November 22, 2004

Kevin Spacey is Lex Luthor

spacey_Kpax.jpgWe've been talking about the rumors about Kevin Spacey perhaps accepting the role of Lex Luthor in the upcoming Superman project. Such news would make me sing and dance even at a funeral. Well, according to the good folks over at Filmrot, it's a done deal! Quoting from S-V, Filmrot reports:

S-V can now exclusively reveal that Spacey has sorted out his scheduling problems and will take time off from his role at The Old Vic to shoot Superman in Sydney next year. This will reteam Spacey with Bryan Singer and mean that Brandon Routh will be battling it out with a two time Oscar Winner who is one of Hollywood's most respected actors!
You must excuse me now as I begin my dance for joy. This film is just going to rule. Not to mention, I STILL think Brandon Routh was a good pick for the lead role.

Posted by John Campea at November 22, 2004 07:26 AM


I am not a very good dancer, but if a mean little jig will suffice, I am doing it now.

Posted by: Bombadil at November 22, 2004 10:37 AM

That made me smile Bombadil. Don't know what you look like, but I still imagined a man do a jig around his computer. He will certainly give this film that star quality that it will need. A pretty much unknown actor was correct for Superman, as long as they surrounded him with established quality actors. Spacey is certainly that, and more! Sod the Starwars gumph thats being thrown out, Im looking forward to the man in the red pants (in a non-Alexander (alledged) way)!!!

Posted by: David Terry at November 22, 2004 10:43 AM

Yes, yes, yes! (Cue Irish jig music.) Excuse me while I dance like Bruce Willis in The Last Boy Scout.

Posted by: Marc at November 22, 2004 11:19 AM

Sounds like a scene from Titanic to me!

Posted by: David Terry at November 22, 2004 11:49 AM

Not trying to rain on the parade but film roles must be a little scarce for Mr. Spacey of late for him to take this role.
I thought he was actively avoiding "evil genius" parts after Usual Suspects and Seven.

Posted by: ushaped at November 22, 2004 11:50 AM

Glad I could brighten every body's day for a little bit.

As far as roles being scarce for Spacey, he is probably just a big Superman fan as a kid or something. They are talking Oscar for him this year, I doubt he will have any troubles finding roles.

Posted by: Bombadil at November 22, 2004 01:13 PM

Thinking about Superman turns you into a dick. It's true!

Posted by: Mark at November 22, 2004 05:55 PM

Hey, been gone a while but always checking in. I have to say I'm absolutely ecstatic that Spacey will be Lex. A bald spacey with a good sized cigar, just the perfect look and personality for that character. Kind of like an evil Daddy Warbucks. Looking forward to this move much more now that I know it really is headed in the right direction.

Posted by: Mantiss at November 23, 2004 12:37 PM

I couldn't imagine a better sardonic foil for the ultimate straight man.

Posted by: Agent Jackson at November 23, 2004 01:08 PM

Finally some news worth the effort of dusting off my dancing shoes! Kevin can just about do no wrong in my eyes, and I can't wait to see this movie.

Posted by: Tania at November 23, 2004 03:28 PM

The picture you posted kind of looks like an older Michael Rosenbaum.

I'm a big kevin Spacey fan. I can't wait.

Posted by: Cybermike at November 23, 2004 11:07 PM

Kevin has said many times that he would love to work with Bryan Singer again,so this is his chance! Can't wait to see him in BTS and Superman! Excuse me while I get down to my bad self while dancing around my computer!

Posted by: vivian at November 25, 2004 09:40 AM

hold on let me get my dancing shoes...wait for me

Posted by: Tariq at November 29, 2004 12:12 AM

Hello! we r fans of superman, and r very excited about this new superman movie...hope is great!
i just wanted to say that i hope that kevin spacey, whos playin lex luthor, plays this role all the way. Lex is bald in most comic books-and is more adequate than with wig, therefore it would be soo awsome! if spacey would play the thrilling role of lex luthor as he is more like...without hair or wigs.


Posted by: melanie and sammy at December 26, 2004 01:46 AM