November 29, 2004

New head of Disney lined up?

Disney.jpgThe Disney soap opera continues with gossip galore of a possible replacement in line for the role of Disney head.

According to the Guardian Peter Chernin, President of News Corp is a leading contender for the Disney role and has just signed a new contract that stipulates an easy exit if his move is to Disney. If it's to any other company or post then he is destined to be in a six month notice and extremely senior consent from News Corp:

According to US reports, Chernin's new terms with allow him to leave the company without notice if he becomes head of a stand-alone publicly traded rival...Chernin's contract stipulates six months' notice and the consent of Murdoch if Chernin chooses to head up the entertainment division of a rival parent company, such as General Electric's NBC Universal. That is, the contract favours the exact circumstance of Chernin joining Disney, but not a similar post elsewhere.

Well with Eisner set to leave in 2006, could this be a wise preparation? Could it be even sooner?

I'm not sure if Chernin's record will serve him well at Disney. Is it a corporate ruler they need or a lover of animation and such movies as Pixar has? Let's hope it bodes well for Disney.

Posted by Richard Brunton at November 29, 2004 08:16 AM
