November 19, 2004

Watchmen gains another Director

Oooh, ooh! According to the Guardian Film news it appears that Watchmen has a new Director! Oh, my fingers can hardly stay on the right keys!

They point to Aint It Cool News who have brought out the rumour.

Paul Greengrass of recent Bourne Supremacy fame and such real event portrayals as Bloody Sunday and Omagh is signed up to direct.

His previous work certainly shows his flair for his craft, but does it bold well for a faithful transfer of this cult classic? I'm not so sure it necessarily does, and both Aint it Cool and Guardian are suggesting that it does bode well.

We shall await confirmation with (virtually) held breaths.

Posted by Richard Brunton at November 19, 2004 07:27 AM


I wonder, i was really looking forward to Aranofsky helming this, mostly because he has shown a great amount of style in his films, without loosing drama. i've seen Bloody Sunday and Bourne Supremacy and like both. But i have to say that Supremacy was quite a bit less good than Identity, partly because of the script but also because of stylistic choices. At one point i almost got sick of al the freaking cameramovements. Ah well I wonder how they will ruin V next.

Posted by: venger at November 19, 2004 10:14 AM

To me, this bodes well. What was cool about Watchmen was how it took a somewhat "realistic" look at what the world would be like with costumed, superpowered humans running around. The less this film looks like fantasy, the better.

Posted by: nick botulism at November 20, 2004 02:30 PM