November 09, 2004

Nice Picture of General Grievous

GeneralGrev3.jpgI've been giddy as a school girl with a stupid grin on my face ever since I've seen the teaser trailer for Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. Oh glee! But noticeable by his absence from the trailer was one of the new villains General Grievous. Came across this nice little picture of him from the official Star Wars website. Don't know who General Grievous is? Well here's a nice little description:

From within the ranks of the Confederacy came General Grievous, a brilliant strategist unhindered by compassion or scruples. His lightning strikes and effective campaigns caused his reputation to grow in the eyes of a frightened Republic. To many, he eclipsed the threat posed by Count Dooku, the charismatic leader of the Confederacy's political battlefields -- Grievous was the face of the enemy.

A twisted melding of flesh and metal, General Grievous' body is a deadly weapon forged by the cutting edge developers of the Confederacy. Within the hardened carapace beats the heart of a remorseless killer. Grievous hunted Jedi for sport and proudly displayed his victims' lightsabers around his belt as trophies of his conquests. His unorthodox fighting form and mechanical enhancements gave him an edge in close-quarters combat, and his strategic ingenuity and flawless cunning rendered him almost invincible against the Jedi.

I'm gonna puke I'm so excited!

Posted by John Campea at November 9, 2004 06:31 AM


Why didn't they have a 'through' villain this time around? They managed it with Vader for the original trilogy.
This guy is gonna become just like Boba Fett or Darth Maul - no character, minimal screen time, cool action figure.....

Posted by: psychbloke at November 9, 2004 01:39 PM

What happens with old comments? lol... They are sorted or else :S

Awesome pic!!! Grievous, as Maul, as Fett, doesn´t need too much screen time or dialogue to be cool. Lucas is wise enough to introduce these characters and then let´em grow in the Expanded Universe.

Anyway, a good fight talks much more than a thousand words.

I wonder how will Lucas be able to comprise all the known facts in two hours. Believe me, it´s very difficult!

Posted by: Peter at November 9, 2004 02:25 PM

If there's one thing we learned from The Incredibles, it's that capes can be very bad things :)

I hope that Lucas keeps throwing us tidbits about ROTS every month or so, without revealing too much. It will tide me over until May.

Posted by: Marc at November 9, 2004 03:10 PM

If this guy's so bad, how come I've never heard of him?

What bugs me is that in every new movie 1 new bad guy appears. Vader lasted three. And there has been no hinting in the previous movies that these guys are standing around the corner. They should have mentioned Grievous in the last film, to make you wonder who he is. Like the Clone Wars mentioned in ep4 made everyone think "Wow! that must've been cool to see!".

BTW: The prequels should have been called Clone Wars instead of Star Wars. Just my two cents.

Posted by: al-xx at November 10, 2004 02:28 AM

I don't see a need for all the capes but only for the cool factor.

Not bad but Darth Maul rules.

Posted by: boothbrave at November 10, 2004 08:07 AM

Great character but it won't matter if he only gets 2 minutes of screen time. Darth Maul kicked ass too but was hardly around long enough to become a real villain.

Posted by: BenW at November 10, 2004 08:46 AM

There is incredible potential with thhis character. I agree that his background could be explained further in the expanded universe and who cares if is isn't. A majority of people agree that Darth Maul was a fantastic villian and he was barely in Episode I. We didn't know anything about him before the movie, yet he worked just fine.

If you are curious to know more about Grevious, then check out the Clone Wars micro-series on Cartoon Network. From what I have seen there, he could well turn out to be a very memorable part of the Star Wars saga.

And yes, I think the last 2 films were well off-target but I am looking forward to this one more than anything. I keep telling myself that Lucas can't mess up again...can he???

Posted by: SamE at November 17, 2004 10:13 AM

WHEN is this micro-series on? All I see on CN are ads for this series but never a listing.

Oh and Darth Maul was an awesome villain who got killed by a lucky shot from a snot-nosed little padawhan; he wasn't badly conceived just badly implemented (except when he OWNED Qui-Gon Jinn--- I got up out of my seat and cheered when he skewered Liam Neeson). All of this is of course IMHO.

Posted by: Zarathos at November 25, 2004 12:47 AM

I wasn't killed by a lucky shot, it was just a flesh wound....come back here, I'll bite your legs off.

