November 22, 2004

Mel Gibson Not Whoring Himself For Oscar

One of the saddest things around Oscar time is the shameless antics studios do to market their films for Oscar time. They send out copies to the voters in the Academy, they take out full page spreads in the New York Times to say why they should win, they wine, they dine. Why not just leave well enough alone and let the quality of the films speak for themselves?

Apparently Mel Gibson understands this, and has decided to not spend one penny on television, radio or print ads hawking "Passion" for Academy Award consideration. Instead, he's decided to put his faith in the merits of the work as it vies for the film industry's top honors. Good for you Mel!

Now, having said that, The Passion is a damn fine film... but honestly I don't think it's quite good enough to pull in the big Oscar. I just hope it stays a clean race. I hate it when anti-religious biggots try to smear this movie as much as I hate it when anti-gay biggots try to smear Alexander. Found via IESB.

Posted by John Campea at November 22, 2004 07:15 AM


I'm not an anti-religious bigot, but I got a seriously bad odour off this film this spring. When a movie grafts moralizing and guilt off of the fetishization of violence I have a problem. It's one thing for violence in films as entertainment (i.e. no righteousness) it's quite another to use it for a sledgehammer of guilt. It's like taking a big long look at someone being hauled out of a car-wreck with their limbs mangled and then told "Be shocked but look, look, look and watch the blood fly, look again, see how bloody that person is, oh yea, and learn from this"

In fact, if anything is bigotted, it is this movie that is bigotted. As much against the Jewish, as against anyone who is non-jesus (look at those torture guards, they are like cartoon vilians).

For my religious cinema, I would rather watch Pasolini's "Gospel According to St. Matthew" than watch Gibson's hellfire-wankering.

Whether or not it wins any awards (And I will be the first to acknowledge Caleb Deschanel's (sp?) fine cinematography in the film, in spite of what he is actually filming!) it is pretty irrelevent, because rarely do the truly good films win the big award...

Forrest Gump beat out Pulp Fiction?
English Patient beat out Fargo (and for that matter, Secrets & Lies)?
Russel Crow winning for Gladiator (a performance where looking tough and grunting was the only prerequisite) and NOT WINNING for The Insider (which is a masterful performance, and the best in his career!)
and on and on....

/must be surly this morning, thus I will end rant


Posted by: triflic at November 22, 2004 08:52 AM

Hey, this thing made a ton of money, isn't it do for a sequel?

Posted by: Bombadil at November 22, 2004 10:38 AM

If Mel fails to win the Oscar, can we take that as proof that God doesn't exist? Because if He did, he would, wouldn't he?

Posted by: John at November 22, 2004 11:05 AM

"Why not just leave well enough alone and let the quality of the films speak for themselves?"

Because 99.9% of the movie industry (actually, the entertainment industry as a whole) is comprised of sycophantic narcissists. Name another industry, where the participants make such a display of patting in each other on the back for their accomplishments, real or imagined, on an international level? I'm reminded of the lines from a Chris Rock film..."You da man!", "You da woman!".

And thank you for giving me a cause to use "sycophantic narcissists" in a sentence.

Posted by: Bubba at November 22, 2004 11:42 AM

A Sequel? Yes, one is in the makings right now. In it, Jesus comes back to save the world by fighting Freddy, Jason and Aliens with the help of Ash. It's gonna rule!

At the end, Ash and Jesus high five over the ashes of thier fallen enemies while Ash mutters "Fuck You - you knife glove wearing, acid for blood, goalie mask touting athiests"

Then they both crack open a can of Coke and proclaim "Man, that's refreshing stuff".

Aerosmith rocks out a power balad while the end credits role.

Instant classic.

Posted by: John Campea at November 22, 2004 11:51 AM

Bubba, your usage of the English language must be applauded. How do you find the time to post any this blog, with your own firing on all cylinders?

Posted by: David Terry at November 22, 2004 11:52 AM


Now that sounds like a movie!

Posted by: miles at November 22, 2004 12:36 PM

Picture Jesus saying something about his boomstick and lightning coming down on Jason.

Tagline: Nobody else could kill them, now the Holy Son wants his shot.


how about a scene where Jason is brought back from the dead again and Jesus says "That is so old, I was doing doing that hundreds of years ago"

Posted by: Bombadil at November 22, 2004 01:22 PM

How about jesus and mel in the outback.
They are angry, looking for revenge.

We can spend the first 45 min just watching them build a transmission, and getting sweet rims for their amc javelin. After they are done putting on the last mag wheel Jesus can say LET THEIR BE RIMS and we will laugh and laugh.

I love it already

Posted by: doug nagy at November 22, 2004 04:01 PM

I thought they made the was called "Dawn of the Dead"


Posted by: triflic at November 22, 2004 04:17 PM

When I saw The Passion I never cried so hard in my WHOLE life. One time my mom under went a hysterectomy and I didn't cry. (I was depressed as hell though.) After I saw this movie I realized something that not a lot people have talked about and that is: I wouldn't let anyone under the age of 18 see this movie unless they very well adjusted or just a fan of violence. I mean really think about would you let a 5 year old who's just beginning to learn about Christ watch this movie? I sure as hell wouldn't! I saw this movie just to stick it to the assholes that where saying that this movie would flop. So I was caught way off guard. You basically endure gruesome violence for two hours and then the movie ends with time to recoup. Sorry but I missed where was the love in that movie? Instead just go church and read the Bible. When it’s Oscar time I’m rooting for LOTR like everyone else.

Posted by: Alfredo at November 22, 2004 04:37 PM

The Passion has serious chances to win the Oscar race, in my oppinion, regardless Mel Gibson´s decisions. And deservedly, by the way.

Posted by: Peter at November 22, 2004 06:00 PM

I think Passion was a fantastic film. Emotional, great looking visuals, etc. I don't think it will win much if anything at the Oscars though. There are a few (very few) films of great caliber that came out this year and I think as an objective movie watcher, others outid Passion purely on some artistic merits, not to mention other aspects. While I loved the film, I think it's hard pressed against Ray and a few other movies this year.

Posted by: Mantiss at November 23, 2004 12:43 PM

The passion was to give an exaple of what the Lord went through in his crucifixion for us who are ungrateful.

Posted by: tommy t. at November 25, 2004 07:03 PM

i feel that passion of christ was the best movie i have seen. it too bad that it is not on the oscar list for best movie. and many will not be happy as i am not. that a great movie like this is over looked. it is sad people gave it such a hard time to show this movie god son was a jew. why would the jews get so upset. as no one was saying that because it was the juws who kill christ. r not bad people. the acting of this moveie was great. and the way the moveie put it out was so people could see how bad christ was treaded. i am very sad that mel dis not get a change to win a oscare as i am sure he would

Posted by: peggy at January 8, 2005 11:50 AM

some of the comments from people were not really looking at the true meaning of the movie all some of then were looking at the sad thing that were happeing. if you people would look at the way the movie was u would see they had to show how it was when christ died. one thing i dont understand about the movie and may be some one could tell me. who was that in black with a child. i got the movie at my house and every time i watch it i cry and see something diff in it.

Posted by: peggy at January 8, 2005 12:01 PM