November 19, 2004

Jessica Simpson Gets A Leading Role

Pardon me, but would the last sane person to leave the planet please turn off the lights on your way out. Why is it no one listens to me?!?! (Besides the fact that I'm an idiot).

Jessica Simpson has just landed the leading role in the upcoming film Room Service. The big question: WHY!?!!? This is just stupid. I know you've all had to endure hearing me rant and rave about this sort of thing... but you'll have to put up with me just a little bit longer.

PUT REAL ACTORS IN MOVIES!!!! You know... the people who actually know how to act. The ones who have studied the craft and dedicated their lives to learning and perfecting the art. The ones who have paid their dues over years and years. No offense intended to Miss Simpson, but this is pure crap. The end result is that we, the movie going and paying audience, end up with B quality product because some producer thought having a recognizable name (even if it's not an actors name) is more important than talent.

Right now you might be thinking to yourself: "Well John, if she auditioned for the role and won it, then maybe she deserves the part". That would sound good, except the good folks over at Cinema Confidential gives us this:

Simpson's father and manager, Joe Simpson, will produce the film with Gale Ann Hurd, Randall Emmett, and George Furla. Janus Cercone ("Leap of Faith") will adapt the screenplay.
Awww... isn't that sweet. Daddy is producing a movie for his little girl. Ug, take from all of this what you will. The fact of the matter is that these egocentric idiots are going to continue to treat us, the movie going public, like morons until we send them a message that we want the best quality for our entertainment dollars and STOP GOING TO SEE THESE FILMS THAT DON'T CAST ACTUAL ACTORS. Man, I seem to be in a foul mood today.

Posted by John Campea at November 19, 2004 07:35 AM


The problem with our boycotting movies like this, is that it will have no impact whatsover on the bottom line of a film like this whatsoever.

it just seems to me like not many readers of the movie blog are twelve year girls.

the demographic movies like this are targeted at don't realize jessica simpson is a no talent piece of man-looking trailer trash, and will pay their allowance money to go see them.

shame on parents, force your children to listen to Pink Floyd and make them watch Apocolypse Now before all good taste is lost!

Posted by: miles at November 19, 2004 07:40 AM

But it's not just THIS movie. It's all these films (Like Dukes of Hazzard) that are giving leading roles to non-actors. It's gotta stop. Yummmy, this yogert is good.

Posted by: John Campea at November 19, 2004 07:59 AM

You gotta get over yourself and realize that not all movies are ment to be works of art and wonder. Yes, some movies are made for teenagers to spend their parents money on! These movies are NOT aimed at movie lovers, they are ment for kids who think Jessica is IT, period.

I like your site and I often agree with you BUT at the end of the day producers want their money back, that is why all these tv shows made into movies (What a lame ass excuse for a movie is this!) are gonna be filled with whoever is popular at the moment and why people like Jessica will do almost anything to make more cash by doing movies, tv show, sing, dance and eventually yes ... porn!

Good movies are still being made ... just let the other ones slide off your back and thank God you are not a teenage boy who will spend $11 bucks to see Jessica on a large screen ... over and over and over again.

I recently saw the Infernal Affairs movies .. now that is movie making!

Rock on!

Posted by: mercer at November 19, 2004 11:08 AM

Oh yeah Mercer?!?!

Well you can lick my butt!!

you can take your "logic" and shove it!


is it just me or are there alot of posts now adays that start "love your site but" what is the deal? if you disagree with john, don't suck up just tell him he is an idiot!

Posted by: miles at November 19, 2004 01:00 PM

Don't listen to Miles Mercer. By all means... keep kissing my ass like a tasty side of ham.



Posted by: John Campea at November 19, 2004 01:50 PM

Well, actually she is neither a singer...

I remember with fear and awe those "amazing" performances like:

-Sting in "Dune"

-David Bowie in "The Hunger" (well... could be argued)

-Mick Jagger in... whatever movie lol

The fact is: once you get success in anything, u are credited to do anything. Models writing novels, cookers presenting TV shows, and actor recording albums...