Posted by: Darth Maul at December 25, 2004 12:11 PM

After seeing him in Clone Wars I have to say wow. Grevious is awsome. Poor Sha Gi didn't stand a chance. Who else fights five Jedi at once. If he can be pulled off that well on the big screen he could be a true marvel of cinema.

"I will grant you a warriors death prepare"

Posted by: Jimmy Smith at December 30, 2004 09:34 PM

i think he is the coolest bad guy in staw wars, and he will be one of the most remebered. i like how his main objective is to hunt down and destroy the jedi and he will one of the high lights of the movie next to hole Darth vader thing and yoda.

Posted by: Desmond at March 24, 2005 08:22 PM

hey, just asking can he accualy use the fore is he a sith or what or is he just some kind of jedi assasin?

Posted by: star wars newbie at April 8, 2005 01:04 PM

Grievous aint a Sith.

There couldnt be a third Sith that will rule altogether, since at the time you already have Darth Tyrannus (Count Dooku) and Darth Sidious (Emperor Palpatine). That's why to take him out of the equation, Skywalker (later to become Darth Vader) had to destroy him.

Posted by: Simone at April 8, 2005 01:12 PM

As for the Villains not sticking around and Vader being the only "Through" Character, you must remember that this whole saga is about "The Rise, Fall and Salvation of Anakin a.k.a Vader".

With that in mind, it is possible to enjoy each character's interaction without confusing the issue.

I cannot wait for Ep3. But as usual there will always be the Know-all Critics... Just Enjoy!!!

Posted by: Glenn Collie at April 10, 2005 12:12 AM

Very well said Glenn. :-)

Posted by: Simone at April 10, 2005 03:27 AM

I am really exitied to see grievous in the movies. He is in the trailer. In the part where you see Obi-one surronded by droids, you can see the general and 4 of his body guards in the upper right hand cornor.

Posted by: Bob at April 11, 2005 09:00 PM

is dooku in episode 3?

Posted by: chip at April 18, 2005 01:07 AM

Yes he will be Chip but very briefly.

Posted by: Simone at April 18, 2005 06:09 AM

Grevious may be a Jedi hunter, but the most effective Jedi hunter is Darth Vader who will oversee the near extinction of the Jedi.

Posted by: Frank at April 18, 2005 12:28 PM

Hey Franklin I think we all know that. :-)

Posted by: Simone at April 18, 2005 12:59 PM

Ummm...Who the hell is General Grevious...Is he like...Maul?Bcuz i heard his name is "Darth Maulbot"

Posted by: Ass at April 20, 2005 01:53 AM


Posted by: Ass at April 20, 2005 01:54 AM

General Grievous is the new villan in Star Wars episode III. He has nothing to do with Maul. Maul died and is gone forever. We have not seen him anywhere before, and he isn't anyone from episode I or II. He doesn't have Jango's or Maul's brains in him. He is a totally new person in star wars, invented by Lucas to lead the Droid army.

Posted by: Bob at April 21, 2005 08:27 PM

The cartoon version is much more sleek and well desighned. they should have put it in the movie =(

Posted by: qwark at April 22, 2005 11:42 AM

I can't see to much difference between the cartoon version and the movie version. The picture above isn't very good. If you see that German tape you'll see grievous is pretty sweet. He's also not as fat in his cape as that picture brings you to believe.

Posted by: Bob at April 22, 2005 01:18 PM

The movie will rule, just like the others ALL THE OTHERS even PM and AotC. So prequel haters can kiss my ass. They were good, maybe AotC was weaker than PM if you think about it, besides Lucas is a fu***ng brilliantly clever man, and you all know (Okay Jar-Jar was a dumb idea but he wasn't as annoying as say Dobby or Gollum etc)

Posted by: lewis at April 27, 2005 04:44 AM

OK the General does not have Sith and/or Jedi powers, as a matter of fact, he does not have teh power of the Force at all. He is a cyborg alien who's soul purpose in life is to lead the Serperatist Droid Army to victory against the Clones, and to take down an Jedi who dares challenge his power. He will be a massive villian to battle in revenge of the Sith, along side teh Emepror and Anakin Skywalker. This is so because Darth Tyrannus/Count Dooku will be killed early in the movie, most likely by Anakin with Palpatine watching.

