November 29, 2004

Nice NY Post Article on Ziyi Zhang

I took notice of Ziyi Zhang (or Zhang Ziyi as she was called at the time) like everyone else in Croutching Tiger. I outright fell in love with her (like every other hetrosexual male or lesbian woman out there) in Rush Hour 2. Now I'm just anxious to see her in House of Flying Daggers. While we wait, the New York Post has an interesting little article about her to kill the time. Here's a little blurb:

In "House of Flying Daggers," she expands her acting range, playing a blind courtesan and renegade assassin who's involved in a love triangle. She says the strong characters she's played have been personally vindicating.

"For Western women, it's much easier to be yourself," she has said. "If you want to do something, you just go and do it. In an Asian context, women are still much more modest and conservative. "I want, through my roles, to express the parts in the hearts of Chinese women that they feel unable to let out."

It's worth heading over there to give the whole article a read. The one thing they didn't cover in the story is if she's open to short term relationships with Canadian film pundits. THIS is the stuff I need to know people. Bah! And they call themselves journalists.

Posted by John Campea at November 29, 2004 07:33 AM


Hey guys,
Just a tidbit of information. I'm sure you've all seen crouching tiger hidden dragon, and I'm sure you're aware of the Gaurdsmen (Gao Xian, Xian Goa in america). Well He trained all the actors and actress' in the movie. He's an acceptional actor, aswell as martial artist, and It is a pleasure to be trained under him. If you don't beleive me look it up your self. He has five dojo's on Long Island new york. Chinatown, Flushing, Port Jeff, Port Washington and Dix Hills. Well thought you'd all like to know that, TTFN


Posted by: Xun at November 29, 2004 10:46 AM

Hi all. *waves hi* New reader of the blog. Loved Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and thought Ziyi Zhang gave an awesome performance. I see that she has reversed her name. I know the Chinese use their family name first, so now I'm confused. Which one is her family name? Thanks.

Posted by: tealfan at November 29, 2004 03:20 PM

Her family name is Zhang.

Posted by: Ziyi Zhang fan at December 13, 2004 08:49 AM

She's such a great actress. I can't wait to see her performance in Memoirs of a Geisha.

Posted by: Arnold at January 2, 2005 09:27 PM


Gao Xian is arrested for running a brothel out of his Kung Fu School.

New York post reports


Posted by: gao at September 15, 2005 03:12 PM