December 04, 2004

Indiana Jones 4 IS Moving Ahead

Indy_Harrison.jpgIt's nice to read news like this. I've been having my doubts about weather or not Indiana Jones 4 would actually get made. But Coming Soon has put many of those fears to rest with this:

Frank Darabont had written a draft, but that did not receive the green light. Instead, George Lucas and Steven Spielberg hired Jeff Nathanson to do a rewrite and things are looking good.

Asked whether or not "Indy 4" will still be made, Ford answered, "No doubt about it." And while he says this next film is his, he wouldn't mind a younger actor playing Indy in possible future films. The site added that George Lucas, who rejected Darabont's script, is happy with the new draft from Nathanson.

I don't know how I feel about a younger guy taking over the role of Indiana Jones. Yeah, it works for Bond... but I just can't picture someone else wearing the hat and cracking the whip. I guess I'll wait and see.

Putting the character of Indiana Jones aside for a moment, I'd just love to see Steven Spielberg and George Lucas make another film together!

Posted by John Campea at December 4, 2004 11:55 AM


I remember when River Phoenix came into the films as the young Indy (something I will be reliving tonight as I watch the trilogy DVD given to me for MY BIRTHDAY! - Geez, no one noticed the four references in the posts!), he was due to take over the reigns and start a new trilogy, but then fate intervened.

Posted by: Richard at December 4, 2004 01:35 PM

It will always be difficult to accept a new face, but I just hope it won't be Orlando Bloom. He doesn't have the "weight" to make a credible Indy. Other than that, why not Eric Bana or Hugh Jackman. The comment, that I read a lot on movie sites, that Jackman can't play the role because he was in Van Helsing is beside the point. The movie was so terrible that in 2 years from now (indy 4 hopefully coming out in 2007) everybody will have forgotten this terrible piece of tasteless cinema.

Posted by: Darko at December 5, 2004 08:04 AM

I think Harrison should always play Indy because he is so hot and I can't imagine the movie without him in it

Posted by: JonFFan at December 31, 2004 06:08 PM

Harrison Ford IS Indiana Jones. A new face would ruin the image.

Posted by: dreamincowgirl at March 8, 2005 04:53 PM