All Hail the General Grievous


All hail Gerneral Grievous

Posted by: Grievous at April 29, 2005 04:51 PM

The Dark Side is the coolest.

I'm not saying I wish the emperor succeeded in his plan, and that the empire won, but in general the dark side is the coolest.

It is a shame that someone will kill General Grievous (Don't tell me how, I wan't it to be a surprise). I think GG is the best thing that ever happened to the dark side. If I was in star wars I would defiantly be on the dark side.

Posted by: Bob at April 29, 2005 06:41 PM

general grievous is cool i think he should take the place of vader but like the other two:maul and jango fett, the only two characters in any of these movies (aside from the background jedi) to die in the same movie they debuted insuffers the same crappy fate, a footnote in star wars history

Posted by: rob at April 29, 2005 10:58 PM

i read in a Star Wars comic general grievous called darth sidous master

Posted by: Jey at May 1, 2005 08:53 PM

Grievous wields 4 sabers, he gets shot and killed by obi-wan, he removes his mask, his eyeballz popout. Yea, that is all true.

Posted by: Fido at May 2, 2005 12:48 AM

I almost read how Grievous dies. When I was reading the post when I got to "shot" I stopped. I don't want to know. Don't trick me into reading it.

Posted by: Bob at May 2, 2005 04:20 PM

What's the point of having to spoil the deal for all reading here without the slightest bit of spoiler warning? Thanks a lot Fido...

Anyway, Grievous looks awesome, and he was amazing in the Clone Wars series, so he should prove to be a great villain in Episode III. I hope he really will shows some great lightsaber skills in the movie.

Posted by: Kristian at May 4, 2005 01:44 PM

You can see a new TV ad at called "seduction" with new fotage of the general. My favorite is when you see a close up of his face. It really looks...evil.

Posted by: Bob at May 5, 2005 08:13 PM

gg is awesome but you should not have told us how to fight. anyway grivious should be in episode 3,4,5 and 6 instead of vader but you shouldnt have told us how he dies so screw you ya coc ass bitch

Posted by: top yo at May 5, 2005 08:16 PM

I have to agree with you top yo. I tring to resist reading that post, but it keeps on sneaking up on me. What kind of name is fido anyway...

Posted by: Bob at May 5, 2005 08:20 PM

I would have to disagree with GG replacing Vader. GG is cool, he rocks, but Vader is the focus of the series, you can't have Star Wars without him...

The whole thing is about him. Except for Ep7, 8, & 9, which Lucas said he wasn't going to make, which sucks. But still Vader was the balance to the force, he was the bringer of death to the Jedi. He was the Jedi's hope gone bad...

Bob, I would have to agree with you though, the Dark Side is the coolest. They use the cooler light sabers(red ones), they have the cooler cloaks(black) and use cooler powers(force lightning). So yea, the Dark Side rocks!

Posted by: Thess at May 5, 2005 10:15 PM

Sorry for the SPOILER!
Grievous is actually Darth Maul. It is Maul behind the mask...what I don't know is if the heart or guts inside the torso are his as well...probably not, but take a good look at the exposed ears and eyes. The skin around the eyes too. It is Maul...I actually know that for sure. Heh...that rocks though, doesn't it? Obi Wan does kill him. That's twice he dealt with Maul. Kinda sucks though. Maul/Grievous are the greatest villains of all time.

Posted by: BigDaddyDarkSide at May 8, 2005 07:19 PM

Hey there BigDaddyDarkSide

Sorry to burst your bubble... but Grevious IS NOT Darth Maul. I've seen the movie already (you can read my review... just look in the left side bar and you can see the link there.)

If you watched any of the "Clone Wars" episodes, you'll also know that Grevious dosn't know anything about the force and was just recently trained in lightsaber tecniques by Darth Tyrannus (Count Dooku).

So once again... Grevious IS NOT Darth Maul... althought that would have been cool.

Posted by: John Campea at May 8, 2005 07:27 PM

As I said before Grievous is a brand new character. Although it does make sence that he can't use the force. In episode I they talked about having the force in your blood. Seeing grievous is about 93%ish a robot I don't think he would have to much blood. This people saying grievous is maul or jango are really starting to tick me of.

