November 16, 2004

Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy Teaser

HHGTTG.jpgWow. (For those of you reading in plain text, or from countries that do not have this trait, that’s sarcasm) I’ve never seen a trailer that gives you less. It seems Teasers are becoming shorter and sooner in a films development than ever, as if a website didn’t do the job then a thirty second 3D Studio Max produced clip of the main event or theme of the movie with no actors or real people in sight would surely get the public interested and flocking to the site in droves.

Well, actually (sarcasm is gone now) perhaps it does. This movie is riding on the coattails of the book, the TV series, the cult following and the website of everything that is HHGTTG, and why shouldn’t it? No surprises in the teaser, nothing too exciting, and yet it still manages to make me warm up to the movie. Thanks to Empire for the link, which goes directly to the Quicktime movie.

That’s what I love about film, the fact that 30 seconds of nothing can get me this excited. It’s a wonderful medium. (Do I always go off topic?) In fact, I remember John mentioning something about awards for trailers, and I really think there should be those awards out there, and indeed a set of bad awards for those trailers that suck and give away the movie ending!

Perhaps we should have our own awards poll? Anyway, back on topic, what are the expectations for this movie? What is everyone out there thinking about it, especially if you are an original TV fan?

Posted by Richard Brunton at November 16, 2004 04:37 AM


This year I saw something about The Trailer Awards, the last Harry Potter trailer won I think Tom Green was the host, really.

Posted by: Mister T at November 16, 2004 06:14 AM

Aha! If only I had done a search before writing. Mister T you are spot on:

Posted by: Richard at November 16, 2004 06:19 AM


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