December 15, 2004

Batman Begins Trailer online and is Batman British?

Okay, I think I just wet myself. I saw the latest Batman trailer through Empire and my appetite is well and truly wetted.

It really does look good, dark, moody and back to the roots of the man bat. Okay, we all know very well by now a trailer can make a movie look like the best or worst movie ever regardless of the finished article, but this one does look a corker.

For me, when he whispers "Here" I really am reminded of Michael Keaton's role as the original bat, all the formula looks set to be there. The shots of preparing the bat suit made me smile, the more and more I see of this movie the less I want to see until the first showing! Does the trailer do anything more for you?

While I'm talking of the bat, IMDB provided an interesting quote from Nicholas Cage last week, one that got me thinking.

In response to a question fielded about being the next Bond he, quite rightly, said that only a British person could take that role. He said:

"That's the thing - there's no way an American will ever be allowed to play James Bond. You can have a Brit play Batman but you can't have an American play Bond, that will never happen. As much as I'd love to, I will never be invited to that party."

Now that's a really interesting thing to say, and very astute. It didn't really hit me (especially being British) that it was a UK actor playing Batman. My natural thought was that he was an excellent actor with much power and torment within him. Yet Batman is an American, he's not British. Where's the furoar?

What do you think, especially the American viewers, are you annoyed that he's not portrayed as an American, or does it fit just well with the demeanor of the character? What about the trailer?

Posted by at December 15, 2004 06:19 AM


Cool, but is the whole film set in Tibet or something? Seems to have a curious setting. No Gotham ?
Not sure about the whole martial arts thing. Batman always seemed more of a punch and kick hero than a Jet Li styley hero to me. Time will tell!

Posted by: dave at December 15, 2004 06:38 AM

My understanding is that Batman Begins will spend a large amount of time exploring Bruce Wayne's training as a fighter and detective, which has never been done on film before. Personally, I love this idea and think that audiences will too.

As for a Brit playing Batman, it doesn't matter to me. I would have a problem if Bruce Wayne/Batman spoke with a British accent, but Bale is an excellent actor and will pull it off just fine.

Final thought - Nicholas Cage as James Bond? I don't think that his country of origin had anything to do with him not being invited to that party.

Alter Ego Comics

Posted by: Marc at December 15, 2004 08:18 AM

Dave have you never seen the cartoon, I mean come on dude. He's a blackbelt in his martial art, in one episode he fights some one for a sword thathis master gave him... There being very true to the cartoon, I dunno I'm looking forward to this, as far as a Brit playing bats, I don't mind as long as he has his American being fat?(Take no offense, I'm american.)

Posted by: Xun at December 15, 2004 10:59 AM

Mmm...interesting you say that Marc, and one reason why I put the quote and question up there.

For me, Bond can't be anything but British, and there is the interesting quandry.

Posted by: Richard at December 15, 2004 03:53 PM

Personally, I think Batman (like any other hero) belongs to a kind of its own, and not catalogued with a nationality. That is secondary. I would be worried about the guy portraying him. But fortunately, it's Christian Bale, and he will pull this off nicely, I've faith in him.

Posted by: Ghostboy at December 15, 2004 06:42 PM

Bond has to be british, it is part of the character, a british intelligence agent. Batman however does not revolve around nationality. Being American is not essential to the Batman character in the same way that being British is to the Bond character. And yes, I am American.

Posted by: Joshua at December 16, 2004 12:15 PM

Brilliant Joshua, that's exactly what I was thinking. Still, the character of Batman is that of an American, just as Bond is British.

I think the fact is that the British traits are core the the character of Bond, whereas Batman has all these other complex parts that are the core, for instance his anger at his parents death.

Posted by: Richard at December 16, 2004 12:30 PM

ok, speaking as a bit of a comic geek as for, A. the martial arts: Bats is the best there is. He trained in all kindsa crazy places for years to be the best, re: Frank Miller (Year one, Dark knight returns), Sam Hamm (Blind justice, and the fist (keaton) movie) and many more. B. Nationality: Ever since i saw 'American Psycho', I've been singing Bale's praises and suggesting him to friends, family and strangers as Batman (not at random you understand, just if and when Batman comes into a conversation). He is incredibly skilled ('psycho, velvet goldmine, all the little animals, equilibrium) and hell, I didn't realise he was a fellow brit for ages! Thats how good he is! Of course the crux of the arguement lies in the question, 'should an exclusionist mentality which is seemingly applied to Bond be applied to Batman?' Well, no. For all the good reasons above and many more. I cannot think of a more suitable actor, is the main point. And the spirit of Batman is hardly essentially American. It's one of the oldest myths in the world reborn (read up on the ancient Egyptian deity Horus). The character is a Jungian archetype, and therefor above the boundaries of race. Bond, however, is a puppet of a semi fascist regime, and quintessentially an imperial creation, in a very contextual modern world paradigm. Basically the british intelligence is built on the idea of Bond, and vice versa, making him an extremely british character. Not to say an American couldn't play him, just pointing out that his context makes it alot harder for a non brit. Now.....should a limey like me be allowed to play Superman, argueably a far more American ideal...argueably in fact the ultimate American! (based on shuster's vision). And why the hell, when i look far more like him, can keanu play John Constantine? Now there's a better comparison than Bats and Bond....

Sorry bout the essay there :)

Posted by: Paul at December 17, 2004 09:22 PM

Paul, that's the one! You hit it on the nose with the characterisation. Well put.

Posted by: Richard at December 18, 2004 06:39 AM

Thanks. And i totally see what you mean about the Keaton 'here' whisper. Nice touch. And nice site btw.

Posted by: Paul at December 19, 2004 09:57 PM

As much as Chrstian Bale rocked he has had some crappy roles. Reign of Fire anyone. As for the martial arts in the cartoon Bruce Wayne gets down in a serios way, being refered to as a samurai and also fighting this ninja guy whos learnred the touch of death. Now thats cool

Posted by: Paul Q at March 10, 2005 07:34 AM