Posted by: Bob at May 9, 2005 05:19 PM

OMFG I am sooo hyped to see the Episode III!!!
I can't wait to see General Grievous because he looks like he kicks some serious ass. Ummm, so all of the Jedi die in this movie like Adi Galia and Plo Koon and Windu, and Luminara Unduli? That's kinda sad, they're sooo cool!
I can't wait to go see it, I'm gonna pee myself!

Posted by: Greg at May 9, 2005 08:21 PM

Your all fags. You hear me? All of you should just shut the hell up and the world would be a much better place! Damn it, you losers. Your all a bunch of losers...

Posted by: STFU at May 11, 2005 04:52 PM

Anyone got balls enough to send me back a comeback bitches?

Posted by: STFU at May 11, 2005 05:02 PM

And frankly, "ass", I think you'd best directly never talk again because you have no clue what the hell your ever talking about you little bitch.

Posted by: STFU at May 11, 2005 05:06 PM

Grievous is way cooler than Fett or Maul. I mean, could either of them wield 4 lightsabers at once?

Posted by: the awesome one at May 11, 2005 05:11 PM

Hey Mr. have a lil carr0t you fag

Posted by: STFU at May 11, 2005 05:12 PM

and STFU, you need to shut the **** up cuz no one cares about your issues

Posted by: the awesome one at May 11, 2005 05:13 PM

Hey, I never had a grudge against you, but now that your being a little queer, im gonna have to make the rest of your life a living hell

Posted by: STFU at May 11, 2005 05:16 PM

And one more thing Mr Not-so Awesome one, your way to terrible at comebacks to even begin to go against me. If you'd ever played Starcraft, you'd no why no one ever goes against me with comebacks. I made friends with everyone in games because they'ed tell all their friends about me and they'ed either leave me alone or do what's best for them and get on my good side.

Posted by: STFU at May 11, 2005 05:19 PM

Hey ya all whats up ?
having fun? STFU is soo right u dont have very good comebacks mr Not so awesome lol ......even i could come back with something far more incredible then

Posted by: LIL HOTTIE at May 11, 2005 05:46 PM

I imagine I just ended this whole website...that no one is ever gonna leave comments ever again...If I did, I dont feel the least bit bad...your all fags anyways, except the person who made this site...your cool

Posted by: STFU at May 11, 2005 06:01 PM

STFU, have you been fladunked or something?

Posted by: Bob at May 11, 2005 08:47 PM

I'm sorry about that to everyone who will feel outraged. I'm just mad at people who ruin stuff that other people like to do. I probaly could have worded that better.

Posted by: Bob at May 11, 2005 08:50 PM


ok, this is from the game, which is pretty awesome. Palpatine gets kidnapped, Anakin and Obi-wan go save him, fight Dooku, obi-wan gets taken out, anakin kills dooku. they then face grievous, who escapes. obi-wan goes after while anakin stays on coruscant with palpatine. obi-wan ends up killing grievous? not sure about this part, game unclear. anyway, back on coruscant, palpatine reveals himself to Mace Windu as Darth Sidious, and Mace is about to kill him when anakin walks in and stops him. Palpatine is now wrinkly old palpatine from return of jedi anakin ends up killing mace. Anakin is now corrupted, becomes lord vader and kills all the jedi, and the separatist leaders, the aliens from the first movie. Then OBi-wan and anakin fight on the lava world, obi-wan ends up winning, and the Sith Lord we all know and love comes to be as we know him

Posted by: canadabob at May 12, 2005 10:48 PM

Hey STFU, you need to shut the fuck up before I beat ya bitch ass down you fuckin stool pusher.
I swear if you say anything else, I'll find you and kick the shit outa you you faggot-ass queer. If your such a fuckin bitch, then you shouldn't waste your time comin here. You piss me and all the others off so now it's your turn to shut the fuck up dumbfuck!

Posted by: Greg at May 14, 2005 02:22 AM

I love lamp.

Posted by: Jim at May 16, 2005 12:23 AM

I'm a f***ing moron. I totally suck ass.

