December 09, 2004

Name these Movies

Quiz_1.jpgHey folks, John here.

I love getting these kinds of emails. Darko from Belgium wrote me with a bit of a quiz. He needs to know what 3 movies these pictures come from. Any of you want to take a crak at it?

In the comments section, name the film from top to bottom and you'll win... ummmm... a sense of self worth! Come on! Everyone would like some self worth!

Posted by John Campea at December 9, 2004 07:07 AM


First one is from scarface, i think.

Posted by: Jennifer at December 9, 2004 08:30 AM

I actually have no clue. Sad thing is they all look familiar :)

Posted by: Jennifer at December 9, 2004 08:31 AM

I think the 2nd one is from Supernova

Posted by: Brad at December 9, 2004 09:13 AM

Actually, I think the first one's from Commando. No clue on the others.

Posted by: Tanya at December 9, 2004 12:11 PM

I'm 100% that the first one is from Commando (that's the guy John Matrix kills on the airplane), the other two? No idea. But I'm curious about the second.

Posted by: Rawhead at December 9, 2004 12:39 PM

First Pic: Ike (played by Rondell Richards) and Tina story, aired May 1986 on ABC

Second Pic:
Deleted Scene from Minority Report, starring Tom Cruise

Third Pic: Test shot for Austrailian actor Rodney Quinn in the 1974 remake of "The Great Gatsby" for the BBC

Actually I'm lying. I don't know and best of all I really don't care.

Posted by: Ronold at December 9, 2004 01:28 PM

#1: Commando
#2: Supernova
#3: no clue. I was going to say Frequency, but the picture quality looks like it's from the 80s. And that aint Jim Caviezel.

Posted by: LilGryphMaster at December 9, 2004 03:41 PM

#1- Commando

#2- Supernova

#3- I could be wrong, but it looks like Daniel Day Lewis in My Left Foot.

Posted by: PerineumLick at December 9, 2004 07:09 PM

For those of you who get a kick out of identifying screen is a great weekly quiz that I've been going to for a couple years (it's on it's second incarnation...)

FILMCHAW (link to quiz)

It's always tough!!

Posted by: Kurt at December 9, 2004 11:00 PM

Nice, very nice!!
These are though pictures. The 3rd one looks like it is some kind of a 70'ties movie (picture atmosphere and the tape recorder) in a police station (the typical WANTED-papers on the background). Here is the link for a bigger picture:
Got to be very popular. The Al Pacino look alike reminds me of Anthony James...

Posted by: Darko at December 10, 2004 07:56 AM

the third is it day of the jackal?

Posted by: David Terry at December 10, 2004 08:27 AM

That third dude looks like Dylan McDermont (the practice).....

Posted by: jef! at December 10, 2004 12:44 PM

I doubt it is Dylan McDermont, for the simple fact that (when you see the bigger picture) the guy in the 3rd picture has brown eyes and McDermont blue. Secondly, McDermonts first movie was in 1987, and I believe it's an older movie.

Posted by: Darko at December 10, 2004 05:58 PM

I have the answers:

1. Commando.(1985)
2. Supernova. (2000)
3. In the Heat of the Night. (1967)

soon a new 3-picture challenge to accomodate your self worth...

Posted by: Darko at December 12, 2004 06:59 AM