November 02, 2004

Saw 2 announced

.jpgI just read in ComingSoon that the team who brought us the very good Saw are going to begin work on Saw 2.

This just rings alarm bells for me, it’s been seen so many times before. Independent film made on a tiny budget concentrating on a slick story and simple, but highly effective plot, does really well when released. Studio buy up rights for the team and get them to make a full budget Hollywood movie. Crash, bang, wallop. Failure, and the team are hounded out of Hollywood and begin to build up their career again without riding on the wave of their opening movie.

I guess there are a number of factors here, there’s the entirely different movie making process between Hollywood and an independent, not to mention the budget, pressure and the two hundred and fifty million other people who want to make your movie into something different.

In the traditional first movie what becomes stylish and cool onscreen are often after effects of having no money and having to fight within constraints to produce something good. When this is opened up to Hollywood budgets, backing and…and…baloney these cool factors often just get overdone and loose their edge.

However, this might be slightly different, if they don’t concentrate too much on the previous movie and perhaps concentrate on a new reign of terror by the Saw protagonist. The whole premise of Saw is the setting up of complex scenarios where characters have to make a life altering choice or die, and this can be applied to any situation. The key to Saw was not the story of the poor Doctor; it was the entire setup around him. We were given no backdrop or understanding of the Doctor and his family to gain a connection and feel for them because it wasn’t necessary; the winning formula is the setup and how anyone gets out of it. This kind of premise would easily move to another sequel, and another.

So I started off writing this thinking it would be a bad thing for what Saw was (see that!), however, I’ve talked myself round to thinking there’s a really good chance they could pull this off.

Posted by Richard Brunton at November 2, 2004 04:20 AM


The Saw in the film was meant for that one torture method, The killer doesn't seem to repeat many of his methods so the film should have a different name. Maybe Saw 2 could be the subtitle... /shrugs

I liked the first movie alot. I expected more out of Danny Glover but I can overlook that because it was a fun movie overall

Posted by: Cybermike at November 2, 2004 07:44 AM

Saw 2 should definetly not be called Saw 2 if you ask me. Perhaps a completely different name would be better so that it could almost stand alone as a seperate movie. They have something really good going for them with the first movie, and it would be a true shame to spoil that!

Posted by: Tom at November 10, 2004 08:58 AM

definately think that Saw was a great movie! I think that if they do do a second one, it should be named something totally different. The killer doesn't do anything twice and is always coming up with new ideas. Thus, a physco name representing the killer would be suitable. Some ideas? I loved the fact that those two words the killer wrote on everything made chills run up your spine. "Play Me" sounds really good...its like your the next victim.

Posted by: Bill at November 12, 2004 04:47 PM

He's already got a name - "the jigsaw killer". I thought that was another reason they called it Saw - as in jig saw

Posted by: gaf at November 26, 2004 01:03 AM

i loved saw very clever movie made you think and had an unexpected finish i cant wait for saw 2 or whateva they call

Posted by: nicole at December 15, 2004 02:58 AM

its silly to have a sequel. I read they bought a script off Evolution about a serial killer and are just going to write in JigSaw.

There goes all creativity. Its going to be another stupid hollywood flick to ruin a great movie. Let me guess.. there will be a young child that whispers to scare us. Just let Saw be what it is. A great movie. Doesnt need sequels.

Posted by: pete at December 21, 2004 10:21 PM

why was the title of the movie SAW? My co-workers and I have engaged in a little discussion about this and someone actually thought the same as someone earlier. They thought that it was named saw because of the Jigsaw killer. I simply thought that it was because of the saw considering pictured on the trailer, you see a saw and the guy's foot? go figure! Incidentally, another co-worker thinks that because the guy actually saw all of these people that he set up to be killed that it was thus called, SAW. can someone please end this for us?

Posted by: ree at February 26, 2005 03:20 AM

I figured it was called "Saw" due to "Jigsaw", as a previous poster claimed...NOT because of any sawing action. Really, there was only one person who sawed off a body part.

