December 23, 2004

Jerry Weintraub wants to produce an Oceans Thirteen

MTV Movies are carrying a small but interesting story that Producer Jerry Weintraub is interested in doing an Oceans Thirteen.

"The question is, how do you make another one that's better than this one?" he said. "This one's awful good. First one's awful good. We found a way to make a better one this time, I think, so we'll see if we have an idea, a way to do it, and we'll do it."

I haven't seen Twelve yet, but it really does sound good, Eleven was great fun although I am spoiled by loving the Rat Pack and the original. Here's hoping that this is more than the self promotion and that the curse of Police Academy won't kill off his dream.

Posted by at December 23, 2004 12:28 PM


ugh. I really hope they won't do another one. Ocean's Eleven was fabulous, Ocean's Twelve was good, but I really don't think they can pull it off again. All IMHO, of course :)

Posted by: Meagan at December 23, 2004 01:38 PM

Oceans twelve was completely nonsensical. It was like listening to a drunk trying to tell a story about something he never did. If they ever did a third one it would probably be a slapstick comedy. NO more please.

Posted by: Frank at December 23, 2004 05:01 PM

12 was definitely much weaker than 11.


Posted by: Screen Rant at December 24, 2004 03:03 PM

I didn't like Eleven enough to bother with Twelve.
Trying to resist pointing out to Jerry Weintraub how 13 is traditionally an unlucky number...

Posted by: James Russell at December 26, 2004 01:25 AM

ocean's twelve was complete bullshit!

when there will be a new one, pls make it much better ....

Posted by: Jay McGannehin at January 3, 2005 12:05 PM

How could he do the laser dancing in Oceans Twelve while NOT listing to the music of synth-group Laserdance?!

That scene ruined the character and the movie for me, the oceans gang is competing with batman suddenly? give me a break

Posted by: twq at January 10, 2005 10:54 AM

Well, it seems that nobody liked oceans 12, i find it pretty good, i like it more than 11, 12 is less dinamic, but the plot is better.

I WANT OCEANS 13!!!!!!!

Posted by: Nancy at January 19, 2005 08:36 AM

What the hell is wrong with you people, Ocean's Twelve was good, as a matter of fact I consider it to be better than 11, all u can do is talk, talk, talk and judge, judge, judge, you are the ones that have to give a "break". I want 13!!! whether the hell u want it or not!!!

Posted by: Alex Boggiano at January 27, 2005 01:50 PM

ocean's twelve wasen't better then eleven but its ok too
one of my favorite scene in oceans twelve was the laser dance - the best thin in is the music: Nikkfurie - The A La Menthe
and thats the shit of the soundtrack cd of oceans 12
this great song is not on it

Posted by: omell at January 29, 2005 03:39 PM

Thanks OMELL for the name of that song.I kept looking everywhere just to find out what that song was.

Posted by: bharat at March 20, 2005 06:13 PM

Thanks a ton for the name of that song omell.I had been looking around like crazy trying to find out what song that was.

Posted by: bharat at March 20, 2005 06:14 PM

i really enjoyed Ocean's 12...even more so than 11 and i loved 11...i hope that they do make a 13. my favorite part in 12 is the laser dance...i could watch it over and over. i had bought the soundtrack and was very disappointed to find that "the a la menthe" by Nikkfurie was not on there (the reason i bought the cd in the first place). i've been searching online to see if i could just find their cd, but have just found dead ends...if anyone knows where i can buy it (online or store), pls. let me know ([email protected]) thanks!

Posted by: Jackie at April 11, 2005 06:11 AM

i liked both 11 and 12. but 12 was better. i hope they make 13. and that with laser.. and the song.. man.. r0x!

Posted by: e6 at April 17, 2005 05:58 AM

12 had a pretty cool plot for a thief film. reminded me of an italian job movie with better acting. it had action, romance, humor, drama, suspense... couldnt ask for more. some scenes were lacking but what the hell? pretty damn good overall.

