November 25, 2004

Trailer for House of Flying Daggers

daggers.jpgThere's been a trailer posted here before, but after just comparing the two, this one is not only better quality, it way more rocks the llama's ass. For those of you not in the know, that means that this new trailer looks very good indeed.

It looks stunning, with some gorgeous action pieces and some beautiful photography touched by talent who clearly love the art of cinema. Could this have the effect that Hero did? House of Flying Daggers looks like it will be a stunning visual feast, I loved Hero, and I can hardly wait for the December UK release.

(Isn't throwing daggers inside a house deemed as particularly dangerous?)

Posted by at November 25, 2004 04:25 PM


what a spoiler filled trailer this is! i hate these trailers that show the whole movie. this shows pretty much all the action scenes from the movie. the original asian trailer was so much better than this.
now don't get me wrong, this is a awsome movie as you can see from the trailer, but this trailer is so american.

Posted by: louis at November 25, 2004 05:22 PM

I've seen the movie 6 months ago. It's different from Hero but very very very good. Less intelligent story than Hero but oh so pretty... I give it a 9 out of 10!

Posted by: Hertje at November 25, 2004 06:38 PM

Is it a spoiler if it shows all the action? I guess if the film is all action then it does spoil it, I hope there is some storyline in there too.

However, the Hero trailer was very similar and when I saw the movie I got to see the action sequences in their entirety, and they were awesome, the trailer just whetted my appetite.

I'm still looking forward to it.

Posted by: Rich at November 26, 2004 04:13 AM

The high-melodrama asian shakesperian power-tradgedy of the year. Run, don't walk to the theatre in December. (or get the dvd, it is widely availble on the HK websites).

It is one of the prettiest films in the year.

capsule review here.

Posted by: Kurt at November 26, 2004 08:55 AM

Don't fall for this shameless Crouching Tiger, Hidden Rip-off. Zhang Yimou, an excellent director before he pulled this crap out of his "desperate grab for Oscar glory" bag (the one he now shares with Tom Cruise and Jim Carrey) has done much better fare than this. Hero, for one at least was intelligent and made sense. Zhang should stick to his moving peasant dramas dissing the Chinese govt.

Posted by: nikki at November 29, 2004 03:12 AM

Well, I found House of Flying Daggers thoroughly entertaining. It's worth seeing imo.

Posted by: Arnold at January 2, 2005 07:45 PM

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Posted by: skin care for men at May 24, 2005 04:51 PM

What a spoiler filled trailor this is !I hate these trailor that show the whole movie story. The high melodrama Asian shakesperian power-tradgedy of the year. I have seen this movie 3 months ago it is fantastic.

Posted by: Rocky at September 20, 2005 05:29 PM