evolution Entertainment, bought from another script writer. The central character in the original, a sadistic killer called Jigsaw, will be written into the script...

...We quickly realised it (the new script) was a natural to become a sequel. Some (characters) are coming back, some aren't. It's mostly brand new characters, but there's a couple of people coming back.

Mmm...they've taken a script they already had and have worked it into the Saw 2 title. Disaster or success, I'm not too sure, and although we really will have to wait and see and hope, it does lean towards disaster for me already. Shoehorning a script into a sequel title? Get your comments in!

However, there is still hope on the horizon. Hoffman went on to talk about the involvement of the original team, James Wan and Leigh Whannel:

"The boys are attached as executive producers and we'll deal with that in the next few weeks in terms of their involvement and who is going to be directing,"

So they still could direct? When they previously talked about it the suggestion was that they wouldn't want to, but let's just hope it all comes together and works as well as the original, if not better!

Posted by Richard Brunton at December 13, 2004 04:15 AM


i unfortunately saw SAW 1 and was extremely dissapointed. i'm sure there are alot of people who feel the same way. why would i, or anyone else, want to sit through another SAW? why?

Posted by: TheKingInYellow at December 13, 2004 09:50 AM

I agree. It was sadistic but not scary in the true sense of the word.


Posted by: Screen Rant at December 13, 2004 12:10 PM

When I first saw �Saw� it kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time I was watching. Normally if I'm watching a movie at the theaters I want complete silence but I screamed and yelled for death of killer like a lot of people did. Then on the car ride back home I thought about what I had seen and in tens minutes named about 3 or 4 major plot holes to my brother. The killer had little or no purpose in what he was doing and if Danny Glover couldn't figure out whom the killer really was then he deserved to die. A sequel can only be a waste of time.

Posted by: Alfredo at December 13, 2004 04:12 PM

What always like to tell people is that the movie SAW is not movie. It's more of an exercise of evil. When tell people this it makes them want to see it even more though.

Posted by: frankwolftown at December 13, 2004 05:08 PM

I really enjoyed Saw. However, this idea seems really bad. Am I alone in thinking that 80% of Hollywood doesn't have a clue?

Posted by: LORD ALKY DARK LORD OF THE SITH at December 13, 2004 08:36 PM

Die Hard 2 was based on a screenplay that was not originally written as a sequel to Die Hard.

Take that for what it's worth. (Some like Die Hard 2, some don't.)

Posted by: Mark at December 14, 2004 12:36 AM

I thought Saw was a pretty good movie for the budget they were presented with. I wasn't looking for scary coming into the theater, I was looking for a movie about a killer and I got it. The ending was the best part and is largely why I like the movie. I hope they don't completely ruin the movie with this idea for the sequel.

Posted by: JD at January 8, 2005 03:11 AM

I really liked the movie because of the big twist . I thought it would be a scary movie with one of those bad endings. Well it wasn't I thought it was more of a destribing movie which i like and guessing movie sort of. I hope the sequel is just as good with a new and better twist then the first

Posted by: Adam at February 17, 2005 11:21 AM

Saw was incredible and I don't care what anyone says.

It delved into the peak of society. It showed us the wrongs of mankind and the punishments that are instore for us eventually. As a cutter, I really connected with the man who had to go through the barbed wire maze. It really made me think. I suppose those who do not take the time to study psychology as I have do not understand the brilliance of this masterpiece. The acting was incredible, and if any one has any sense at all about psychology, they will appreciate the movie much more.

Posted by: cara at February 17, 2005 07:50 PM

Saw was the greatest movie ever made in the history of all mankind and whoever dosnt think so is insane because it WAS original and thrilling and it had the greatest plot twist anyone could ever think of. PLUS Adam is the hottest thing ive ever seen in my life except for chester of course.

Posted by: Ashley at February 22, 2005 11:08 AM

As someone who adores psychoogical thrillers as much as I do, I must say that this movie was at the top of it's game. It is defintely one of my favorites now that I've seen it and it will soon grace my DVD rack with the likes of Red Dragon, Taking Lives, Kiss the Girls, and many other movies that dare to delve into the psyches of those less stable. Also, must say I agree with cara when she says "...those who do not take the time to study psychology as I have do not understand the brilliance of this masterpiece," because it's true.

Posted by: jackie at February 28, 2005 02:06 PM

i think that saw is the..... best movie ever and it shoud continue.