Posted by: ihop kid at April 18, 2005 10:06 PM

You can find the song on I just typed the name in google.

Posted by: H at April 19, 2005 01:40 PM

I totally loved 12 it was one of my favorite movies of all time!
It was awesome!
I liked 11 too, but 12 was just amazing and i have already seen it about 7 times!
I loved the part when they tell us about the night fox and the lazer dance!
Nikkfurie - The A La Menthe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: i forgot at April 20, 2005 06:47 PM

if anyone is still looking for The A la Manthe ( the laserdance) the music is available on the atrist's website. the URL is
The music doesn't really have a start and end but it's the best one i've found so far.

Posted by: maya at April 21, 2005 03:33 AM

omg i absolutely love 12 and 11. i hope 13 is good like 12 and 11. thanx for the websites bout the laserdance music- been lookin for it - if anymore are found email me- thanks!

Posted by: britt at April 25, 2005 04:33 PM


Can somebody please tell me where i can find the Ocean's 12 "laser dance" music from. I have read all the forums but seem to reach many dead ends while following your directions. Is the music availible on cd. If anyone can help me that would be great.

By the way Ocean's 12 was ok, but it still can't beat 11.



Posted by: Sam at April 26, 2005 07:06 PM

To download the Laser song(The A La Mente)directly,just go here:, YOu should receive a pop up asking if you would like to open it, just click OPEN , and your on your way!

Posted by: samantha Robles at April 30, 2005 06:13 PM

To download the Laser song(The A La Mente)directly,just go here:, YOu should receive a pop up asking if you would like to open it, just click OPEN , and your on your way!

Posted by: Samantha at April 30, 2005 06:15 PM

I thought Ocean's Twelve had just as an intelligent plot as Ocean's Eleven, except it doesn't work as well as a movie. Too bad. Not sure about an Ocean's Thirteen, and seeing as how everybody ended up happy at the end of Ocean's Twelve, I don't see how it could turn out any good.

Posted by: Radiowar at May 1, 2005 08:04 PM

give me a BREAK! That's an awesome movie! You guys talk nice, but I'd sure like to see you write a decent plot and then make all the complainers like it. As for an Oceans 13, let's go! Is it just me, or was I imagining a perfect setup for 13 with the Nightfox robbing Benedict? Helloooo? If they don't make a three, then what was the point in that whole scene with the maintenence man?
They didn't do quite as good a plot in this one, but I can definitely make room for a trilogy on my shelf. One more, just to wrap everything up...come on you guys, where's your sense of adventure? Let's go, baby!

Posted by: Drew at May 7, 2005 10:50 PM

hi, i'm fron germany but this is too interresting to ignore it. ocean's Twelve is such a great movie and i want more. i already have the song thé á la menthe and i can't stop hearing it.
i hope you can read this, i just learn english in school so it doesn't sound godd i think.
so long and see you in cinema when ocean's thirteen had started

Posted by: fionna at May 9, 2005 11:26 AM

I liked oceans twelve, the only thing i didnt like was that Julia Roberts apparently looked like Julia Roberts. I liked the nightfox dance specifically due to the fact that it would be easy to make. Make a dancer dance and do flips in a room, then add some lasers to the room, but they made it look really good and exciting, i liked it just as much as the first but only equal, not more. It was good. But if Julia roberts looks like Julia roberts then all the Characters should resemble their actor counterpart shouldnt they?

