November 09, 2004

The Simpsons Movie Update

homer_yawn.jpgI think this will be the crowning achievement of The Simpsons. No seriously, I really do. I've been excited about the concept for a long time, even though I know a lot of people have some serious reservations. Word now is that the production of the movie is being pushed back a bit (or a LOT). The good folks over at Cinema Blend give us this:

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, show executive producer Al Jean tried to put a positive spin on it by saying they were “targeting” a date in 2008. Ironically enough, he made it a point to say that the movie needs to be reflective of the quality of the show, and further added, “you don't want the quality of the show to slip because you're doing the movie.”
I have to agree with that. The one thing I've been worried about is them getting 2nd or 3rd string directors and writers for the show while the "A" team worked on the movie. Wait till the show has run it's course and then gimme my Simpsons fix when I need it the most.

Posted by John Campea at November 9, 2004 06:04 AM


Except that the Simpsons is steadily getting worse and worse every year. I'd say the show has pretty much run its course already. On the season premier on Sunday Lisa said: "This is the worst Halloween Horror yet!" I wholeheartedly agree with her. It sucked pretty bad. It's become way too jokey and it relies on that to get an audience. I'm still going to keep watching it, because I'm a Simpsons junkie, but I'm most likely gonna complain throughout this entire season.

I just hope that a Simpsons movie reverts back to more of the old style of the Simpsons. Where they learn a lesson by the end of each episode and it's not just a bunch of things that "happen".

Posted by: Jonstafa at November 9, 2004 01:48 PM

God the Halloween episode was bad. I didn't laugh once at all. Before it aired, I thought, if they show those damn green aliens in this yet again, then they should probably stop doing these Halloween episodes. And sure enough -- the very first scene was with the green aliens!

Watching this show is making me feel OLD now. I remember watching the premiere enthusiastically way back when I was a mere freshman in college. That was ages ago!

Now watching the Simpsons is like watching an old unfunny British sitcom, because it seems to think of itself as being more funny and clever than it actually is, whereas South Park aims for just telling a dumb story in a funny way as much as they can -- they fail or succeed 50/50, but you don't get this feeling that they're patting themselves on the pat. I get that feeling all too often now with the Simpsons.

Posted by: Mark at November 9, 2004 10:01 PM

The TOH, was without a doubt, the Worst. Episode. Ever. Rest assured I was on the Internet within minutes...ah nevermind... This one was average....not as funny as the 1999 (Y2K, Xena, etc) one, but far better than the year they did Hansel and Gretel.

The Simpsons started sucking around the time they went to Africa, Bart to the Future, and they got a horse (again). But, it seems to be on the rebound. I still like episodes from 10 years ago more, but I like it better than I did 4 years ago.

Word now is that the show is going to go for 19, or even 20, seasons. That would put the end about 2008, I guess....if they can keep the voice actors happy.

Posted by: David Poe at November 10, 2004 12:42 AM

I only watched the 1st act (Flanders seeing future deaths). I thought it was okay, but I was missing The Fellowship Of The Ring on another channel. So I switched when act 2 began. I'll catch the rest when they rerun it again.

The last few seasons have been better than seasons 9, 10, & 11 when they got a bunch of newer younger writers. Some are good & some suck. But that's better than All of them sucking. Some of the newer episodes have good laughs in them.

Posted by: Corona at November 10, 2004 10:38 PM

Many people fail to realize how hard it is to come up with new material week after week. Many shows go off the air because the writers give up and don't know what to do. The Simpsons may not be as great as they once were but for a show that has been on since the late 1980's they are still pretty funny. Some of the greatest episode are from the last few seasons. As long as the movie lives up to the expectations of the fans it will not matter how long it takes.

Posted by: Chris at November 28, 2004 05:17 PM

The simpsons have been doing okay. I likes the TOH. The older seasons sucked badly. Homers voice didnt make him sound stupid.His more modern voice is better. It show his stupidity. I only give the older seasons better detail like shadowing and reflections on glass or metal.

Posted by: Joe at January 1, 2005 08:32 PM

i stopped wattching the simpson in the 14th season its true its not as good as it used to be its to dependent on joke there is no character plotbu i think the movie will be great and i get chills just thinking about how the title thing will be the things they colud do but there is a chance that the movie is horrable which i don't think will happen i think it will be a great movie but eather way they will make so much money on that film IF they advertize right

Posted by: zach at January 21, 2005 06:28 PM

Well, of course they are going to be making the shows differently now, people get tired of the same old schtick over and over again. The simpsons creators just wanted to try a different approach, you have to change a series around that has been running for 16 years. And from what I hear the movie has all the classic writters working on it, even veteran's who stopped writting for the show years ago. If it's gonna take until 2008 to make, than there is a pretty good chance it will be hilarious. Count on it Simpson fans, this movie will be the cherry on top of the cake.

Posted by: Jeff at January 25, 2005 06:47 PM

Simpsons have just become more "WACKY" and more and more unrealistic, I prefered it when there was abit more realism to it. Now it seems ANYTHING can happen to them no matter how dum and bizzare.

Posted by: anon at May 31, 2005 05:48 PM

You all complain too much, the simpsons have kept us entertained and filled a void in our life for these past 16 years, if the we going to end it really what would you do? What would you whine about then huh? come on guys the simpsons is not that bad theese days it still makes me laugh and just watching it makes me happy. Show some more respect! where would you be without the simpsons ?

Posted by: jerermy kennard at August 8, 2005 02:33 PM

I agree I have been watching the simpsons for a long time(since the day that it came out)and its been making me laugh for over 16 years
ok I admit it may not be as funny as it was 5 years ago but I still enjoy watching it.And whenever it's on I drop everything to watch it
and I can't wait until the movie comes.I soiled mysel just thinking about it!lol

Posted by: Matt Groening(I wish) at August 16, 2005 12:34 AM

I'm 27 and I have watch the Simpsons since I was like 14 years old and yes they have been like not that great lately but I still laugh and I will always ALWAYS support them, I will be the first in 2008 watching the movie and I will watch it, many times and buy the DVD....I'm just a Simpson junkie fan.....The Simpsons are part of ourselves, of our cultures, if they go we will feel very very empty...LONG LIVE THE SIMPSONS!!

Posted by: Danny PR at September 22, 2005 02:49 AM