Posted by: STFU at May 16, 2005 12:25 AM

ok..... how about be mature and ignore STFU?

i cant till the moovie comes out ^.^ and also Grievous ROX! :D

Posted by: XP at May 16, 2005 07:31 AM

If they make General Greivous half as cool as he was in Clone Wars he will be so sweet. I hope they dont change his fighting style either it was very unquie and unpredictable. The Jedis were not trained to fight or defend like that.

"Run Jedi... Run"

Posted by: ShadowXIX at May 16, 2005 11:21 PM

If they make General Greivous half as cool as he was in Clone Wars he will be so sweet. I hope they dont change his fighting style either it was very unquie and unpredictable. The Jedis were not trained to fight or defend like that.

"Run Jedi... Run"

Posted by: ShadowXIX at May 16, 2005 11:22 PM

I think this movie is gonna be so tight.
I honestly expect to supercede everyones expectations, and that well all be astounded!!!
Seriously, E2 wasn't THAT bad,...
I'm SO excited about seeing Anakin's fianl transformation, and I expect the emotions to be extremely intense.

Posted by: jason at May 17, 2005 10:48 AM

STFU is a moron. But grievous still rox!!!!!!

Posted by: jedi master at May 27, 2005 04:18 PM

General Grievous? So uncivilized. LOL

I loved him wielding them 4 lightsabers and intimidating Obi Wan, that scene was way too kewl!

Posted by: Simone at May 27, 2005 07:44 PM

yoda is suppose to be so wise but he didnt know that the emperor was going to shock him with his lightning !!!

Posted by: p 47 mustang at May 27, 2005 09:11 PM

dudes...i've read the comic too, general grievous IS darth maul. why do you think they take so many close ups of his face? they have the same yellow eyes! and red and black eyelids! what more proof do you want, as for the reason he cant use the force...he's mostly robot and has barely and metachlorines because he's barely i think its bad for his condition.

ps. he also has qui-gons lightsaber so... go figure.

Posted by: sigh... at May 27, 2005 11:10 PM

I've always wondered is it's possible for General Grievous to wield 6 lightsabers at the same time. Does anyone know? I haven't seen he movie yet, but I have seen him in the Clone Wars on CN and I thought he was bitchin'.

Posted by: JasonEX944 at May 28, 2005 09:53 AM

He has more than 4 lightsabers in his collection but he carries the 4 as they were his particular favorite, from the 4 Jedis he has killed, namely:


Posted by: Simone at May 28, 2005 01:25 PM

STFU, man, you have serious issues, Going in front of at least twenty people who like something, then insulting what they like, may take a bit of balls, but actually doing it is a sign if idiocracy.

And, STFU is not a name, Come on, even MY name is better than yours.

And, LIL HOTTIE, youre just sucking up to him so he doesnt insult you as well.

Posted by: Colonel killalot at May 28, 2005 03:06 PM

NTW, I think Grevous would be cooler if he used nothing but double-bladed lightsabers. And maybye if he takes mace windus lightsaber.

Posted by: Colonel killalot at May 28, 2005 03:10 PM

NTW, I think Grevous would be cooler if he used nothing but double-bladed lightsabers. And maybye if he takes mace windu's lightsaber.

Posted by: Colonel killalot at May 28, 2005 03:10 PM

Sorry about the double post, but im new here, im used to IGNs format.

Posted by: Colonel killalot at May 28, 2005 03:17 PM

Don't hurt me, but I thought Grievous was lookin' pretty good. The only thing that really disappointed me was the poor acting on the main characters' part, and the fact that Grievous is supposed to be one of the greatest Jedi hunter's around, yet he was snuffed out by some human worry-wart!
I wanna bite Obi's head off and regurgitate it to the Mon Clamari! That was how mad I was when Obi Wan so easily defeated someone 10 times cooler and charismatic than Vader! But the General was awesome in the Clone Wars Chapter 20. He was fighting with his feet and he grabbed that cone-head dude by the face with his foot. I was freaking out! Then he died in Ep3 and I got kinda' agitated... He was one of the best looking half-droids Star Wars has seen!

Okay, I'm done ranting...

Posted by: Grievous Sith at May 29, 2005 04:51 PM

Grievous was awesome. I saw the movie awile ago, but just haven't got around to posting. It was awesome how he could use 4-5 sabers at the same time. But what this post is mostly about is weither or not grievous is maul. It could have said so in the comic book, but I think they would have made it alot more clear in the movie if he really was. Something like seeing the pard around his eyes red and black, or him still using a double sided saber. If grievous is maul I think that is a stupid idea. We can have our own opinion.