Posted by: silviu at March 22, 2005 07:47 AM

I think Saw 2 is going to be alot like The Ring Two. The Ring Two gets completely off the plat-line of the first movie and doesn't hardly relate at all the the first. From what I hear, this is going to be the case with Saw 2...

Posted by: Kylea at March 25, 2005 10:59 PM

I rented Saw one night, and I heard mixed reviews about this movie, but I gave it a shot, and i found loving every minute of it. Now as I watch my DVD of Saw, i always wondered why was Danny Glover's Character Sane in the first part of the movie, then insane towards the end.

Posted by: Aaron at April 5, 2005 09:48 AM

This movie was not meant to be scary for those of you who noticed that it wasn't. If you are a true lover and understander of movies such as this, you would have discovered the dazzling genuis conclusion of the whole movie. I ended the movie with my mouth gaping open. The only reason someone should not like Saw is simply because they did not understand it. Now, I was thinking if perhaps Saw 2 was just the other half of this script written by the two young men, I would saw let's see it but now that I realize it is some bought off screenplay, I'm not so sure it will be even worth calling "saw".

Posted by: Mik at April 11, 2005 05:00 PM

for cara and jackie...I agree with you in that this is definitely one of the top psych thrillers ever put out. I also agree with the psychological aspect...I've been in and out of a couple of psychiatric hospitals and learned a lot about things in that field... with that in my past I somehow feel a connection with jigsaw's victims. I felt like I could temporarily become one of those guys chained in that dungeon, or tangled in a barbwire maze and when that happens it just makes you scared shitless!...but in a way that makes you enjoy the film. I'm looking forward to Saw 2 whether it sucks or not.

Posted by: Emory at May 1, 2005 12:30 AM

I can't disagree with you more, Mik. If this movie frighten's somebody, then it frighten's somebody. it's doesn't mean that you are too absorbed in being frightened that you can't understand the genius of the film. I happen to realize that every second of this movie is brilliant on top of being scared out of my wits...don't jump to conclusions.

Posted by: Emory at May 1, 2005 12:35 AM

I Disagree With "TheKingInYellow". I Am so pumped for saw 2. i have been counting down the days. saw is a great movie. with a very important concept to it. Its not another dumb "scary" movie. it has a true meaning to the movie. If you never got that. that means your were not paying attention to the movie at all. It shows people not to take stuff for granted. But with a twist. Maybe you should re-watch the movie and maybe pay more attention to the story it gives you.

Posted by: Placbo at May 28, 2005 10:32 PM

I think Saw definitely fell flat in a couple of scenes. Some lines were a tad cliche, acting was mediocre (but then again, horror movie actors really only have to look scared and horrified most of the time anyway), and there was too many script holes...


I loved that style of screenshot, with the eerie lense light and the dank, cold feeling it creates. Yes, it was a lot like Se7en and The Silence of the Lambs with the extremely dark side of the human nature being focused on. I didn't particularly *enjoy* watching those scenes - did anybody else feel mentally dirty by their deviant quality?

Posted by: Alice at June 4, 2005 04:37 AM

I found Saw was a very twisted story that kept me thinking what would happen next. Iam a fan of physcological thrillers, they are the only ones that really scare me. they scare me at the thought if " that might happen to me.. Oh @#*&, don't want to think about it. Saw made me check behind doors for a month, if the second one is as good as the first, then i say go ahead and show it. If it sucks, oh well i just won't watch it again so what.

Posted by: fgfgbbgjfbgl at September 25, 2005 02:33 AM

An exercise of evil? It's a scary movie, my gosh! There are more than 500 other movies that are most likely worse than Saw. Like "House of a thousand Corpses." (That movie was way too bloody, torturey, and too R raided for me)

Saw was kind of sick, scary, and it was an unexpected movie. But dont we all love movies like that? I do! <3

I for one, thought the plot was absolutely brilliant! Sheer Brilliance! Nobody in this whole world would of had invented something so amazing!

It was so twisty and turny and everything fit togethor so well! It was like a puzzle and at the end of the movie, you find out that the puzzle was already put togethor right in front of your face!

Most people don't like it because they are not "Scary Movie Critics" or just get disgusted with twisted, creepy plots. Alot of people are too blind to actually see the remarkable creativeness in this movie.

I am sooo looking forward to the sequal. It might be a little cheesy, but I don't care. It's just a scary movie and I'm not going to die and tell everyone it was stupid and a waste of time. I'm sure Saw will follow up to it's name.


Posted by: Lizzy at October 11, 2005 11:27 PM