December 05, 2004


bandidas.jpgHmmm... a little torn on this one. I know I'm in the minority here... but I have never been a fan of Penelope Cruz. I think she may be one of the most overrated actresses getting major roles today. She's been in some good flicks... but almost despite her (Vanilla Sky and Blow are just 2 examples). Salma Hayek is another one I've never been enamoured with... but lately she's been winning me over.

However, there is no denying the pure beauty of these two ladies. Put them together in a western... add a little Steve Zhan for comic relief... and I'm powerless to deny that I'm at least a little interested. Interested in what? Bandidas.

ETOnline did a little story on the upcoming Erotic Lesbian Western... ummm... sorry... that was just my imagination typing... upcoming WESTERN. Here's an excerpt:

All decked out in cowboy garb, Penélope says she's wanted to do a western all her life and she trained to be a fast draw for the flick, even though guns still make her a little nervous. On working together for the first time, Salma says, "We have a very different dynamic that is fast and that I think it's going to make the movie very exciting." Penélope chimes in, "This is the best chemistry. She keeps me awake, you know? I have complete trust in her. We know what the other one is thinking."
Who am I kidding... this movie is going to suck harshly. But I'll see it if for no other reason that I've liked Zhan in just about everything he's been in. I mean really... who comes up with this stuff?

Posted by John Campea at December 5, 2004 03:27 PM


Sounds like straight to DVD to me.
Donna A.

Posted by: Donna at December 5, 2004 08:01 PM

A chick flick! Same here, never been really a fan of Miss Cruz more so when she was still dating Cruise but anyway I I like Hayek, seen a lot of her films although I am not a fan.

I will just rent this out one I guess.

Posted by: Simone at December 6, 2004 03:15 PM

If you think that Penelope Cruz sucks, you should watch Open Your Eyes as she is pretty damn good in that.

Posted by: Lal at December 9, 2004 07:54 AM

You people suck! If YOU ARE A MINORITY!! at least there is a movie with latin women for once.

Posted by: the girl at December 18, 2004 09:24 PM

I agree with the girl. These two very talented and beautiful women are great actresses and should be accorded the respect they deserve.

Hispanic/Latin women and men are making more of a mark on the silver screen and in our homes through televion.

Let's give all of them the rightful credit they most certainly deserve.

Posted by: Jesse at December 19, 2004 01:59 PM

I visited Real de Catorce december 12-13 , and I was at the set film in "La Luz" town...

Here the town La Luz:


Some "outlaws":


Posted by: Abiel Guerra at December 20, 2004 04:12 PM

If your not in love w/Salma Hayek you must be Bannanas she the most beautiful women ever a great actress and very talented prducer She deserved respect as dose Penelope Cruz

Posted by: luisa at December 22, 2004 08:24 PM

Wait for the trailer, this movie could be fun, You forgot to mention that is produced and written by LUC BESSON

Posted by: Bandito at December 23, 2004 03:05 AM


Posted by: retin at December 27, 2004 12:21 AM

What does being a minority have to do with liking the movie? Just because I am hispanic I have to like every movie with a hispanic in it? Although I am in love with these two beautiful latin women, but not because I am hispanic myself. Cruz in the original spanish version of Vanilla Sky and in Blow was great. The wasy these two women carry themselves should make them two of Hollywoods leading ladies. I can't wait two see these two together on the big screen.

Posted by: Ricardo Cortez at August 24, 2005 06:21 PM