December 29, 2004

Ant-Man Movie in Development

antman.jpgOk, now everyone knows that I'm a fan of the Superhero Genre of films... but this is one I think they should just pass on. Hollywood North gives us this:

Marvel Studios' Ant-Man is currently in script development as a major motion picture. The character, bio-scientist 'Dr. Henry Pym', debuted in Marvel Comics' "Tales To Astonish" #27 (1962), as “The Man in the Ant Hill”, who discovers a liquid that evaporates into a gas, reducing a man to the size of an insect.

Inhaling the fumes Pym shrinks in size, scurries along the floor and soon finds himself trapped in an ant hill. Eventually he returns to his normal size, deems the formula too unpredictable and locks it away. In "Tales To Astonish" #35, Marvel editor Stan "The Man" Lee re-introduced Pym as the superhero Ant-Man, able to shrink to the size of an ant, while retaining his full-size strength.

Ummm... can you say "running out of ideas"? This one makes me real nervous. I hope they can it before it gets too far.

Posted by John Campea at December 29, 2004 06:25 AM


As big a Marvel fan boy as I am, I just can't see this one working. Avi really should concentrate on getting the big guns to the big screen instead of throwing every Marvel character into development. Ant-Man sounds as bad as the Man-Thing movie which is now slated for a direct-to-DVD release.

Alter Ego Comics

Posted by: Marc at December 29, 2004 10:15 AM

I am a big fan of comic book super hero movie and my first instinct was bad idea. I never was a fan of Antman/henry Pim/whateverelse he was called, but if they do make an Antman movie, and make it based on the story from Astonishing Tales, then I think it might work. On second thought, all I can think of is those kids from Honey I Shrunk The Kids riding their pet ant.

Posted by: Glasseyerod at December 29, 2004 12:39 PM


Posted by: Kiru_Biru at December 30, 2004 05:03 AM

1st IronMan
2nd Captin American
3rd Thor
4th Another Spider Man movie
5th Another Hulk movie(that's right I said it)
6th Another Fantastic Four movie (After the frist comes out.)
7th Another Punisher movie(this one takes place in new New York).
8th 2 more X-men movies.
9th Another Fuck'n Dare Devil movie(it could work if it has the Black Widow in it)!
10th Doctor Strange for fuck's sake!

They need to do all these movies frist then they start thinking let alone writing an AntMan srcipt

Posted by: Alfredo at January 3, 2005 04:12 PM

Now in reference to spider man episode 4:19 introduction of character; Antman. He was portrayed as a result of catalistic mutilation from a bio-chemical substance......however spider-man episode 5:7 he was depicted as his predeccesor mr.pym. The order and timeline of events was not linear or displayed in a chronoligical order, THIS IS A TRAVISITY and i believe marvel comics should release an amendend comic to clear up the any misconseptions bred from there mistakes....i am a true believer in the spirit of antman...and would like to further my knowledge of his secret powers and weaknesses (so far we only know of chemicals that attack the central nervous system; baygon, raid concentrates)

Posted by: The true antman at July 12, 2005 08:55 PM

Ant-Man movie would be a welcome edition to the Marvel movies
bein released ...
Hank Pym is a old school Marvel character its about time we
pay homage to a real legend.....

Yellowjacket,Goliath,Giant-Man,Ant-Man The Man

Posted by: Jamie at August 12, 2005 10:47 PM