
Halo The Movie

halo2box.jpgIt still boggles my mind. The opening weekend numbers for Halo 2, which not only blew away any other video game sales in history, but also out did any movie opening weekend numbers in history is just crazy. But you knew in the pit of your stomach that this was coming. The word leaking around AICN this morning is that it appears the engines are getting warmed up to getting a film adaptation of Halo into motion.

I'm not a big fan of game-to-film adaptations... they usually don't work out to well no matter how good the game is. But I can understand how the marketing possibilities are too good to pass up for studios. And no game has ever made as much money as Halo... which pretty much automatically means no game-to-film movie will ever make as much as this one could. So you can bet your behind that one way or the other, even though it's still just in it's rumour stage right now, Halo the Movie will be in production within the next 3 months to capitalize on the hype going on around it as much as possible. It's not a good idea to rush something that fast... but it may be good business... which really is all game-to-film movies are in the end.

But who am I kidding. I'd go see it as fast as the next guy.

Posted by John Campea at November 18, 2004 07:55 AM


This is one adaptation that might actually be quite good. Coming from a studio such as Bungie and Microsoft, they have the strength to push a decent movie from it.

Also the premise and plot are a hell of a lot stronger than previous adaptations such as "kill all the zombies created by an engineered virus". Halo has quite a bit of depth to it storywise and some excellent twists and turns.

It's more like it's been developed with game and movie in mind side by side.

Posted by: Richard at November 18, 2004 07:10

Aaaw, I'd much rather see the long overdue Ringworld movie adaptation! After all, most of the Halo concept is pretty much lifted from that book.

Both would be fine too.

Posted by: Joen at November 18, 2004 18:00

Yeah The Halo Movie Would be great but it is going to be difficult to make with all the covenent costumes or cg designs.

I do hope it takes of where halo 2 left off with the Arbiter and chief.

Posted by: Hunter at November 26, 2004 01:30

WHY Wouldn't they make the movie in a digital form, like Finding Nemo or The Incredibles!!!!
Honestly, i believe that this would look like an old starwars film if they tried to make costumes for the covenant, digital animation would be much eaiser. Heck if they worked with bungie they have half of the graphics the need right there!

Posted by: Hawk at December 05, 2004 23:57

No, in fact i disagree that a movie in didital would be better, the old Star Wars movies were great because they had a strong plot and good acting. Remember what happened with the realease of Episodes I and II? They loaded those babies up with as much special effects and crazy light saber action as they could. Unfortunately there wa no plot. At all. What so ever. If halo does become a movie the only way it would do strong at the box offices is if it has a strong plot and good acting.

Posted by: Andrew at December 30, 2004 20:29

Screw star wars my game (halo& halo2) are the beter than any game ever invented thanks for making my story happen bungie.

Posted by: John 117 at January 23, 2005 16:31

Screw star wars my game (halo& halo2) are the beter than any game ever invented thanks for making my story happen bungie.So the movie would be awsome and the movie will be the biggest of the year.

Posted by: John 117 at January 23, 2005 16:33

screw me that movie will rock every movie I have ever made has sucked balls.

Posted by: Star Wars at January 23, 2005 16:36

the only way this movie is going to be good is if they get the guys at bungie to do it. if it is live action this movie is gonna suck balls. there is no way it could have the look and feel of halo unless it is cg animation and the voice actors from the game do it

Posted by: SPARTAN-087 at February 13, 2005 22:37


I think that halo the movie would be a great idea and that it would rock the movies like no game turned into a movie has ever before! (unless hollywood gets ahold of it. then we can all kiss this dream of ours goodbye.) Because all holywood would do is strip the story apart piece by piece nad turn it into a apiece of crap! Unless bungie has something to do with it. Then it would be amazing. Because all hollywood cares a bout is there damn money and who plays in it. Honestly they really dont care about the game story at all only their f***n ratings.
Thats why i hope that bungie is reading this and is to take this warning seriously and watch over the plot very carefully.....

