November 09, 2004


Incredibles3.jpgBecause of all the upheaval going on around The Movie Blog with changing hosts, upgrading Mt and changing Domain Registrars I haven't got this post put up nearly as early as I wanted to. But oh well... here it is now!

The negative thing about seeing a film you've been excited about is the high potential for being let down. A movie can be very good... but if you were expecting GREAT, then you walk out disappointed... and man were my hopes sky high for The Incredibles. I was NOT disappointed!

This movie epitomizes why Pixar is, and will continue to be king of the mountain when it comes to 3d animated films. They understand that what makes a good film is NOT the 3D animation itself, but rather a good script, solid story telling, compelling characters and skilled directing. The animation should just be the vehicle to allow all these other elements to shine. Pixar gets this, and as a result they constantly deliver fantastic results.

You've already read a thousand reviews of The Incredibles, so i won't bore you with another. Just wanted to throw in my two cents worth to say "Get your ass off your chair and go out to see this thing!". Off you go now.

Posted by John Campea at November 9, 2004 06:49 AM


Some animations insult me with poop jokes and meaningless pop culture references. But this movie doesn't waste a frame on that junk and puts their effort into awesome visuals and intelligent scripting. And the comic fanboy in me loved to see all the best parts of comics on screen.

Posted by: tajar at November 9, 2004 02:23 PM

It´s two weeks from release here in Spain. Top priority of course!

Posted by: Peter at November 9, 2004 02:27 PM

Definetely, something happens with comments! Must be related to host change...

Posted by: Peter at November 9, 2004 02:28 PM

My family really enjoyed it as well, but... it seemed to be missing something that was present in the likes of Monsters Inc., Finding Nemo, and Toy story.

As a superhero/James Bond type of movie it worked great, but it was definitely a departure from previous Pixar productions.

My review of The Incredibles.


Posted by: Screen Rant at November 9, 2004 02:42 PM

My family loved it as well, but my wife and I exchanged glances a few times during some very serious/tense moments. The Incredibles is definitely the most "adult" of Pixar's films, but it is a fun, exciting adventure for the whole family.

Posted by: Marc at November 9, 2004 03:13 PM

It might be just me... but are the comments backwards now? Instead of top-bottom they're going bottom-top? It's a little confusing. Oh well.

Oh yeah... The Incredibles was awesome! Backwards comments away!

Posted by: Jonstafa at November 9, 2004 03:15 PM

Yeah, I totally agree. I think my wife and I enjoyed it even more than the kids.

Posted by: Jerry at November 10, 2004 08:35 AM

Totally agree. I saw it on Friday night, and it was, well, Incredible. It always amazes me how Pixar can take familiar and even overused concepts and repackage them in an original and imaginative way. This movie, conceptualy, is just an amalgam of Spy Kids, any generic superhero movie, and any typical family-centric movie. But I think that reusing familiar concepts frees them of having to re-invent the wheel, and allows them to focus their massive creativity on the characters and the story.

Definitely a great movie.

Posted by: Skane at November 10, 2004 08:52 AM