December 29, 2004

Jenny McCarthy In Dirty Love

JennyMcCarthy.jpgOk, now I'll admitt there is no denying that Jenny McCarthy is one of the most beautiful women on the planet. HOWEVER... she's not exactly Meryl Streep when it comes to acting. Apparently now she thinks she's a writer too... oh my, read this bit of horror from the good folks at KillerMovies:

Jenny McCarthy talks on Dirty Love a movie which she wrote and will also star in the lead, according to MTV.

"We're usually cast as the funny guy's girlfriend, and I say bleep that!" McCarthy explained. "No thank you. I'm gonna do it myself, and I finally became old enough to learn how to do it myself, and I'm doing it."

"Carmen plays my girlfriend and she's hilarious in it," McCarthy said. "The premise is a girl that walks in on her boyfriend sleeping with another woman and she seeks revenge on him the entire time. You know I wrote it, so it's gotta be pretty controversially insane". "It's about ecstasy," McCarthy said. "There's so many people taking it and not enough people making fun of it, so I wrote a comedy about it. It's pretty insane. I have no words of wisdom about it, it's just plain funny."

My jaw is on the floor folks. This must be some kind of gag. Really... a comedy about ecstasy?!?! I don't know which is scarier... the fact that this woman wrote it, or that some studio actually thought it was a good idea and is putting up the money to get it made. Man it's hard to keep faith in Hollywood with stuff like this. Hmmmm... her and Carmen Electra? Maybe we could go see it and just ask the theater manager to turn the sound off.

Posted by John Campea at December 29, 2004 06:35 AM


Aggreed! She is very pretty to look at but her acting skills are limited. She was great on MTV but as far as being a writer I am really not going to hold my breath...


Posted by: jason at December 30, 2004 03:31 AM

I saw it last night and I have to say that I havn't laughed so much in a long time. It's true, Jenny is easy on the eyes, but here acting and writing are what this film is about. I think this might put her career in a new direction.

Posted by: Braegger at January 23, 2005 01:03 PM

I also just saw DIRTY LOVE last night! I was sitting in the third row just a few feet away from the whole cast. "I haven't laughed that hard in months and only Jenny can do that!" That is how I feel and what I told the Director John Ashton during the Q&A; following the film! Everyone in the theater applauded in agreement and then I asked "Has this been picked up for distribution yet because I want to see this again and be able to buy it on DVD" immediately John reached into his pocket and pull out a wad of cash and tried to give me twenty dollar bill but I wouldn't accept it so he just through it at me and thanked me. Afterward I was able to meet Jenny, John, Eddie and the rest of the cast and they were all happy to sign the twenty for me, which I plan on framing with the pictures I had taken with them. It was my most memorable evening at Sundance and I have been going for 4 years!

I suggest EVERYONE go out and see this movie when it comes out! You will laugh you ass off... I PROMISE... if you don't it�s because you have no sense of humor!

PS� It�s not ALL about ecstasy; it makes fun of it in one hilarious scene!

Posted by: Paul Johnson at January 23, 2005 04:43 PM

Sorry, the Director is John ASHER not Ashton!

Posted by: Paul Johnson at January 23, 2005 04:50 PM

Is anyone hearing any Sundance buzz on this movie in regards to distribution? Now I want to see it, too.

Posted by: Tom at January 23, 2005 08:57 PM

I just left Sundance and this was the highlight of the weekend. I have to say that this was an EXCELLENT movie! It basically brought to light the issues of love and dating through humor that only Jenny could pull off. The cast was outstanding and blended well. Cant wait to see it on the big screen and DVD. Highly recommended.

Posted by: Steve at January 25, 2005 04:07 PM

Cool. Any idea who they signed with?

Posted by: Tom at January 25, 2005 08:40 PM

With Carmen Electra and Jenny Mcarthy
This new slap stick comedy is a must see movie.

Posted by: Carmen Electra - Dirty Love at September 16, 2005 06:08 AM