December 14, 2004

Keira Knightley Gets Boo-Boo. John Offers To Kiss It Better

It seems universal hottie, and generally solid actress (ok, lets just forget about King Arthur shall we) Keira Knightley sustained an injury while filming her upcoming film Domino, a true story of a model-turned-bounty hunter. Sounds good to me.

The good folks over at Ananova describe the incident like this:

An insider says, "Keira was firing two guns when one of the shells ricocheted out and hit her. It was a corker of a burn but she hasn't complained and has just got on with the job."
Ok, now aside from all the obvious quips I could make about things prematurely firing off in Keira's hands, let me say this: How can things like this still happen in an industry where Brandon Lee's life was taken by a similar incident (no, not exactly the same... but similar) not so long ago? There is no excuse for this kind of thing to happen... yes, accidents will happen, but when you spend hundreds of millions to make a movie, a good chunk of that money better be used for the safety of the cast and crew of these films.

Posted by John Campea at December 14, 2004 07:45 AM


ahhh - please don't tell me the goddess knightley has suffered any facial disfigurement...

because whatever your feelings about Kind Arthur - I will always love as that'kill crazed, blue battle painted, slightly demented tinkerbell'...

and double gun action in Domino moves it up my 'must see' list - nice

Posted by: Matt Adcock at December 14, 2004 07:52 AM

how come its a big deal for keira to get burned but not bruce willis?

Posted by: Marla Singer at December 14, 2004 02:12 PM

Um, just to clarify, injuries like this can happen no matter how much precaution is put into things. She probably just got hit by a errant shell casing as it was ejected from the chamber. Just like a gun jamming or anything like that, it just happens occassionally. And it's even more likely considering the fact she was probably firing at a high rate AND she had two weapons. It's bound to happen. Also note....this is probably not as bad as you'd think. This is like really quickly touching a hot iron (if that). That's all. So even though they spend millions, you can't fight the numbers that add up as I stated above.

Posted by: CTDeLude at December 14, 2004 03:46 PM

... Why is this even mentioned? Seems pretty insignificant to me.

And about the millions paid and saftey, good old Murphey's Law comes into play. The more precaution you take to prevent something, the more likely it is to occur ( Interpretation of M's law ). These people are paid way too much anyway, maybe some risks are acceptible for such a high pay. Not like they can't afford treatment, or if they end up becoming seriously injured they may just as well use their massive funds to preserve their head in a living state...

Posted by: Matt at December 14, 2004 06:22 PM

and it's not at all similiar to how Brandon Lee died.

Posted by: juan at December 14, 2004 09:06 PM

Hey Juan.

Both incidents invole on set gun prop mishaps. Not exactly the same obviously (which I did mention in the post).

Posted by: John Campea at December 14, 2004 10:08 PM

Okay, if you put it that way. But getting cinged by a spent shell casing happens from time to time when you play with machine guns. It's not really a mishap when the thing didn't malfunction right?

Posted by: juan at December 15, 2004 12:21 AM

I realize I'm being redundant here, but I have to agree that this incident is NOT an incident at all. Semi-auto pistols always eject HOT brass casings. Eventually, anyone firing them will get at least one MINOR burn from an errant shell. This is nowhere near the Brandon Lee incident, which involved propmaster negligence (someone sawed off the top part of a LIVE round to match the flat profile of a revolver blank. When this live round was fired directly at Lee, he was mortally wounded in the abdomen).

Your story is completely blown out of proportion, I believe due to a misunderstanding of what happens during weapons fire, be it blank or live discharge.

Sorry if this seems a harsh post, but as a past firearms enthusiast, I feel I need to clarify in order to prevent the idea of "another dangerous gun mishap."

- sidspappy

Posted by: sidspappy at December 15, 2004 02:07 PM