December 16, 2004

Miramax employees unhappy about great treatment

Miramax.jpgThis story in IMDB made me laugh and I couldn't do anything else but share it with you. During all the troubles of Miramax at the moment, you would think a big night out for the staff would be called for. Perhaps it's just cultural differences but when I was in an ailing company, this was deemed of high importance at the holidays (I say holidays for the foreign readers! I mean Xmas for all the Brits!) and we went out and had a blast and the morale of the staff was boosted for a few months.

However, the employees at Mirimax don't seem to think so:

Miramax employees are criticizing Bob Weinstein and Harvey Weinstein for allegedly spending $30,000 on a New York Christmas party at a time when the company is engaged in massive cutbacks.

What?! Would you rather they just ignored you and held onto the money for a rougher period? Or just spend it on a party for themselves? An employee goes on to say that they should just give them a cash bonus as thanks for the hard work. Well I'm always of the opinion that working involves a team, and the team is all important, especially when you spend most of your damned life working there. So bring them together, celebrate, that boosts morale and bonds the team together way more than just sitting around at home counting your bonus money.

A Miramax spokesman leaps to their defense though:

"Bob and Harvey are grateful for their staff's contributions to Miramax's 15 Golden Globe nominations. There will be bonuses and, as for the party, they are damned if they do and damned if they don't. They are just trying to do something nice."

I'm with them. Get the employees out and celebrate, and the miserly little suckers get their bonuses too. Go count the money in the morning with a full stomach and a healthy hangover and come back and save the company next year.

Posted by at December 16, 2004 11:21 AM