November 18, 2004

V for Vendetta moves forward

Until recently I hadn't gone much further than Watchmen and Batman: Killing Joke with Alan Moore. So I looked into League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and V for Vendetta, both were highly recommended, and I thoroughly enjoyed them. However, Vendetta stood out, and really so, for the political and social views and the striking potential for a film treatment. Sound of horns.

It was with surprise that I noticed in Empire that the Wachowski brothers had options on this as a movie. Good choice guys. Would that mean the first twenty minutes would be the most llama-kicking film you've ever seen, with the second part being quite repetitive and the final section unsatisfying, unclear, and overly complex? Oooh! Handbags! Anyway...

...they've passed the torch to first-time director James McTeigue, who is in negotiations to take on the job.

McTeigue served the Wachowskis as first AD on the Matrix trilogy and has recently finished a similar gig on Episode III, so it's not like he hasn't been around some pretty ambitious projects - he was also second AD on Street Fighter but everyone has an off day.

A day off indeed. However, I think we are all quite willing to hiccup over that last one and stare at the majesty that is Vendetta, Moore, and a film from an Assistant Director on the Matrix films and Star Wars Episode III.

If you haven't read this then I think you should. Excellent tale, and it would make an excellent movie. Just from the graphic novel you can see that there's scope galore for a series of movies. Perhaps then it is better that it didn't stay with the W-brothers.

Posted by Richard Brunton at November 18, 2004 06:39 AM


I loved V for Vendetta... totally!

I'm currently following Fables, Y The Last Man, Promethea, and some underground comics at the moment.

If you get the chance, get stuck into Preacher.

Posted by: Miss Wired at November 18, 2004 04:13 PM