Posted by: Bob at May 31, 2005 05:02 PM

If you little kids are done trying to make comebacks better than my abilities, your going up to something way past what you can accomplish. Sure LIL HOTTY was sticking up for me, but who says i woudnt make fun of her too. And thanks for the compliment about the big balls, they are pretty big in fact...But i didnt come here to put down what everyone else likes doing, in fact, i think General Grievous is pretty cool, and so are all you. I was just making fun of the fags that either stuck up for who i made fun of in the first place or just were absolutly gay and dont deserve to have a computer. And about the name, you probably dont even know what it means and dont understand that its a good name for the internet for the kids who dont want little fags knowing their name. Now im not really trying to point fingers, but all the people that threatend me, bring it the fuck on you little bitch's

Posted by: Colonelkillalot = gay at June 2, 2005 04:02 PM

Hey everyone. I haven't been on this post board like...ever. But I looked it up in the star wars databank and cross-referenced with about 15 other sources, and it turns out General Grievous hails from Kalee (species: Kaleesh) while Darth Maul is from Iridonia (species: Zabrak). 2 different species means 2 different people. Right? So even if the comics said like the exact words "why Obi-wan! General Grievous is Darth Maul! The horror!", it still leaves a horrific, gaping, Boba-Fett-eating plot hole...and I think G. Lucas is a little better than that, don'cha think?

Posted by: Firaga at June 6, 2005 11:29 PM

Does anyone know what weapons general grievous's starfighter has.

Posted by: dude at June 7, 2005 01:01 PM

I'll tell you if I can get my cousin to let me use her hyperspace account.

Posted by: Firaga at June 7, 2005 06:31 PM

I didn't get the chance to ask for her hyperspace account, but I came accross something that said that Grievous' flagship was a Trade Federation Cruiser, here's the databank entry.

Posted by: Firaga at June 9, 2005 03:05 AM

does anyone know what weapons and features general grievous's Belbullab-22 incorporates

Posted by: dawg at June 9, 2005 03:06 PM

whats wrong with u guys!!??general grievous was stinken awesome!i mean sure he died easly by obi-wan but i mean come'on!obi-wan is the 4th most powerful jedi those other jedi grevious killed must have been poweful but not as poweful..i also hear compliants from my own friends and they all say "why does he run from the battles"and i said well hmmm lets see i wouldnt want to stick around with the 2 powerful jedis who have a record for kicking some ass!and whats this shit about that loser darth maul??DARTH MAUL SUCKS!if grievous and darth maul had a lightsaber battle darth maul would be on the ground in 2 seconds!grievous looks no where near that dipstick...and ughhh guys....episode!!!i admit grievous should have been in it more but hey we cant all get what we want..look on the bright side jar jar binks didnt open his goddamn fat mouth!!haha

Posted by: chris at June 12, 2005 02:22 AM

Grievous is not Maul. Grievous was a Kaleesh warlord that debuted in Episode 2, unseen though. In the wake of Geonosis, he was labelled Supreme Commander of the Droid Armies. Trained in the lightsaber arts by Dooku, Grievous' collection of lightsabers from killed Jedi has grown since. Neither Sith nor Force-sensitive, Grievous is a match for most Jedi.

Posted by: Johnny at June 14, 2005 03:39 PM

The General was a warlord on his planet,but do to the war it was hit where he was at or something.Count Dooku had him built to be the droid leader and they left the eye sockets on the mask so u could see his reptillian eyes.Hes a alien in a droid case.

On the mini series he kicked ass.He was break dancin and fightin at the same time.His max limit of light sabers are 5.He would need the other foot to balance on.It would have been better if he was Vaders
right hand man.I doubt that he used to be a fat-ass worm with arms,theres no jabba anywhere.He probaly would have kicked Obi-Wan's ass if Windu hadnt nearly crushed his insides at the end of the micro series,that coughin was annoying.