Posted by: Dex Durden at May 9, 2005 09:25 PM

I don't think that he was just jumping across the room, maybe there were some lines because he had to know where he had to jump,did he?
Oh, I like the scene where she meet Bruce willis as "Julia Roberts",it was a nice idea but I think they just do that because they didn't know how to do it in another way (is that alright, i don't think that is real english, isn't it??)
Suddenly I see that my time is not your time. What time is it, my time is 04:25 PM, what's yours?
So long

Posted by: fionna at May 10, 2005 10:23 AM


Posted by: omell at May 10, 2005 04:09 PM


Posted by: Muckmasterp at May 14, 2005 02:06 PM

It's so easy to get thé à la menthe. U just have to go to the webside and you can download this song completly legal.
anyway, did you know that thé à la menthe is french and means something like pepermint tea (i hope it means the same in english as in german). I find the title doesn't fit in with the song.
So long

Posted by: Fionna at May 18, 2005 10:08 AM

Hey hey people. that A la menthe song, are yo sure it isnt teh same track as onfifth element in the taxi chase, it sounds hte same, buthas a very diff name
im off ot research a little more

Posted by: Olly at May 18, 2005 12:12 PM

Please send me the a la mente on this e-mail. I've been looking for it for months

Posted by: mihai at May 22, 2005 01:37 PM

I dont understand how anyone can NOT like the laser scene! It's fucking FABOLOUS! I love it!

Posted by: DeadKitty at May 23, 2005 09:41 PM

I find it hilarious that everyone loved that song "The a La Menthe". Hey me too, it's hypnotic. I bought the soundtrack just for that song too and almost cried that it wasn't included! (although I am still happy with it. The other songs are awesome) I thought the music made the laserdance scene, and call me crazy, but the guy who played the "night fox" was hot! The laserdance was extremely sexy. The scenes were placed in a mysterious and amusing order to keep the audience confused until the end. I like being one of the few who actually understands it.
Overall, the movie inspires me.

Posted by: Susan at May 25, 2005 01:29 AM

besides from A La Menthe, anyone know the name of the track that Vincent Cassel's character "the Nightfox" was practicing Capoeira to? he was working out on the dock of his boat to a track that's not available on the soundtrack. any leads or help would be greatly appreciated. thanks =)

Posted by: hotdog at June 2, 2005 02:46 AM

I own both films and watch them as often as I can. The scenes are so well assembled that something different grabs my attention every time I watch. I am seriously in love with the films, and will anxiously await the next one; Or anything else that comes close to this clever prodution.

Posted by: Christopher J. Matos at June 4, 2005 01:14 PM

Ocean's Eleven, Simply Amasing, loved it. Oceans Twelve, loved it more than 11. Many people dont like it because there is not as much action, or its not such a gripping soryline, i say, what the hell? It does have a gripping story line, and there is action, but there is more knowledge on this one. These films are my favourites, way above all others, you can make films better than these, so Oceans 13 please, start on it right now!!!

Posted by: Anon at June 8, 2005 01:54 PM

Ocean's 11 was witty, amazing and clever! Oceans 12 was even better! I disliked it to start of with because I didnt really understand what was going on, but after watching it a few more times a thought it was great! I hope Ocean's 13 gets made, even though the way 12 ended.

Posted by: Lee A at June 8, 2005 04:07 PM

I don't think people have noticed yet but it seems number 13 is so unlucky that they aren't going to make it.
Last week Mr Damian revealed that one of most hotly anticipated films of next year would be Oceans 13, a sequel to the popular Oceans 11 and Oceans 12.

However, all is not well in Billy Ocean’s camp, as attested to by this email from none other than George Clooney himself.

“Dear John,” the salt and pepper haired one begins, “when you travel as much as I do you come to rely on the Internet to keep in touch with what’s going on in the world, and I frequently find no site keeps me in touch as well as Mr Damian does.

That’s why I was somewhat dismayed to find a rare erroneous piece of reporting on your site.

Sadly plans for Oceans 13 have fallen through – the curse of 13 has struck again! So we’re going to go straight on and make Ocean’s 14 for a Summer 2006 release. We haven’t cast the two new members of the gang yet, but when we do, you can rest assured that you will be the first to know!

Pretty sad hey, but I'm sure Ocean's 14 will be awesome :)

Posted by: TigerBoyAu at June 9, 2005 04:10 PM

Hey guys, I see alot of you are looking for The a la menthe by Nikkfurie. I went to some other site, and some person that knows his shit, edited the song, so it actually has a beginning and an end like the movie. If you are interested to getting it hit me up in the email, or on my AIM SN, never al0n .