Posted by: halo owns at February 19, 2005 13:33

Okay,first off, when i heard about a possible Halo-based movie i immediately thought of what potential such a movie could have. In my opinion, whoever they have penning this movie and directing it should definitely NOT make it into some summer sleeper hit. There's SOOO much that can happen....think...Lord Of The Rings or Star Wars. With proper articulation and care, you have way more than enough base for a stunning epic. I'm sure there are LOADS of people who'd agree with me that they dont wanna just see another shallow "Starship Troopers" or (AAAAAAKKKKK) "Battlefield Earth" with human forces running around and aimlessly shooting at some CGI aliens. C'mon guys think about it! The entire human race faces complete and utter extinction so just how satisfied would you REALLY be if they wrapped up the ending in a nice neat package after just an an hour and a half?
There should be pain, suffering and a complete sense of hopelesness. If done right, then people will flock to see it because they can relate wit the emotional level of it all. Even the folks who dont' fancy science fiction wouldn't be able to resist having at least a fondness for the film.
Last point, and it's probably a stretch but the movie should be written with intent of incurring an "R" rating. Now before you local villagers start rounding up your pitchforks and torches, hear me out. I know that those Hollywood moguls will probably pen a PG-13 movie just for the sake of all the merchandising profits they can suck from little kids and sixteen-year olds, but if the case were to make a great movie above all else, then an R-rating would be the best way to go. Why? It's simple of course! The Halo videogame has a Mature rating and the (excellent) books based on the game are written to that extent as well. So to "sanitize" a movie based on a game already leads you in the wayward direction of "Spawn" and we all know how great THAT movie did. For example, remember for the first Halo game the level known as "The Silent Cartographer"? Well for those who don't it began with you getting dropped onto a beach with your troops and storming an enemy-held position D-Day style. Imagine it, a scene from the movie drops Master Chief down and there's explosions all around! People from both sides falling from the hail of gunfire! Limbs being blown off! And after a grueling offensive struggle, the Master Chief and whoever's left standing triumphant over the fallen enemies. It's "Saving Private Ryan"-esque feel will captivate audiences. Case-in-point people, space aliens or Nazis, it's a WAR movie and people die bloody violent deaths in war. If you want to see soldiers run across a field shooting at each other but without any casualties, pick up a copy of G.I. Joe Season Two on dvd. You'll get your fix a whole lot quicker and save a few bucks.
Okay, that's enough ranting for now and I hope people respond with their point-of views. I'm hoping for the best when it comes to this movie.

Posted by: elite105 at March 08, 2005 10:02

Uwe Boll = Crappy Movie...

Look like im going to have to wait for Rush Hour 3 for a good movie.

Posted by: Ray` at March 16, 2005 14:06

If Uwe Boll directs it will turnout craptacular goodness at it's finest

Looks like im going to have to wait for Rush Hour 3 for a good movie.

Posted by: Ray` at March 16, 2005 14:06

If and when they make a halo movie it should be based around fear and horror from the brutal forces of the covenant destroying what ever they find and the flood terrying through people and the covenant looking for food. it shouldnt just be a crap american movie where they come and save the day and everyone lives happily ever after it should follow the halo 1 script exactly.

Posted by: max at April 08, 2005 17:36

all halo game are great though would love to watch movie huge fan of halo

Posted by: the arbeter at April 29, 2005 12:40

i agree after seeing the trialer not very impressed with it game loooks much better

Posted by: the arbeter at April 29, 2005 12:41

A Halo movie? great!!!!!! this movie (depending on the acting and special effects) could really make it big! But give the movie some plot. Don't turn it into a straight "shoot, slaughter, done" kind of a movie. Make it have a great plot and script and this movie will take off!!!!!!!!

Posted by: blacknova at May 03, 2005 14:20

yes i agree as i see the trialer more often i believe it could become my favoite of all time game/movie

Posted by: the arbeter at May 06, 2005 13:50

Why make a movie from the games? Plenty of story from before and between the 2 games here. They do have 2 books that are excellent (3 if you count that crap one they made for the first game). It should be CG since they already have the voices for MC and Cortana and all the rest and it would just be pointless and dumb to get actual actors to do it. God have mercy if Uwe Boll gets hold of these rights , because i definately don't want to hear he is making a Halo movie with no Covenant and its on earth at the present time like I hear Doom is goning to be with no hell whats-so-ever.

Posted by: John Spartan 117 at May 08, 2005 10:35

i believe that bungie should make two halo movies on that begins with the discovery of the convenatn and ends with the maw ending and then they should make another movie about halo 2 but what ever they do they better not let hollywood get to it they should only let bungie do i and do it in animation style instead of half and half

Posted by: spartan-075 at May 20, 2005 10:26

I think that this movie would be good if they add a plot but keep into the storyline and keep the ending as it is in the original game( Halo1), with lots of special efects and beter diction. That way it will be a great movie and maby beat the action packed movie "Resident Evil2"

Posted by: anon at May 21, 2005 19:02

Trailer where!?
any way here is what I have to say. I has yo be CGI, personally I hate CGI, but scince HALO has a stong plot I think that I would be the only one I would CONSIDER seeing.

