November 02, 2004

Superman Get His Effects From Sony

effectswork.jpgSince I once worked in a Visual Effects House these kinds of news stories catch my eye. Apparently Bryan Singer has entrusted Sony Pictures Imageworks with the task of bringing the Visual Effects of Superman to the big screen. This isn't a bad choice, but on a project like Superman I was really hoping they would have gone with the "Big Dog in the yard" and enlisted Industrial Light and Magic (or ILM). Still, not a bad choice. Even better, they should have hired Satellite Studios (shamless plug for my old company).

What did surprise me was that there are only going to be 800 effects shots. That is a LOT for most movies... about the same as Spider-man 2, but I figured there would be more here. Perhaps it's a good thing that there aren't. At any rate, it looks like things are moving forward.

Posted by John Campea at November 2, 2004 07:24 AM
