December 27, 2004

Find a way to help the people in Asia

Disaster.jpgOk, this isn't a movie related post, but I would feel a little less than human if I didn't mention it here. By now all of us have seen pictures of the devastation in Asia. I first heard of the disaster boxing day morning going shopping with my dad. At that point they said they feared 3000 were killed. As of this moment CNN is reporting that the death toll stands at around 23,000... 10x the casualties in the 9/11 attacks. This is dizzying.

So listen, seriously, see if you can find one of your local banks that is accepting donations for the relief efforts that are getting started.

Posted by John Campea at December 27, 2004 11:40 AM


Good words John. Please donate if you can with money, and\or you can find your local charity shop may well be running a collection of various basic items in the coming weeks.

I've had a quick look, and in no way do I suggest you donate to this charity over any others offering appeals, it's just that I chose the biggest and most widely known. Choose whatever charity you feel most comfortable with, but do choose one.

Please note that the UK site has created a unique charity for this disaster, whereas the US site has not and the money goes to the general disaster fund.

Red Cross UK - Asia Earthquake and Floods Appeal
Red Cross US News and Funds Donation

Posted by: Richard at December 27, 2004 12:20 PM


Thanks for posting that. I've followed your lead and made a similar post at Screen Rant with links to organizations accepting donations.


Posted by: Screen Rant at December 27, 2004 12:47 PM

The death toll is at 52,000 now. Pray for those people.

Posted by: Alfredo at December 28, 2004 05:21 PM

UK people, or non-UK if you feel so inclined. The current number being given out throughout the news media (0870 60 60 900) and the website ( are for the Disasters Emergency Committee whose members include Oxfam, Red Cross, Christian Aid, in fact many of the leading charity organisations.

So if you don't have a particular charity whose efforts you really want to donate to, then this is the place.

Check out Kevin Sites Blog entry for a human side to it all.

Posted by: Richard at December 30, 2004 06:08 AM