Posted by: Larry at May 21, 2005 21:52

i think that the halo movie is a good idea because many people would like to watch it! and i would like to se it as soom as it comes out!!!!!!!

Posted by: Da Halo Warrior at June 13, 2005 11:14

as long as the movie focus's on the action a little more than the story it should be okay. And they shouldn't give it to much of a video game look like that terrible movie 'house of the dead'.

I wonder what game it will be based on the 1st the second or posibbly even the third. Or maybe they will combine a couple of them. Or maybe the story all together will be different except for characters.

Posted by: mgs3 at June 13, 2005 11:35

Yes i agree that a movie should be made. The halo books have alot of information to make a complelling storyline. The movie should be R rated because it needs to show how the people of earth are suffering against an enemy they dont seem able to beat. I hope that bungie is willing to help with the script. If the movie is done by real actors who have experience like Samuel Jackson i think they will have no problem making the movie work.

Posted by: people at July 04, 2005 22:00

halo is going to have the whole story , the movie is about the first squad that seen the planet or about the third part ,it would be cool if the intro had the making of the suit the background with the pround team names and the others workers on the film props and whatever the film needs to look like the real halo , images and battles the choices need to make some one wow i remember that .

Posted by: clayton at July 06, 2005 23:38

I beleive that the Halo movie should be about the first novel by Eric Nylud. It is all about how Master Chief became basically the savior of Earth. 1, because it would have more of a storyline than the games(which rock, but I think that they should steer clear for the movie). 2, more action (If you havent read the first novel "The Fall of Reach," read it. 3, It would be like Star Wars III, and everyone would get to see the connection to the first game.

Posted by: Scott at July 08, 2005 00:19

As a grand halo player, I hope that there will be more than one episode of halo like "lord of the ring" or "star war" as others mentioned it. But i would pre-rate it "T"(if there is a movie and a good one) not because the poor humans are being blown up by the convenants but by the flood! the flood is much more worse and horrifying than anything in halo. So let's pray god that he will inspire holywood for this expensive movie...and talk about halo3 cause when it comes out...it will be after the 3th game does.

Posted by: lepape at July 12, 2005 13:38

I think it's fair to say that there will be more than one movie, if Microsoft are doing the whole bible thing and being very careful about the movie, they're either not wanting it to affect any other Halo games - which it wouldn't anyway, gamers would still buy it - or they want to protect the timelines for a series of movies.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at July 12, 2005 16:51

It would be a good idea to have more than one movie to cover background information and follow through the movie exactly as the game would go. Bungie would make a sick movie as long as Bungie gets to do the film. There the ones who made the game and would have the best concept of what it should look and be like, if anyone else does it they WILL ruin a film of the best game ever made because they will just make anything to get a pretty pennie. Bungie should be the producers and I know they would do a good job especially filling in the plot and working CG effects. They should stick to the original game plot while filling in a lot of other pieces to fulfill a story with two large forces and one important cyborg. They better let Bungie do a film if they chose to make one or you will see a perfectly waisted game/movie.

Posted by: Austin at August 19, 2005 14:26

I don't know about any of you guys, but either way would be fine. I know alot about CGI and special effects. If Microsoft wants to use real actors then all they have to do is find some actor who looks like his looks could match the voice and personalities of each of the main characters and record the voices for the actors to follow along with all though I would agree that they wouldn't really look like their talking, but I know that Microsoft and Universal pictures can pull it off. Any who reject, FUCK YOU.

Posted by: Derek Morris at August 29, 2005 23:31

Everyone that owns any of the halo games, they love them, and their not gona pass up the movie. So many people are gona be seeing this its not even funny. If you own an XBox you own halo therefore your gona kill to see the movie, Halo is the sickest game ever. Bungie if you take this job to make the movies for halo, it'll be perfect.
Just Make the plot Follow the game!

Posted by: Andy at September 16, 2005 10:27

Andy your not entirely correct, I own an x-box and don't own Halo one or two. Rented them but don't really care enough to own. Ofcourse I didn't play online so I'm sure if I did then Halo would mean more to me. Just wanted to let you know that not everyone who owns an x-box owns Halo.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 16, 2005 14:06

Does anybody know when the movie is going to come out.

Posted by: Josh at September 25, 2005 11:40

Peter Jackson will NOT make this movie! He will make 'The Hobbit' Not any Halo movie. Halo is just good as a game nothing more! It would be better with a 'Half-Life' or a 'Duke Nukem' movie.