Song is awesome!


Posted by: never al0n at June 9, 2005 05:08 PM

You assholes have no idea how to appreciate a real good movie. Oceans twelve was very good and it is my favourite movie and the soundtracks are awesome but you guys dont like it because it is jazz but...thats the way of the world..some people are stupid and few are smart. Great job guys, i hope you make another one!

Posted by: Shaft at June 17, 2005 05:03 PM

Oceans Eleven is SUCH a GREAT movie.. i LOVE the movie,, i watched it over 40 times now..
the GREAT actors..EVERYTING.!! it was just wonderful,
Oceans Twelve.. Also a GREAT MOVIE!!!
It has a GREAT story..
I really hope there will be an Oceans 13,,
It would be cool if Angelina Jolie would be the 13'th person.
Dont you guys think?

Posted by: Mohammed (From Holland) at June 21, 2005 10:33 AM

are you kidding me everyone that doesn't like oceans twelve and the laserdance scene. the laser dance was by far the most kick ass thing i have ever witnessed

Posted by: wolf at June 23, 2005 11:17 PM

Hell ya they should make an ocean's thirteen ... laser dance scene kicks ass!

Posted by: nightfox at June 25, 2005 03:47 PM

hell yeah, make a thirteen. 11 was off the hook, a great movie, 12 just as good, maybe better. seen each god knows how man y times. can someone email that laserdance song, that shit is tight. im out

Posted by: David at June 27, 2005 02:07 AM

Hey gang, this is Todd. I'm the guy who remixed the Nikkfurie song to make it a little more 'radio-friendly'. If you'd like a copy of your own, feel free to download it from this MegaUpload server:

Props to the original artist for making this available for us to enjoy (and me to mod!)



(ps the email I gave is a disposable one, I won't be checking messages sent there)

Posted by: t0dd at July 1, 2005 01:18 AM

can anyone tell me where i can download the laser dance scene video just the laser dance scene clip tho not the whole film



la menthe you gotta ove that track

Posted by: Barry at July 1, 2005 08:48 PM

please tell me where i can download the laser dance clip not soundtrack the video of the scene

Cheers Barry

Posted by: Barry at July 1, 2005 08:49 PM

i think oceans twelve is perfect!!! and honestly I watched it over 7 times!!! trust me! i think vincent cassel is absolutly gorgeus, handsome and irresistible!!! brad pitt also! this movie earns an oscar! oceans eleven is also GREAT! you should absolutly make oceans 13!!!!! i love the actors I love the plot! i am opssesed with oceans twelve!! please,PLEASE make oceans 13!! and please can vincent cassel act in the next part!!!

Posted by: mrs. night fox at July 10, 2005 10:48 AM

I have the laserdance song and I think its great!! this movie is for smart people who actually understand the plot and whats really going on! george clooney,brad pitt,vincent cassel and matt damon are the best actors in the whole world!!!!! (especially v. cassel) if someone makes oceans 13 I promise I will watch it over 13 times!!

cheers mrs. night fox
p.s. big kiss to vincent cassel and brad pitt!!

Posted by: mrs. night fox at July 11, 2005 04:08 AM

Just rented this and now I know what I must do with my life. Going out to buy it tommorrow.

Marvellous! Laser Dance was pure sex. Capoeira, Parkour hmmmm...

Thanks for the music files they are my inspiration.

Oh my God, I think I am in Love.

Be inspired!

Posted by: prince_of_persia [TypeKey Profile Page] at July 25, 2005 06:39 PM

Ocean's Twelve NOT as good..but could stand on its own...I loved it..watching it the first time thought it was slow..but enjoyable...then whent the final scenes explained the became amazing...judging a movie on one single my mind stupid..the second time around it scores a 99/100 when rrating it against the first..but I said not to do that...13 would be amazing..I think the plot would be the oceans crew tracking the nightfow for our beloved casino owner...

