November 19, 2004

Mrs. Doubtfire 2

Doubtfire_poster.jpgAs previously mentioned, sequels can be tricky things. Trying to recapture the essence of the first movie while being fresh and new is not an easy thing to do. However, if the sequel you're making is Mrs. Doubtfire, you may have a chance. Why? Because the first Mrs. Doubtfire rode on the back of Robin Williams, and that man is always fresh and funny. Put him in another one and it'll work. Without question. Because Williams will MAKE it work one way or the other. I've gone on record several times with my belief that Williams is the single most versatile and talented actor working today... but comedy is his true element. All you've got to do is sit back and watch the man shine.

The great folks over at Coming Soon give us this:

A sequel to the 1993 hit comedy Mrs. Doubtfire is in the works at Fox 2000. Robin Williams is in early talks to reprise the role of Daniel Hillard/Mrs. Doubtfire and resume producing duties with Marsha Williams, says The Hollywood Reporter. Bonnie Hunt is also in talks to write the film.

The original, directed by Chris Columbus (first two "Harry Potter" films), earned $219.2 million domestically and $222 million overseas for a massive worldwide total of $441.2 million, or the 53rd highest-grossing film ever. Mrs. Doubtfire received two Golden Globe awards in 1994, one for best picture (comedy/musical) and one for Williams as best actor in a comedy/musical. The film also won an Oscar for best makeup.

Posted by John Campea at November 19, 2004 07:48 AM


Despite Williams' comedic abilities, I have to question a Mrs. Doubtfire sequel. Dressing up as a grandmotherly old woman to stay close to your kids is one thing. Dressing up again is cross dressing. If the story centers around Williams taking on another type of personality, then it might work, but I don't think that him stepping into the Mrs. Doubtfire shoes again will.

Posted by: Marc at November 19, 2004 09:09 AM

Who cares about this movie ?
I don't !
Everything has been said and done in the first movie. A sequel is a waste of time and money.
This movie is doomed to failure...
Case closed...

Posted by: SomeGuy at November 22, 2004 02:35 PM

I think the sequel will be great I can't wait to see what they have planned.

Posted by: Fan at November 22, 2004 03:48 PM

The movi has great potential! It's no use saying it will be a failure or a big success, because nobody has seen it yet and nobody knows how well the movie will catch on again just like the first one. Every movie Robin Williams has acted in has been if not a major success, but a well loved movie, and I think it's critical for some of those in this forum to be degrading the sequel before it has actually been writen!!!

Posted by: Stuart at November 23, 2004 01:46 PM

Interesting... that's good info to know.

Posted by: Baxter at November 24, 2004 09:39 AM

I hope it's as good as the first, and that they don't try to remake an entirely different movie with "Mrs. Doubtfire" in the title. That would put the first movie to shame and it would become another reason why sequals don't usually work.

I loved the first movie and am very excited to see a sequal, and I hope the same reasons people fell in love with first movie are in the sequal.

Posted by: Valerie at January 1, 2005 05:19 PM

I cannot wait till Mrs. Doubtfire2 comes out. I will see it. I loved the first movie, but please call Mrs. Doubtfire the same name as in the book.

Posted by: Ben K. at May 12, 2005 02:47 PM

I lurrrrrrrrrrve dis film, me and me m8s jen + heva r crazy bout it! (teacha in class asked us if we needed a hand wiv our work, we cracked up and yelled oooh no dear i dnt need a hand i need a face at da same tym classic! fab film lmto)lmao we're always du in lil clips of da muvie btween ourselfs lol fantastic film i do ope there's a mrs doubtfire 2 nxt yr, wil b fan bludy tastic lol!!! kt xxxx

Posted by: Katie at July 8, 2005 03:15 PM

I would like very much to see this movie, but I ask something myself, In the end of the movie Mrs Doubtfire is a star in a popoular tv programme, so everybody knows his real identity, how could be this a secret for someone in the sequel?

Posted by: andrea at July 11, 2005 12:29 PM

i think this film will rule! i cant wait to laugh!

Posted by: kat at July 23, 2005 05:58 PM

the first one was the best movie i have ever seen. robin williams is hilarious and one of my favorite actors. i cant wait until it comes out. i will be first in line for tickets at my theater.

Posted by: angel24buffyfan at August 6, 2005 11:57 PM

duz any one know whats its about well i cant till it comes out i think it would be good if mrs doubtfier was under cover but then it would probly be to much like big mommas house ! and we all know mrs doubtfire is better than that lol

Posted by: kyle major at August 8, 2005 07:29 AM

i think they should make the sequal and still keep up with it. because there are more ideas i'm sure fox has for this one. and even if they decide afterwards to make the 3rd one (which probably will probably won't who knows). whatever ideas they will have for this sequal i'm sure it'll work out perfectly

Posted by: glenn at August 11, 2005 01:28 PM

I cant wait til this hits the screen! It's sure to be a hit like the first. I watch Mrs. Doubtfire all the time she even signed a picture for me.I'll be first in line to see this movie.

Posted by: Chase at October 5, 2005 06:34 PM

This will be a great movie, but is there going to be different kids in it because the youngest one is about 17 or 18 and the oldest ones are in theire late 20s or early 30s, but they could also do it like the kids grew up or those kids children or something.

Posted by: Brian Dunlop at October 15, 2005 07:02 PM

Those kids could be in their early 20s or mid 20s. Check out my URL.

Posted by: Benjamin Franklin Gates at October 15, 2005 07:11 PM