Posted by: He who knows the truth! at September 26, 2005 23:43

This may sound pessimistic but, i have this sinking feeling that Hollywood big wigs will jump on board and screw this whole movie up i.e. the way that they are mutilating the doom movie by not making the demons come from hell and instead making them "mutants." But, if they don't, then, I believe that they (microsoft & Bungie) should film it as the Chief's progression through both 1 and 2 and also give us a taste for what 3 will be like. Just a theory like the rest of you.

Oh... and if you have an Xbox and don't have either halo, then your a pansy.

Plain and simple.

Posted by: Shrub at October 04, 2005 14:06

Shrub, it's not a matter of being a pansy, I tried the games and just never really got into them. I don't play them online so I know I'm missing one of the best eliments of the games but to be honest I don't care to. To me they are just another first person shooter like all the others. I prefer to play other games, some online and really don't have the time or desire to get involved in another. I get bored with games fast and with Halo was bored before the rental time was up.

Posted by: crackerjack at October 04, 2005 14:22

well it is probally over the book that halo has there are 3 of them

Posted by: charles at October 09, 2005 02:29


Posted by: Lock n Load at October 11, 2005 01:59

any 1 interseted in talkin to me reply

Posted by: Lock n Load at October 11, 2005 02:32

I know. If they make it look real it wouldn't look that much like Halo. But hey look at DOOM the movie. Maybe they'll pull it off.

Posted by: Moondawg at October 11, 2005 21:24

HALO 2 RUUUUUULZ (every other game licks my shit.)

Posted by: Nick Williams at October 13, 2005 03:51


Posted by: Nick Williams at October 13, 2005 03:53

I think the movie is going to suck my big balls. but i am going to go see it anyway just because it invalvs halo

Posted by: holey sox at October 13, 2005 19:46

Halo 3 will be great no matter who directs it and what art form it is in so all you little babies need to shut the hell up and just wait for it to come out. Also if it gose along with Halo 3 that will be dumb they need to start it from the begining with Halo. IT WILL NOT LOOK COOL IF WAS LIKE THE OLD SCHOOL STAR WARS!

Posted by: Chicago at October 14, 2005 13:01

Halo the movie would be awesome! But I think that doing it without digitally might be a bad idea. Think about it though. Can you imagine what the covenant and the flood would look like as costumes. I do not think we are technologically advanced enough in costume design to make them look real.

Posted by: Pbomb142 at October 15, 2005 19:08

Halo is awesome. Who do you think should play the role as Master Chief? I was thinking maybe Steven Hawkings.

Posted by: Pbomb142 at October 15, 2005 19:12

Steven Hawking is a beast!

Posted by: Pbomb142 at October 15, 2005 19:17

HALO THE MOVIE IS GONNA ROCK YOUR MIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: SPARTAN-164 at October 16, 2005 20:03

There have been trailers? Where? Any way, they should go in order of the books, 1st, then 2nd, then 3rd. Then make a movie about halo2 and 3. It wood look better non-digital. Remember yugioh the movie? It did horrible and it was popular at the time. Also, in the movie they should put in thoese dinosaurs. if u don't know what i m talking about, look at one of the "movies" in the halo map pack cd. Imagine: dino vs. sentenal vs. alien vs zombie vs cyborg. That would be off the chain. There should be the big sentenals from halo 2 and both types of regular sentenals (the orange lasers and the blue lasers) Also, they should let MC use the wraith, the sword, and the fuel rod cannon in the first movie. There should also be the flamethrower form halo pc. Thanks. Peace out.

Posted by: Hunter599 (A true playa) GGGGGGG-G-unit at October 25, 2005 15:38

gunit u r a f**K go suck a d**k

Posted by: emienm at November 14, 2005 05:04

Now I dont know about any of you guys but I liked Lord Of The Rings!
I say that because I heard that Peter Jackson is going to be making HALO the MOVIE alongside the creaters bungie! and after seeing LOTR I think He will do a great job with the movie! I do thin that they should film the movies with REAL actors n have master chief always in his amor n have cortana be CGI, so that they can have the same voice actors as the game n have that one black dude from SWAT i think (idk his name) be Johnson!!<<kick ass!

Posted by: Mark at November 16, 2005 14:21

Hey Mark,

Once again... I can't emphasis this enough... PETER JACKSON IS NOT MAKING HALO. He's just on as an Exec Producer... and Exec Producers don't really do anything.

After King Kong Peter Jackson is making his new movie (which he is directing) called "The Lovely Bones"... not Halo. Someone else will be doing Halo.


Posted by: John Campea at November 16, 2005 14:24

just shutup apparently you all are idoits and kno nothing of halo

Posted by: ur moms pimp at November 16, 2005 15:01

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