Posted by: Dyro at July 26, 2005 01:36 PM

The Ocean's movies are way to good to stop at two so a perfect idea for a third would be to look back at the end of ocean's 12 where Ruben is giving Terry the check. Well the idea of the third would be the crew trying to steal that money back, give it a kind of ocean's 11 feel to it since Andy Garcia was hardley in ocean's 12 and plus the end of 12 leaves it wide open for another sequal so I hope to see Ocean's 13 very soon.

Posted by: Sonic at September 4, 2005 04:03 AM

Those guys dogging Oceans 11 or 12 are idiots that don't even watch movies. I enjoyed both of those movies very much. Ofcorse 12 was a very differant type of plot but defently a great movie, laser scene was great. And I tell ya what the way they set it up it could be much better than both of them. I think the'll go back to basics and give you a good feel about the movie like the vagas feel. And bring some more characters that catch the eye. You might even see "matt damens" dad that was always avoided to show. Could you think about on oceans 11 mixed with a new situation with multipule crooks. Maybe even the french guy ros the casino and oceans gets blamed and they help garcia. It sound great to me bring it on I cant wait !!!!. PS I heard its actually going to be called Oceans 14 not 13 cause of its bad carma.... ect

Posted by: bob o' at September 8, 2005 09:36 PM

I didn't read all the messages above because well I got bored so maybe someone already said it but when 12 came out alot of the hype was Steven Soderbergh didn't even want to do a sequel to 11 until he visited Rome. That changed his mind. I don't know how he felt after 12 but if he didn't originally want to make it the chance that he wants to make another is slim. They could make one without him but he does bring a certain skill that most directors don't have.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 9, 2005 03:27 PM

anyone know where to get the FULL!!! version of the a la menthe for FREE!!!!!!!!!! if so please contact me

Posted by: chuck0674 at September 30, 2005 03:55 PM

"Well, it seems that nobody liked oceans 12, i find it pretty good, i like it more than 11, 12 is less dinamic, but the plot is better.

I WANT OCEANS 13!!!!!!!"

I agree with you, dude. I absolutely LOVED ocean's 12. Everyone has to STOP comparing it to ocean's 11. It was GOOD in it's OWN WAY.

Posted by: Laura at October 12, 2005 03:37 PM

Yes, everyone raggin on 11 is just looking for a complex procedure when they do their stealing. Ocean's 12 can NOT be compared to with 11 being that it is indeed, great in it's own way. If you're looking for action, action, action..then yes, you've been disappointed. But aren't we supposed to be reviewing itself as a whole? It's texture? It's story? It's acting?..Not JUST "How creative they are in stealing something?" C'mon.

Ocean's 13 will succeed. With the allstar cast they've given us, 13 will be anything but a let down. cheers.

Posted by: marc at October 13, 2005 08:46 PM

The ending of Ocean's 12 leaves it wide open for a 13. When Ruben delivers the check to Benedict, he tells them that even though he cannot promise that he wont get robbed again, "Danny and crew" will not be involved in anymore heists against him. WIth the Night Fox watering plants in the background dressed as a gardener, it sets it up perfectly.

Here is my version of the plot to the next one.

The Night Fox is planning a heist from Benedict, but Benedict somehow learns of it. Benedict contacts Ocean and company in hopes of stopping it, which they do, but Ocean and crew actually recover the $$$ and re-steal it from Benedict while framing the Night Fox and sending him to jail. Leaving another opening for Ocean's 14: The Escape of the Night Fox.

Posted by: DrOldman at October 16, 2005 05:09 PM

Since george and brad already had there flames, Matt damon should have a love interest - maybe another thief sided with the night fox.

ALl movies rocked hard!!!!!!
and HELL YEAH night fox is hot and his laser scene rocked!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: bianca at November 14, 2005 11:20 AM