November 28, 2004

Superman - Steve Martin to play Perry White?

SteveMartin3.jpgI'm a big Steve Martin Fan. Yes, the man had made his fair share of stinkers over the years, but the man is still hilarious. I still have Bowfinger on my Top 10 Underrated Comedies of all time list. So now the good folks over at Film Rot are reporting that Martin is close to signing on to play Daily Planet Editor Perry White in the upcoming Superman flick. Here's what they have to say:

Wizard Magazine, in their latest issue, claims that The Jerk himself, Steve Martin is close to landing the role of Daily Planet editor-in-chief Perry White! The magazine further states that Martin feels the role would give his career, where he recently starred in duds like Bringing Down the House and Cheaper by the Dozen, a much-needed boost.
Now, even though I'm a Martin fan, I just don't see this as a good fit for either him or the character. I personally don't want to see Perry White as a slap stick comic relief character like the J.J.J. in Spider-Man (who was great). Don't get me wrong, I won't complain if Martin gets this... I just don't see it.

Posted by John Campea at November 28, 2004 01:03 PM


I think Steve has the look and possibly the personality, but I still don't like him as Perry. I've never seen a serious role that he's done so from what I know he hasn't proven to me that he could do it. I think my biggist complaint would be having such a well known and pigeon-holed actor in the part of Ed. in Cheif of the Daily Planet.

Posted by: Mantiss at November 28, 2004 01:24 PM

I urge everyone to seek out and rent Spanish Fly. His role and acting in that flick alone will convince you he can pull it off.

Posted by: Lilly at November 28, 2004 02:36 PM

So glad I found a site where people can agree with me on the too-easily persecuted Steve Martin (Bowfinger people, Bowfinger!) and the untapped greatness of Chinese flicks.

Steve as Perry White could happen, but personally my dream casting would be the guy who played him in the TV series "Lois & Clark". That guy was just Perry. Ed Asner would be good too but he might be too old for that.

P.S. I kinda liked "Bringin' Down the House'. Don't shoot!

Posted by: nikki at November 29, 2004 03:27 AM