On the sequel...I highly doubt they just -bought- a script about a killer and wrote in "Jigsaw", Pete. I was one of the ones who thought "Saw" couldn't pull it off, that'd it just be another overrated Hollywood horror, and I was wrong. Maybe they'll prove that they can manage to pull of a sequel as well. You never know.

Posted by: April at March 16, 2005 05:28 PM

"[Saw 2] According to Dark Horizons, Alex Garland, who wrote 28 Days Later, will be scripting "Saw 2: Hacksaw" for Lions Gate Films."

....Nevermind what I said about it possibly being good.

Posted by: April at March 16, 2005 05:32 PM

I agree Saw 2 sounds pretty bad,So the first title "SAW" came from jig-saw killer, so jig saw 2 is stupid as their is only one killer, the same one.

Posted by: dez at March 18, 2005 09:55 AM

Im going with the one co-worker who said SAW was called saw because he saw them all get killed, what ever happened to the doctor or adam, i wanna kno that i dont want a whole brand new movie they should do some continuation, like what the police discover after.

Posted by: dez at March 18, 2005 09:59 AM

SAW was one of the greatest films ive ever seen,its plot was really great and im hoping for a new SAW 2 as my opinion i think that Dr. Gordon should live and should go get help to return to sux when u dont use the same actors again when u make a sequel.

Posted by: Markus at March 22, 2005 11:48 AM

SAW was one of the greatest films ive ever seen,its plot was really great and im hoping for a new SAW 2 as my opinion i think that Dr. Gordon should live and should go get help to return to sux when u dont use the same actors again when u make a sequel.

Posted by: Markus at March 22, 2005 11:49 AM

SAW was one of the greatest films ive ever seen,its plot was really great and im hoping for a new SAW 2 as my opinion i think that Dr. Gordon should live and should go get help to return to sux when u dont use the same actors again when u make a sequel.

Posted by: Markus at March 22, 2005 11:49 AM

A ver, empecemos, a quien sea el estupido que traduce estas p�ginas, primero, que aprenda bien el espa�ol, y luego haga un cursillo intensivo de ingles, dado, que aqui traducimos las paginas, y no hay dios que se entere de lo que pone, no me he aclarado, esto es como Juan Constantina, en lugar de John Constantine, o Keanu Laborea, en lugar de Keanu Reeves, PALETOSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: CROW at March 26, 2005 06:32 PM

I thought Saw was an excellent movie. Usually horror movies almost have no point, but this one makes you think, and value your own life. I believe it was Called SAW because the Killer planned everything out perfectly, and SAW ahead into the future. Very gripping and suspenseful, and I can't wait for the sequel!

Posted by: Adam at March 26, 2005 10:02 PM

we liked this film. it was good. scary n different and scary. we didnt like the clown thing - nasty yes. saw 2 will be good- it betta b. why need the technicalology its a film . and a good 1 at. that .

Posted by: ally n amy at March 31, 2005 11:30 AM

the first movie sucked. you better hope this one is better.

Posted by: nicole at April 9, 2005 12:07 PM


Posted by: mitch at April 9, 2005 11:35 PM


Posted by: mitch at April 9, 2005 11:38 PM

I think the movie was called "Saw" cuz everybody who died got killed by something that the jigsaw killer wanted them to get killed with, and the jigsaw killer wanted the doctor to cut his foot off so that he would bleed till he died.

Posted by: Manny at April 17, 2005 11:36 AM

man saw was great and if it is true about lions gate being involved saw 2 will be even better

Posted by: j dawg at April 20, 2005 02:12 PM

what about the guy that was going to get his brains drilled out when the partner of danny glover got killed?

Posted by: brian olverson at April 21, 2005 08:39 PM

what about the guy that was going to get his brains drilled out when the partner of danny glover got killed?

Posted by: brian at April 21, 2005 08:47 PM

there has to be a sequel because Leigh Whannell (Adam,wrote the movie!) has to live because if he doesnt a big peice of my heart will die...Seriously.