Posted by: GG Jr. at June 15, 2005 02:03 AM

you watchec the micro series? fag

Posted by: snake at June 15, 2005 09:16 AM

uhhhh GG Jr um u got something wrong there pal.....count dooku and darth sidious knew that grievous kicked ass before he was turned into a cyborg..when the banking clan asked for him to be the leader of the droid armys he said no he didnt wanna get into it.. well dooku & sidious said fine if thats the way ya want it so while grievous was on a ship dooku planted a bomb on the ship.when they tryed to repair grievous all that remained of grievous was his brain,spinal cord,and internal organs and thats how he became a cyborg.when he awoke dooku and sidious told grievous that the rebels where in charge of the bomb that nearly costs his life..hence why grievous has detecated his life for REVENGE!..even thought it wasnt them.and so he took up the offer to be the leader of the droid army, and grievous has 4 lightsabers!not 5!!where the hell are u?!and the coughing isnt annyoing to me it adds alittle more villengry to grievous.

Posted by: chris at June 16, 2005 12:52 AM

Chris - In the microseries, Grievous fights with all 4 arms + 1 foot/leg (Cuz he still has to stand on something). So he's holding 5 lightsabres . And I agree, I like his coughy-ness, it adds character. As opposed to the mechanical, static-ed speech in the microseries.

Posted by: Firaga at June 16, 2005 04:41 AM

ohh ok i got ya ,ya he does fight with 5 i was just refering to the movie ep 3.

Posted by: chris at June 16, 2005 12:29 PM

yupe i think that general grievous was awesome in starwars EP3,i know this is probably everyone elses favorite part but i like when grievous gets his 4 lightsabers out and twirls um around that was COOL!i also like the part were obi wan-kenobi jumps down to where grievous and a bunch of droids are i mean that took some guts.i kinda wish that the magna guards A.K.A. grievous's bodyguards were in it more ohhh well.well whats ur guys favorite part of the movie?

Posted by: chris at June 18, 2005 05:11 PM

I agree with "the awesome one" STFU SHUT THE FUCK UP,damn.Yo bitch ass don't got the balls enough to send some shit back.If you say sh about meor any of these other guys,yo bitch ass gay like you've always been.

Grievous is not darth maul. he was a white alien that was remade by sidous and dooku.he wants revenge on the jedis because dooku and sidous told him the jedis blew him up.Firaga if you got proof about general grievous being darth maul tell me the web site.Who else thinks general grieous was killed in a cheap way? Jedis don't use guns.Chris what web site does it say about general grievuos being built.

Posted by: DarthGrievous at June 26, 2005 09:06 PM

Uh. DarthGrievous. I think you are mistaken in having read my post. I didn't say that Grievous was Darth Maul. In fact, I wrote a rather long comment (on June 6) about how impossible that uhm...I dunno, scroll back up and read it? If you want my proof of how Grievous is NOT being Darth Maul, then I'd say my source is, but I do not support the idea that Grievous = Maul.

And just to save Chris some time...or in case he never comes back, all that info is also found in Grievous' databank entry. You can also cross-reference with Star Wars: Visionaries (Tells the story of how he got blown up and ended up agreeing to be IBC's intimidator/warrior forever) and/or the Visual Dictionary.

And if you wanted me to be REALLY specific on the story... Grievous survived the shuttle explosion with pretty much just his torso and his arms up to his mid-forarms (so everything below about the belly button and his hands = gone). And San Hill was basically like "You, Kalee's decorated champion, can die from a mere shuttle explosion or you can lend us your services and eventually return to your people as their GREATEST hero. And in return, IBC will pay off Kalee's debts and rid it of famine". And Grievous is pretty much like "fine, for Kalee".

So then in his transformation, I think they just took that stuff (organs, whatever) out of the dying torso (and it was dying, visionaries said so) and stuck them in the pressurized organ jar. And there it sits until it gets 'sploded by stupid Obi Wan.

Arg. You'd think with all that precision engineering that went into Grievous' body that they'd be able to protect the damned thing from blasters. And WHY would you house organs in a flammable liquid when you're a cyborg?! *sigh* Geonosian technology obviously has some kinks to work out.

Posted by: Firaga at June 27, 2005 06:47 AM

Uh. DarthGrievous. I think you are mistaken in having read my post. I didn't say that Grievous was Darth Maul. In fact, I wrote a rather long comment (on June 6) about how impossible that uhm...I dunno, scroll back up and read it? If you want my proof of how Grievous is NOT being Darth Maul, then I'd say my source is, but I do not support the idea that Grievous = Maul.

