December 05, 2004

Bewitched Teaser Trailer

I've been moderately looking forward to Bewitched ever since I first heard that Nicole Kidman and Will Ferrell accepted the leading roles. Two very good performers, some funny source material and you've got a pretty decent chance of success. So the teaser trailer has just been released (and you can see it here). That's right... a trailer 6 months before the film comes out.

Don't get me wrong, I don't mind studios starting to promote their film as far in advanced as they'd like... but they don't show you anything in this trailer. Nothing. Not a single frame from the actual movie. It just a cheap 30 second commercial with Nicole and Will, and it's not even footage from the film itself. So the question I have is: What's the point? At least the Revenge of the Sith trailer gave us some footage from the movie. Boo Sony Pictures. Booo!

If you're going to pique my interest by telling me there's a teaser trailer... then at least give me something to look at. If you don't have anything to show me, then wait another month before saying you do. Is that too much to ask?

Posted by John Campea at December 5, 2004 03:49 PM


Aw, I didn't think it was so bad, John. It's a TEASER, after all. Man, have you been grouchy lately! :)

Posted by: Mark at December 5, 2004 04:58 PM

Teasers nowadays seem to show little, if any, footage from their respective films. A good current example is the Hitchhiker's Guide teaser. My favorite teaser that showed no footage whatsoever for its film is probably the one for A.I. The one several years back for Strange Days wasn't shabby, either.

Posted by: Michael Rittenberry at December 5, 2004 10:32 PM

I don't know Mark... just give me a little peek at a shoot of the actuall movie. I know it's a teaser... but tease me with something from the movie!

And yes... I was in a bad mood yesterday! :)

Posted by: John Campea at December 6, 2004 07:47 AM

I totally agree on the Strange Days teaser

Other classic teasers that sold the concept without showing footage:

Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (christmas voiceover, pushes old lady off the dock)

Face/Off (camera spinning around Cage as he turns
into Travolta with good use of shadow)

The recent Kinsey teaser was good too.


Posted by: Kurt at December 6, 2004 01:56 PM

the teaser was alright, but i'm not sure i like the rendition of the bewitched theme song they use.

Posted by: nick botulism at December 6, 2004 04:33 PM

Ok here are my thoughts. I like Will Ferrell so that's the first thing that got me looking forward to this. Then when I heard Nicole Kidman was also starring my interest grew. As soon as I heard that Michael Caine signed on to play her father I did a back flip and open mouth kissed a horse... except for those last two things. I think the teaser trailer did a good job of setting up the movie for those of us too young to have seen the show. Nicole doing the nose thing was also very encouraging to see.

Posted by: Joel at December 6, 2004 09:48 PM

it looks fun, but they are still not showing real footage that this is a movie about a new witch turned actress named Isabel remaking the old tv show.

It;s really more "Bell, Book & Candle" meets "Tootsie".

Posted by: Pantheon_Zeus at December 18, 2004 11:36 PM

i certainly hope that this is not going to be another "Stepford Wives". That original trailer had no movie scenes n it either and it was a bust !!. I am really looking forward to Bewitched, but it is hard to improve on the perfection of the TV series. I love Nicole, but trying to outdo Ms. Montgomery is a big task - Oscar or no Oscar. Same goes for Shirley as Endora. What about Nathan Lane as uncle A. or Dr. Bombay. Is Dbney Coleman going to be Larry Tate (like he played mr drysdale in Beverly Hillbillies)?

Posted by: david at January 6, 2005 03:26 AM

Bewitched Trailer

Why bother? Trailer shows absolutely nothing. just say movie coming soon, still in production.

Posted by: joe at February 9, 2005 02:56 AM