December 23, 2004

Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous Trailer

As I said before in a previous post, I know I'll take some heat for this, but I actually liked the first Miss Congeniality... a lot. I thought it was funny and kinda charming all at the same time. There, I said it.

So here we go, the first trailer is now up and online. You can mosey on over and give it a peak here.

Posted by John Campea at December 23, 2004 06:11 AM


This trailer had me snorting with laughter. I love me some Gracie, and Sandra Bullock. On my first date with Joe, I could tell he was nervous and really liked me, so being the nefarious little imp that I am, I leaned over and sang in his ear:

You li-i-ike me/
You want to-o-o- date me

It gave him an instant boner. *LOL*

I can't wait to see this sequel!

Posted by: Lilly at December 23, 2004 08:40 AM

I know somebody else who loves Miss Congeniality, Chandler Bing of FRIENDS.

I did like the first film, I have always enjoyed watching any film with Sandra Bullock in it, except Speed 2.

Posted by: Simone at December 24, 2004 08:54 AM

Sandra Bullock is totally retarded, Miss Congeniality was a decroted peice of crap

Posted by: Ferris at December 26, 2004 01:41 PM

Hey guys I just wanted to brag. I played an airport passenger in the movie. I can't tell you too much lest Sandy might make sure I never work in this town again. I never have even seen MC before. I've heard of it and saw previews but never saw it in theaters. I only just got to see it last Thanksgiving 2004 when it came on cable. It was kind of cute. Funny too.

I can say the scene I was in a mockup of the airport for Vegas, and that if they don't cut my scene, you can see me reacting to something unusual "Gracie" is doing at the airport.

It was cool because out of all the other "airport pasengers" I was chosen to react and the Key Second Assistant Director, Courtenay, actually directed me as to how I was to act in the scene. She was the nice. I love it when any of the directors on set give me special attention.

My special reaction in the scene was totally spontaneous and I made it up at the most last minute possible because the scene was through three takes already and the main director John didn't seem to like the way the scene flowed. So he went something like, "One more take, and nobody make any mistakes!" But Sandy made everyone feel better and relax by saying, "No, mistakes are okay, just everyone take it easy and have a good time." Or something like that.

All I know was what she said to us for that take made us feel better and let us know that she wouldn't stress out on us if it didn't work out. And that was the perfect take. I did that great reaction shot. Everyone watching the camera monitors had a great big smile on their faces and they were finally happy with the shot. I like to think they were smiling because they liked what I did. And then we moved on to the next scene.

By the way, I'm on my winter break. We call it the winter hiatus. So that's why I have the extra time to share this little bit of "stories from the set." During most of the rest of the year I'm so busy that I rarely get time to give back to my fans. I'm a new actor so I'm probably not going to be credited in the movie. I wasn't given lines so it all hasn't gone to my head yet. I hope it never does. P.S. I need an agent in case anyone knows of one. ;) Thanks for everything. Share the love.

Posted by: Dave at January 2, 2005 11:23 AM

I totally loved the first Miss Congeniality. I watched it so many times my hubby forbids me from wathing it when he is home. I can quote every line of the movie and it drives him nuts. Can't get enough of a good thing is what I tell him! I am so excited about the sequel I will be first in line to see it for sure.

Posted by: Sjlancer at January 16, 2005 11:15 PM