December 01, 2004

Natalie Portman In the Next Indiana Jones?

portman7.jpgFile this one under rumour of the day. But it's an interesting enough one to talk about here. Word is that Natalie Portman could be landing a spot in the new (if it EVER actually gets made) Indiana Jones flick, possibly as Indy's daughter. JoBlo offers up this little tid bit:

...there's already talking about the actress working with George Lucas again on another multi-million dollar franchise entry, Indiana Jones. Even before filming had wrapped on The Phantom Menace, Portman let the director know that she'd love a part in the next Indiana Jones movie back, and the word is, he might have found a slot for her in the anticipated sequel.
There are a couple of obvious elements here that make this plausible. From all account Portman has enjoyed working with Lucas and Lucas with Portman. Personally I'd like to work with Portman too. Call me. I think this would be a nice fit... but at the pace the Indy project is moving at Portman will have to end up playing Indy's GRANDdaughter.

Posted by John Campea at December 1, 2004 06:53 AM


Cool rumor. I wonder who her Mom would be? Indy got around. :D

Posted by: tealfan at December 1, 2004 05:21 PM

:sick thought:: Maybe he'll have some contreversy, and his 'baby momma' is one of his highschool students....::shudder:: I smell the lawsuits now.


Posted by: Xun at December 1, 2004 06:05 PM

"...but at the pace the Indy project is moving at Portman will have to end up playing Indy's GRANDdaughter." That doesn't even make sense! How would the length of time it takes for a movie to be made change the generation gap? I mean, if you go a few years without seeing your father, does he suddenly become your GRANDfather?

Anyway, that could be cool having Natalie Portman in an Indiana Jones film. I'm more interested in seeing her in Closer ;-)...

Now, there are a lot of people who may want to beat me for saying this, but...Steven Speilberg has admitted that the Indiana Jones movies were inspired by the James Bond films. Well, there have been, to date, 5 actors who have portrayed the suave spy over the years -- and that's only counting the Broccolli Productions -- so who's to say that the torch cannot be passed to a new actor? I mean, I love Harrison Ford, but I love Sean Connery as well. But for every Sean Connery, there is a Pierce Brosnan, or (insert name of your favorite Bond actor here).

I mean, let's face it, Ford is getting up there. He's still a great actor, and still physically fit, but he's a little too old to be believable as a world trekking, Nazi fighting, damsel (or father) rescuing, slave children saving, adventurous archeologist.

Posted by: Justin at December 1, 2004 11:37 PM

To hell with the story, isn't she cute?

Posted by: Richard at December 2, 2004 02:29 AM

Yes. Yes, she is...

(Drooling on myself.....)

Posted by: Justin at December 2, 2004 12:18 PM

"...but at the pace the Indy project is moving at Portman will have to end up playing Indy's GRANDdaughter." That doesn't even make sense! How would the length of time it takes for a movie to be made change the generation gap? I mean, if you go a few years without seeing your father, does he suddenly become your GRANDfather?

Justin, John was obviously just kidding.

Any movie with Portman in it will be refreshing. I cant wait to watch "Garden State" this weekend and of course "Closer" when it comes out.

Posted by: Simone at December 6, 2004 02:58 PM

You know what, she sucked in star wars, and she'll suck in indiana jones. she's too boring. just cuz shes hot doesn't mean anything.

Posted by: neehi at December 24, 2004 08:58 PM

please let me know Natalie Portmans email address~

Posted by: taylor at February 9, 2005 10:31 AM

Hmmmm....I'd watch anything with Portman in it. She won me over in "Leon", then the rest is history.

She was excellent in "Garden State" and of course, "Closer" where she picked up her Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actress.

The Academy nomination alone will put to rest questions about her acting abilities.

Posted by: Simone at February 9, 2005 11:11 AM

Mabe Natalie should get a fan E-mail address just so people would stop asking!!

Posted by: ********** at June 7, 2005 06:40 PM