It sucks, but there is little we poor mortals can do... just wait and see...

Posted by: Peter at November 19, 2004 02:41 PM

Q. What do you and Nick Lachey have in common?

A. Neither of you is fucking Jessica Simpson.

Posted by: Mark at November 19, 2004 08:20 PM

She is sooooo cute and stupid. She's like a cat in a human body. I like her...

Still, I would never pay to see a movie starring her. Hmm... maybe not.
Being so untalented, if mercer is right, it shouldn't be very long before her porn movie is out.
That I would pay for... :-)

Posted by: SomeGuy at November 22, 2004 02:00 PM

Jessica Simpson is simply sqeezing the marrow out of her two years in the spot light.
Good for her.
If she's as smart as she is reported to be at hiding her true I.Q. and using all the dolt's in this country to pay her bills,hey,more power to her.
But listening to her trying to sing is like cutting sheet steel with a circular saw.
You NEED hearing protection.

Posted by: Phillip at November 22, 2004 09:19 PM

If she's crap don't pay to go; if the movies crap ditto.

Audiences do have an impact but it's akin to turning a supertanker in a canal. Just look how long it takes for studios to register that one or other A-list actress did NOT sell movies; and then how much longer for all the in process crap to flush through the system.


Posted by: jeff at November 23, 2004 11:38 AM

jessica you are ugly give me all your stuff louis vuitton hand bag gucci hobo hand bag makeup stuff and nick lachey

Posted by: sarah at January 15, 2005 05:38 PM

Jessica is worthless and no I wouldn't go see her in a movie!

Posted by: Britney Spears at February 17, 2005 10:56 AM

Jessica dont listen to any of these people I LOVE your work and You of course I dont care what anyone says your great and keep up the good work. I'll always be here for you.

Posted by: Jaime Hernandez at March 20, 2005 10:39 PM

you guys are saying negative things about her because you're just jealous of what she has and you dont...get over it and just be happy. she's very beautiful and can sing...unlike other singers who lipsyncs and are fake...jessica simpson is real!!!

Posted by: Christina at April 18, 2005 08:24 PM

i totally agree with you Jamie Hernandez

Posted by: Christina at April 18, 2005 08:25 PM

i totally agree with you Jaime Hernandez

Posted by: Christina at April 18, 2005 08:26 PM

I must admit I'm addicted to watching Jessica. Now that Newlyweds is over I'm glad I can get my fix somewhere. Although, no way I'll shell out the cash to see this in a theater. Maybe DVD...

Posted by: scarves at April 28, 2005 11:51 AM

No offense, but I agree. Jessica is so DAMN ugly (looks like a guy)and I'm not jealous of her by all means! There are plenty of other beautiful actresses out there that I do happen to like, but she is not at all one of them. How she got where she is God only knows, but I think she should hang herself and do us all a favor. Her music sucks and so does her acting (if that's what you want to call it). I have no earthly idea how or why she got the part as Daisy Duke on Dukes of Hazzard! I can think of pretty (not prettier, because there's no competition when it comes to her) actresses that would have been so much better for the part. At least I could have been able to look at them! I would have paid to see the movie if she wouldn't have been in it, but now it's tainted by her skankiness. What a retard. She's ugly and retarded, PERIOD. If she were to come to my town I know for a fact she wouldn't be greeted by getting her clothes ripped off, she would be greeted by a tub full of tomatoes, all the while being pointed at and laughed at. I don't personally know of even ONE person that likes her where I'm from, and I know quite a few people. Hollywood must be on drugs.

Posted by: Atlantis at September 12, 2005 06:35 AM

Jessica Simpson should star in a new Bambi Movie/ she has that unique deer in the headlights stare 24/7

Posted by: odo at October 5, 2005 11:17 PM