December 01, 2004

Greek lawyers halt action against Alexander to go watch the movie!

alexanderposter3.jpgThe now infamous Greek lawyers who we reported were about to sue everyone who ever had anything to do with the movie production have just paused in their efforts to delay the movie opening in Greece. Why so I hear you ask, was it because they saw the error of their ways? No I reply, because they want to see the movie.

WHAT? Hold up, back up there big man. You mean they haven't seen the movie at all? IMDB just carried the story that:

Greek lawyers have shelved their lawsuit against the makers of epic film Alexander, who have claimed warrior Alexander The Great was bisexual...But now the legal team has retracted its request to delay the film's Greek opening last Friday, so they can watch a preview screening of it.

I can't believe it, after all this posturing and narrow minded bigotry from the Lawyers they suddenly want to actually see the movie? I can't believe that, it just goes to show how weak they are with their own sexuality and manhood when they have to sue because of common hearsay without actually seeing the evidence of the main reason for their complaint!

Now if that wasn't enough to make you cringe, check this out:

Yannis Varnakos, spokesman for the 25 lawyers, says, "We would have reacted the same was if the issue didn't involve homosexuality. We just don't want a distortion of historical facts."

If you didn't want any distortion of facts wouldn't you have viewed the film by now instead of throwing a law suit at it, with a full 25 lawyers behind it? CASH - that's what this reeks of, cash and masculinity issues.

So if Alexander was portrayed as right-handed instead of left, would we have seen a law suit from the same 25 historically precious lawyers? Sure!

Posted by Richard Brunton at December 1, 2004 11:58 AM


Accept it, he WAS in fact bisexual, but that didn't stop him from being a great warrior, one of the best, and the greatest practitioner, and founder, of the fighting style Pan Krato, (spear, knife, sword, stone, open hand combat.) ok I'm done


Posted by: Xun at December 1, 2004 05:25 PM

Actually, from what I've been reading over the last few weeks... there really isn't any proof that he was gay or bi. The movie's own historical consultant basically admitted that.

Now, having said that... I still don't think it matters one way or the other. Who cares? It's just a movie for heaven's sake.

The Pro-Gay people are always stommping their feet and shaking their fists trying to force everyone to see things their way.

The Anti-Gay people are always stommping their feet and shaking their fists trying to force everyone to see things their way.

Everyone needs to take a pill and relax. It's just a movie.

Posted by: John Campea at December 1, 2004 07:50 PM

Whether or not there's historical proof, the issue of Alexander's sexuality has been under discussion at least since the work of Curtius Rufus in the first century AD. These are hardly new claims that are being made about him.

I'm with you in that I tend to think this lawsuit bespeaks the lawyers' own issues with sexuality rather than any overriding concern with avoiding distortion. Otherwise, should they not also be protesting the bastardisation of the Iliad in Troy?

Posted by: James Russell at December 2, 2004 02:50 AM

I don't understand the logic of this.

How exactly can someone sue over the portrayal of a historical figure? Especially since those people litigating aren't even directly or indirectly connected to Alexander.

Posted by: Mr eel at December 2, 2004 03:01 AM

That's incredible news... there's 25 people in the world who actually WANT to see Alexander?

Posted by: tom at December 2, 2004 09:56 AM

i understand that they dont want a grate person of there history to be altred through a movie to potray what he os not. but the way this lawsuit apears to the public makes it seam as though they are agenst homosexuals.are 25 lawyers realy nessasary for this. thy havent even seen the movie as this artical states.i have not seen the movie but have enough commen sence to wait till i hear or see the evidence. do theas people not have kids haahaahaa.

Posted by: elia at December 6, 2004 06:17 PM

So what if Alexander was a gay man? Most Greek man are bisexual anyway.

Posted by: matthew at January 12, 2005 08:41 PM