November 19, 2004

National Treasure Reviews

I remember a time not so long ago when Nicolas Cage was on top of the A list of actors in Hollywood. For the record, I like him. It seemed like the man could do no wrong. But then a couple of flops came along and his name has dropped down the "wow" scale quite a bit. When I first saw the early trailer for National Treasure, I thought it might herald the return of Mr. Cage. Alas it appears it does not. The one really good thing that can be said for this film is that it's producers were smart enough to put Sean Bean in it. Here's what some of the critics are saying:

"Rancid cinematic cheese."
-- Peter Travers, ROLLING STONE

"The clever bits are swamped by no-brainer gunfights, rescues, and chases galore."

"falls short in many ways, not the least of which is a ridiculously moronic plot that defies reason at every turn"
-- Robert Strohmeyer, FILMCRITIC.COM

"The lighthearted, rocket-paced adventure doesn't have a shred of plausibility -- and it doesn't pretend to. But it has oodles of fun."

To read some more National Treasure reviews, check out RT.

Posted by John Campea at November 19, 2004 06:52 AM

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I think National Treasure is one of the best movies i have ever seen. Its not boring, long, stupid..wutever. And all the history in it is true and more exciting than ur average history class. I learned a lot more about histroy form this movie than i do in social studies class.

Posted by: Lauri at December 4, 2004 07:26 PM

As I watch this film...Its kinda boring but it is also trilling! This film has a familiar story we all know that we already hear this in a reality.I think the director of this film should think another movie that is unique to the other movie that have seen.

Posted by: krista at December 6, 2004 03:42 AM

I really liked this show. The history is mostly correct (if George Washington had campaign buttons, though, I'll eat my hat); while the plot forces you to suspend disbelife almost immediately, it never slips from the implausible into the impossible.
As a Freemason myself, I had lots of fun watching for references that only masons would catch, let alone understand. Just watched the DVD for a second time, and still finding stuff!
And yet, they pulled off all these references without revealing anything.

Posted by: Dark at May 8, 2005 09:42 PM