November 04, 2004

The Transformers Take A Major Hit

Optimus Prime could kick the crap outta HellBoy, the Fantastic Four and that pansy-boy Spider-Man any day of the freaking week! And if you don't agree, then obviously you aren't in touch with reality (wow, I'm such a geek). I've had a smile on my face ever since the first rumours of a Transformers movie started surfacing over a year ago. Slowly but steadily the project has been moving forward... but today is a dark day my friends.

Apparently they powers that be have decided that they hate us all. For some reason, John Rogers has been hired on to write the script for the film. Yes, that's right, the same guy who gave us the hyper memorable "Catwoman" is going to be writing the words that come out of StarScream's mouth. WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY THINKING!?!?! Have any of you ever seen Catwoman?!?! How on earth could someone see that and then think to themselves "Hey! I should get this guy to write for my new movie!" This just defies belief. If they turn this movie into anywhere near as big of a joke as Catwoman, I will be one VERY PISSED OFF pacifist!

Ok, confession time. My favorite Transformer had to be Blue Streak. He just had a really cool style about him. Oh yeah, Braun was pretty cool too. On the Decepticon side, can anyone not agree that Soundwave was the top spot? Ahhhh... to be 12 again.

Posted by John Campea at November 4, 2004 07:23 AM


first bush gets re-elected and now this, what's the world coming too.

thank god i don't live in America :)

Posted by: venger at November 4, 2004 08:21 AM

Maybe there's hope. The Core was "okay," and it says that he only did the screenplay for Catwoman. You probably know more about this than me, but hopefully that means that the story for Catwoman wasn't his idea.

Okay, so I'm grasping at straws.

There will probably be about 12 rewrites after he gets done anyway. Hopefully the "garbage in, garbage out" principle won't hold true here.

Posted by: Mojo at November 4, 2004 08:43 AM

noooooo dammit!
somebody should get the comic book writers on board, that guy blows big time

Posted by: max at November 4, 2004 09:43 AM

Yes. It is indeed a sad thing.

Of course, being a lame-o Transformers collector and film geek makes this news all the more scary.

But hey... I'll always have my collection of plastic crack...

Posted by: Nala at November 4, 2004 01:56 PM

I am constantly amazed that people who make crap movies continue to find work in Hollywood. I know that I'm pre-judging the script, but I really expected more out of Spielberg and company.

Marc Bowker
Alter Ego Comics
New action figures and collectibles at fair prices.

Posted by: Marc at November 4, 2004 02:11 PM

Word is that it was Pitof, not the screenwriter, who is to blame for how badly Catwoman turned out. (He was responsible for the horrible costume, for one.)

Still, even if his original Catwoman screenplay was good, it's surprising that he even got the plumb gig to write Transformers considering how bad Catwoman the movie turned out to be.

Hollywood is cluttered with shit writers who get continue to get work for no apparent reason, just as D.C. cluttered with shit politicians who keep getting elected to office.

Posted by: Mark at November 4, 2004 06:31 PM

I feel old when nostalgia cash-ins are aimed at me!!! (not the baby boomers)...What's next? Thundercats the movie?

Seriously folks, what is with the Transformers revival of the past 4-5 years...Yes it was cool when we were 11, but in reality it was an eighties product placement, sell-the-toy-line cash-in.

/bitter old 30 year old

Posted by: Kurt at November 4, 2004 08:46 PM

I feel old when nostalgia cash-ins are aimed at me!!! (not the baby boomers)...What's next? Thundercats the movie?

Seriously folks, what is with the Transformers revival of the past 4-5 years...Yes it was cool when we were 11, but in reality it was an eighties product placement, sell-the-toy-line cash-in.

/bitter old 30 year old

Posted by: Triflic at November 4, 2004 08:47 PM

Sorry about the Double post...


Posted by: Kurt at November 4, 2004 08:51 PM

Hopefully this turns out to be decent. Hollywood has been releasing some crap movies lately.
Maybe they'll even create BIONIC 6 hmmm.. not sure why they wanna create transformers..It'll just be detailed with a lot of CGI effects. It's getting quiet ridiculous with this stuff

Posted by: RogerThat at November 5, 2004 12:40 AM

Ive also heard that the director of Catwoman is to direct the live action Akira.
That makes me very sad.

Posted by: thesecretsafe at November 5, 2004 03:24 AM

Revivals are just hot right now. I don't necessarily think that's a good thing, but I have no problem at all getting behind the Transformers thing. It was just an incredibly cool concept, product placement or not. I have to admit that in the last couple of years, I re-watched some of the cartoon series on DVD and I couldn't believe how cheesy the writing was (apparently, my tastes weren't quite as sophisticated when I was younger), but I'm willing to forget all that and shell out my money to see a CGI remake on the big screen. And you know what? Even if it's horrible, I'd probably pay to see a couple of sequels, too.

And actually, I'd pay the 8 bucks to see a Bionic 6 movie, too. I know, I know, but I used to watch that show in the mornings before school. It's a nostalgia thing, I guess.

Posted by: Mojo at November 5, 2004 08:44 AM

I really look forward to not seeing this film!

Posted by: Flemming at November 6, 2004 01:57 AM

The original Transformers had a lot of heart and story depth. Courage and self-sacrifice were major themes. They better not make this movie a kiddy fest a la Jar-Jar with shallow, unrealistic, spaztastic 1-dimentional characters like the newest incarnation of the Transformers (Armada, etc.). That crap truly blows and is 100% forgetable. To whomever is writing the script: think episodes 1-3 of the original series! Those episodes embody everything the Transformers are all about!

Posted by: David T. at January 15, 2005 07:03 AM