December 24, 2004

Another ex-employee sues Marlon Brando's estate - Seasons Greetings!

Brando3.jpgThere are a lot of things that annoy me about the movie industry, and they all make me glad I'm not actually in it as a career. Mind you the money, fame and beautiful women make me wish I was, and with my looks and talent I could definitely be a screen writer for the Resident Evil series.

However, from the outside the downsides just seem to outweigh the good times and this is just reeks of another sleazy, leeching tale from Hollywood.

According to The Guardian Marlon Brando's business manager has started a law suite against the estate of the departed actor for the tune of $3.5m (that's £1.8m in real money). She is claiming that it's all because she was sexually harassed and didn't receive what she should have done in the will.

Jo Ann Corrales says Brando "caused a hostile work environment due to his continuous acts of sexual harassment" toward her thoughout her employment with him, the newspaper says.

Corrales also claims she was owed commission on revenues earned, plus fees for being an executor of his will - but Brando removed her from that job shortly before he died.

She joins several Brando employees, including his PA and his caretaker, claiming cash after the will named nine children as beneficiaries. Brando died of lung failure on July 1.

You see this is the kind of leeching behaviour that gets on my goat. I'm sure that there may be real valid reasons behind it, but come on why wait to complain about his behaviour until after he's dead, and will all that money make up for the alleged hostile environment? You could have left you know!

What riles me further is that there are other employees doing exactly the same thing. Let's give them the benefit of the doubt, perhaps there really are some good reasons to sue a dead person for vast amounts of cash for something they might have done ages ago and you never complained about at the time under the standard employment laws.

I did consider not posting this, but it's just an example of all the bad parts of being famous (and there's nothing else to post about!), and more so being famous and dead. Brando's estate is coming under such commercial attack it's degrading the image of what Brando was and stood for, an iconic actor of his time. Just have a look at the previous post about his image branding.

Anyway, with all that good feeling and goodwill to all people, including ex-employees who are initiating law suits everywhere, may you all have a very good seasonal break (whether that be celebrated as Xmas or not) and a most enjoyable start to the New Year. If there is anything to post about over the next few weeks we will, and even if there isn't anything there's still plenty to write about.

Hope you get lot's of movies in your presents!

Posted by at December 24, 2004 08:43 AM