And just to save Chris some time...or in case he never comes back, all that info is also found in Grievous' databank entry. You can also cross-reference with Star Wars: Visionaries (Tells the story of how he got blown up and ended up agreeing to be IBC's intimidator/warrior forever) and/or the Visual Dictionary.

Posted by: Firaga at June 27, 2005 06:50 AM

Weird, my post isn't showing up. But it's sorta long. I'll try posting it again. It answers all your questions, DarthGrievous.

Posted by: Firaga at June 27, 2005 06:51 AM

Haha, whoops. and if finally shows up. Sorry for the multiple postings of everything. My apologies for not being more patient. :-P

Posted by: Firaga at June 27, 2005 06:54 AM

General Grievous bla, bla, bla i kurwa bla bla bla, i tak do usranej śmierci. (General Grievous is good men) :)

Posted by: wjot at August 1, 2005 09:06 AM

well to tell you the truth i got all of grievous's information when i read the book "labyrinth of evil" it tells the story of what happened a month before the battle of Coruscant.It tells of how grievous became commander of the droid armies and also it also explains how grievous got in that shuttle crash.Alright now before grievous was turned into the monsterous alien cyborg we know as from ROTS he was part of an alien race called the kalee.Now during that time the kalee were in the middle of a battle against another alien spieces called the Huk,so what happened was the kalee had no one to help them with there taxes,food and water were scarce and no one was helping them not even the republic!And so then outta the blue appears San Hill one of the seperatists and leader of the intergalactic banking clan,San Hill noticed genereal grievous,who was at the time a leader of the kalee army.As Hill noticed grievous's strategies and killing methods he asked grievous if he would like to join the seperatist cause which was the republic VS the confederacy of indepentsystems(seperatists.Grievous said "no,i have my own problems to deal with".well Hill really didnt take that well he really wanted grievous as there droid commander ,so because after that response hill went to dooku and told of grievous and then dooku told sidious.Sidious and dooku planned to leave a bomb on a shuttle grievous would be on.....and then BAM!!! happened....grievous opened his eyes and was found floating in a banta tank and found there was little left of his body.Grievous was then told by Hill "we can save you,we have the technology you will walk again,that is if you are willing to join the seperatist cause"desperate to stay alive grievous said "alright".Later he was taken to geonosis were the genosians were experts at cyborg technology.grievous was then created into what we see him today,a CYBORG.thats pretty much it there is some more stuff but i figure you guys will just have to ask me now.

Posted by: chris at August 10, 2005 10:30 PM

Just to say, Grevious was fighting a war against the droids(The Seperatists), on the planet Falucia, he was "supposedly" killed when dooku had one the of the droid tri-fighters kamikaze its way into him. Which caused a massive explosion as it was next to a fueling station for Grevious's army's fighters. Then dooku cleared up the remains of Grevious's troops, cleared the fighter debris, and picked up Grevious's "dead" body. He then had them hook him up into one of those life monitors to check how much pulse he had left, as soon as that happened, he had low low vitals. Dooku decided to give him the droid body of Grevious, and then offered to teach him the ways of lightsaber combat if he would fight for the Seperatists, Grevious, having no body, had no choice, he chose yes, and was to command the droid armies at the end of his training. All according to Sidious's Plans.

Posted by: Someone who thinks Grevious is the tightest villain. at September 13, 2005 07:19 PM

Ok, first of all... Grevious is alive. He was NEVER a WAS. He is still alive, it even says so in the Expanded Universe in If you can't find that, just look up "General Grievous is alive?" in google. You will then find your evidence of him being alive.

It says, Like Darth Maul and Darth Tyranus (Count Dooku) before him, Grievous's appearance and role in the film is meant to foreshadow a characteristic of Darth Sidious's ultimate apprentice, Darth Vader. Darth Maul was an enforcer of Sidious's will, sent to keep control over Sidious's other servants, and kill any who resist him. Count Dooku was an intimidating former Jedi with a commanding presence who became a Sith, and Grievous was kept alive through machine parts as a cyborg.

OMG I love it when I am right.

Posted by: Mr. Fenatic at October 14, 2005 08:18 PM