November 29, 2004

The trailer for Straight Jacket stinks!

I did my usual trailer trawl (ooh, I am guessing that sounds bad for the US audience) and discovered a movie I hadn't heard of called Straight Jacket. Instantly the whole movies premise is obvious. Straight jacket, think about how movie titles are supposed to be clever, when you look at the website it's obvious, and when you sit through the trailer (please don't) it's also plainly obvious it's rubbish.

I watched the entire thing without a laugh or even a snicker, and it is supposed to be a comedy! In the fifties an actor who is perceived as a big onscreen manly hunk, is captured leaving a bar for gentlemen, and gentlemen only. To save his career as a ladies man, the studio decide to get him to marry, but what of his boyfriend? Oh's awful, and the set pieces didn't even raise a snigger.

Awful, and this is your warning. Avoid at all costs, do not watch, you will never get this time back in your entire life. Do not watch the trailer!

Posted by Richard Brunton at November 29, 2004 04:25 AM
