December 31, 2004

Forget Some Kind Of Monster, Here is a Real Heavy Metal Documentary

Now, i consider myself a bit of a musical connoisseur, and in being such a pretentious know-it-all, I tend to trawl obscure forums for interesting bits of information that I can lord over people. It was in this way that I found myself in a Slipknot forum yesterday following a thread about this docutmentry.

I, for one, find today's modern "music" industry a little do you say..."repulsive"...yes, that is the word, completely repulsive. Call me rotten, but I would love nothing more then to see the majority of the industry's major players staring down the business end of a .45 magnum with a very pissed off Clint Eastwood at the other end. Suffice to say, I was immediatly intrigued by this behind the scenes look at bands of high level talent, middling popluarily and no big label support trying to make it.

Now, this is about as indie as films get, but I thought it was so interesting it was well worth a mention.

check out the official site here the trailer is under the "Media" heading.

And for good measure, the production company behind it all can be found here.

Look for this in mid 2005, most likely July.

Posted by miles at December 31, 2004 06:54 PM


Why does everyone moan so much about the current state of music? There were just as many-if not more- awful songs on radio in the past as there are today and there was little of the fancy technology used today to make bad songs at least a bit more memorable.
The solution of course is not to pull out a gun but to switch off the radio- thats a free country compadre!

Posted by: son_of_Africa at January 2, 2005 02:28 PM

well son of africa, i am a musician, and a damn good one at that.

i friggin' rule at every instrument i play, and in being such a good musician, i feel like i know more about music then 95% of the population.

so, i feel like a can complain about it all i want, my biggest problem is that so many people getting record deals have no talent and are not musicians, they are entertainers, and they take away from people who have real talent, and could bring something new to their respective genres.

but, music execs are like movie execs, tjhey don't like to take any chances. they just don't have any balls, so their going to keep marketing entertainers as musicians until people stop buying the crap they put out.

now, these people's PRODUCERS are very talented people, I mean the production that goes into a Brittany Spears song is of a very high level, but it does not stop it from being a vehicle for a dancer that lipsyncs over a synthed voice to call themselves an artist, and for fools to buy it.

what these people are trying to call attention to is life for people that are making a lving doing what they love, music, and how ridiculous the music industry is.

Posted by: miles at January 3, 2005 09:04 AM