December 28, 2004

Another New Revenge of the Sith Picture

To say that I'm excited about the upcoming Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith is like saying Pee-Wee Herman liked a little bit of porn. I'm beside myself. You'll have to forgive me if I sound a little fan-boyish, but every single thing I've seen from the final prequel installment of the Star Wars saga has me utterly giddy. Having said that, all the promotional material from the other 2 were pretty sweet too... but I choose not to think about such things.

Now, the good folks over at CinemaBlend have gotten their grubby little hands on a new picture from the film that shows the duel that apparently happens quite early in the film between Anakin and Count Dooku in front of the "imprisoned" Palpatine (Emperor). Does the room look familiar at all? Very reminiscent of the Luke/Vader duel in Return of the Jedi. Oh man... this is gonna so rule!

Posted by John Campea at December 28, 2004 10:23 AM


I received the original trilogy on DVD for Christmas and it was such a refreshing change from the dreck that was 1 & 2. The only thing that tainted my experience was the image of Hayden Christensen popping into my head as the guy under the Vader helmet whenever he was on screen.

And I'm sorry, but the insertion of Hayden into the final scene of Return of the Jedi next to Alec Guiness and Yoda was just STUPID. For one thing, Luke wouldn't have recognized him and for another if they had Hayden they should have had Ewan instead of Guiness.

I really, really, really hope that the upcoming movie is well done, but I'm not optimistic. It's a different George Lucas making these movies now. :-(


Posted by: Screen Rant at December 28, 2004 12:41 PM

The pic is awesome. I notice that Palpatine looks younger than in Clones, or maybe is the new hair cut?

It´s been said that in Sith, Palpatine will have more lines of dialogue than in the entire saga. Me wants it, Mcdiarmid is genius.

I don´t see THAT difference between the old and the new trilogy. One thing is the story progression, and the other is the film techniques and skills progression. Lucas now is what Lucas always wanted to be.

ROTJ is closer to the phantom menace than ANH, ain´t it? In both scale and story terms, even mistakes. It is always a progression.

Posted by: Peter at December 28, 2004 12:51 PM

I & II were too mired in politics and Anakin was horribly miscast in both films IMO. Also, to me, Lucas' progression seems to be more about the SFX than the story and characters.

I think he should have handed over the directing reins to someone else and he should have just tinkered in his shop with the CGI on these three.

Then again, he may redeem himself in the upcoming film... who knows?


Posted by: Screen Rant at December 28, 2004 01:35 PM

It looks like its from a trading card??

Posted by: jef at December 28, 2004 01:55 PM

i'm looking forward to the TV shows.
hopefully Lucas will have very little to do with them story and directing wise. I was huge Star Wars fan, but I really couldn't give a rats ass about Ep.III Even my kids don't really like the new ones.

Posted by: louis at December 28, 2004 06:04 PM

Oh I wish my Star Wars art I've been working on were up on my site!

I would actually have preferred to have not seen this photo cause I wanted to guess how/when Palpatine got ******** - oh well! My goal is to stay as 'spoiler-free' as possible this time 'round - of course it's probably too late already!

Posted by: trysop at December 28, 2004 11:09 PM

Sweet. I have heard to much bashing of the prequil movies. And as I have postd on the Rotten Tomatoes forums - under my handle Berf - I rather liked the movies. Granted you have to make small trips to the john when Jar Jar starts talking, but think that is the trick to enjoing thaem fully. Furthermore; I am very excited about ROS. This movie is the final chapter to the Star Wars we have grown to love - and love and love, does any one else have fanticies about Natilie Portman?-. The rise of Vader, the duel between Anikan and Obi Wan, armies of Wookies. Lucas can not afford to screw this one up, so I truly believe that this will be his masterpiece.

Posted by: Brad at December 29, 2004 09:16 AM

The pic is actually a trading card that shipped with the January issue of Diamond Previews - got mine last week.

Alter Ego Comics

Posted by: Marc at December 29, 2004 10:12 AM

I am trying to reserve my excited feelings for Episode III. The trailer does get me excited. I want it to be good so bad, but I also don't want to set myself up for a let down.

I liked the last two films on a certain level, but not as a whole. Certain scenes and bits of dialogue.

I completely agree that Lucas should have turned over the directing reins - but what can you do at this point?

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Lucas pulls it together with this last film.

Posted by: Meli at December 29, 2004 03:23 PM

Star Wars to me, whether it's the original trilogy or the prequels still RULES.

I am not sure if this has been discussed here before, but why do you think some SW fans do not feel so good about the prequels than they did with the original? Was it really just about Jar Jar Binks or there is more to it than that?

'Cause personally I think Jar Jar was okay.

Posted by: Simone at December 30, 2004 05:48 AM

Revenge of the Sith is gonna rock!

Re: Hayden's force ghost in RotJ:
Eveyrone talks about why Hayden gets to be in the last scene but not Ewan. I will tell you why. Upon death, Anakin takes back the appearance he had before he turned into Darth Vader. He does this b/c the Force rewards him for destroying the sith, and fulfilling his role as the Chosen One.

Obi Wan retainrd his ANH appearance because he is notthe Chosen One, nor concieved by the Force. As such, he is not rewarded for doing his duty, not to the extent that Anakin was.

Lucas does explain it on the commentary track for RotJ. If anyone cares to listen.

Posted by: Matt at December 30, 2004 10:30 AM