Posted by: Emma at May 5, 2005 08:55 AM

Quote from another site about the film

After SAW, our offices started getting bombarded with horror and thriller scripts. One of them was a sick, claustrophobic game of death being played out in a house that really got under my skin. It was written by one Darren Bousman. I called my partner Oren Koules and pitched him the idea. He was silent for a moment and said “Gregg, that could be SAW 2!” That’s the way Oren works. He goes about his business and then – BAM! – the monster idea. We made the deal with Darren and were off to the races...laying the world of SAW into Darren’s script proved to be much much harder than just changing the character names and writing a few Jigsaw speeches.

Posted by: steve at May 23, 2005 12:55 PM

I think saw 2 will be really great! They did a great job on making the first one... it kinda kept you on the edge of your seat. I think it was called Saw because of the saw he cut his foot off with. [gross] But, i think saw2... or whatever they will call it will be great!

Posted by: Delano at May 25, 2005 01:37 PM

i think saw was really good and a man saws his leg off just to live danger a verry villant film indeed

Posted by: lousie jarman at May 31, 2005 01:21 PM

I just saw "Saw" for the 2nd time. I dont think the movie is called "Saw" because the man sawed his foot off, I believe its called this because the psycho killer saw all the murders happen. He watched as the victims killed themselves as if he was watching in sick entertainment. I think they would be a little more creative and do something like this to have the title of the movie be "Saw." It was a great, well thought out movie and the movie left me in suspense and i hope Saw 2 is just as great as the first.

Posted by: Olivia at June 23, 2005 01:00 PM

I loved saw i thinck saw to is going to be better cause i've seen the trailer at and it is really cool i hope it turns out ok cause i'm getting really tired of the frist saw movie.

Posted by: Angelo Paladino at July 21, 2005 01:09 AM

I don't get what's wrong with you guys, for one....The movie's title could have been pink fluffy elephants...WAS THE MOVIE GOOD OR NOT? YES it was In my opinion the best movie of the year and for a long time as well, from someone who saw 54 movies at the theatre in that one year, I can't wait to see the second one, I know it will be good, and Idc what it's called b/c names of movies don't matter, who cares what its called, are you paying to see the movie or the title...

Posted by: Brandon at July 29, 2005 10:54 AM

Saw was the best movie of 2004, i can give a shit if other people says it suck, and it was kinda funny too. I never seen an audience get up and clap after a movie. Im not going to lie i know every line in that movie by hard

Posted by: K-Dubb at August 12, 2005 03:23 PM

You guys are dumb talking about a rehashed sequel of a b-moviewhen you can do drugs , play video games , and be a geek NOT .Ive done more drugs then you' ve seen .and Iam still here to talk about it. anyway I guess my life is still boring , I make $30.00 per hour plumbing , still play bass guitar in a band .get a life

Posted by: Mark Discordia at August 21, 2005 05:06 AM

Do your drugs you shit head. I know a girl of only 27 who died of an enlarged heart from too much drugs. I also know someone who killed himself because he lost his job. I wouldn't kill myself because life is pretty short anyway. You might as well trudge through. I liked Saw because of the cool methods of killing. I have a few ideas myself but noone has called me yet to ask my opinion. I am thinking a cheeseburger for lunch, then again, maybe I'll just have a cold sandwich. I thought that the best part of the first Saw was when that one dude who was chained to the pipe or whatever (the one who didn't saw off his leg), bashed that one freak in the back of the head with the porcelain toilet cover over and over and over and over and over again. Owww, that must've hurt.... A lot.... In fact, I bet it killed him.... Dead... Well, I'll see you at the movies. Maybe I'll see one today as sort of a warm up for when I go to see Saw 2. I might even get some popcorn, or maybe I'll get some of that red candy, you know, the kind that is long and chewy and tastes pretty good. Do you know which one I'm talking about. She's a pretty girl. I'd like to bang her, except she's got one of those fashionable tattoos on the top of her ass. I'm sick of that, it's too trendy. I hate a follower type bitch.

Posted by: Tigger at October 18, 2005 02:02 PM