November 11, 2004

FX Network pushes for entertainment series on Iraq War!

FXNetwork.jpgMore political US madness seen at Showbiz Data where it is reported that Steven Bocho (of NYPD Blue and Hill Street Blues fame - two of my favourite TV shows) has been asked by FX Network to produce a...and to quote the article here...drama series on the Iraq War.

Now is this just me, or is this complete madness. Creating a TV series based on an ongoing war which the world is divided on both politically and morally, and where casualties are increasing on a daily basis somewhat...well, wrong?

I couldn't have seen this question being raised during the attacks on the Trade Centre, so why on the War? With some intelligence surely you would look at setting it on a previous conflict, or waiting until troops were out of Iraq before bringing a fictional story to life in the style of NYPD Blue.

Let me give Mr Bocho some credit here, when this story was originally reported by the Wall Street Journal, he did tell the newspaper:

...he had reservations about the project since he questioned his ability to produce it "without exposing your political feelings about [the war] in one way or another." He said that he decided instead to focus on the troops and their families, something that would enable him to produce a program that was "completely apolitical."

Rightly so the Wall Street Journal had similar comments to mine, although much more toned down(!):

"unclear whether a drama from a gritty producer like Mr. Bochco can avoid politics at a time when U.S. troops still face danger and the country is divided over the war."

I think this is totally the wrong time for something like this. Okay, granted, maybe start development work, etc., but don't go and start showing a dramatised version of an active war where people are dying day after day.

A recent videogame idea was tackling the idea of escaping and saving people during disasters and it was to be based on real life events. One of the scenarios was the Trade Center. There was outrage following that, and I haven't seen much of a good word to be said (view the article and posted comments at Eurogamer.

I think it's hard to see the difference between the two "entertainment" ideas.

Posted by at November 11, 2004 08:32 AM


Far be it from me to be the voice of dissent, but I can kind of see the artistic gain of making such a current series. I'm not saying Bocho can make the series without being political (I'm reminded of the old Spielberg adage that "every war movie is antiwar"), but I'm sure it's within his reach to make an interesting and tasteful series about the war in Iraq.

And I'm probably showing my own bias here, but if there's any time to make this series, the time is right now. These things are already happening-- there's no reason to hide them from the public or keep them away from artists like Bocho. I have every bit of respect for the soldiers living and dying in Iraq, and from what I can understand, their story is what the series will be about, and that's definitely an interesting and important story to tell.

Posted by: rj at November 11, 2004 05:54 PM

Then again, while "MASH" wasn't exactly about the Vietnam war, that's exactly what was on the minds on the producers at time...they even said as much. The world was divided, casualties mounted, and they went on with it anyway. The US pulled out in 1975, the same year MASH killed off their C.O.

I'm going to hold off until I see more info about the series.

Posted by: David Poe at November 12, 2004 01:20 AM


I agree with you 100% on the show idea (BAD). Is there nothing left on the television landscape besides lame reality shows and sensationalizing world and national events? What's next? Movies predicting the outcome of current court cases like Lacey Peterson or Michael Jackson? With dread, I wait for the movie or TV Miniseries about the World Trade Center attack.

Television has always had the "bastard child" complex when compared to the movie industry. Just make an interesting show with great characters and we'll tune in. Whatever happened to great shows like Twin Peaks, Twilight Zone, Seinfeld and others?

Posted by: Richard at November 12, 2004 04:14 PM

Richard, good name. That's the same as mine, the one on the post! ;) No problems!

Actually, very off topic for the site but on for the thread, check out what is happening now with the blurring of reality and entertainment.

Check out

Videogames using direct information from active military operations! Crazy!!

Posted by: Richard at November 18, 2004 07:05 AM

Interesting... that's good info to know.

Posted by: Baxter at November 24, 2004 08:45 AM

These posts are great. I now know why I keep coming back. Thanks!

Posted by: Steve Davis at November 25, 2004 02:29 PM

Anybody know what song the girl is listening to in the commercial advertising the new show? She's sitting in the chair listening to a walkman, then a bomb goes off right behind her. Thanks.

Posted by: Aaron at March 28, 2005 11:53 PM

Its the Sneaker Pimps I discovered. No thanks to you people. I guess nobody reads this shit.

Posted by: Aaron at April 18, 2005 03:46 AM

I know going to piss off a lot of people, but here goes. First I don't think we should be there. And then to think the parents, wives, husbands, and children will be seeing this on a weely basis is dreadful. It is bad enough that they sit at home every night watching the news hopeing to catch a glimps of thier loved ones. Now they can watch and see thier nightmares come to life in full vived color on their television. Not to mention the things they see that they havn't thought of. I just think that the families are not being given any thought. It seems like the bottom dollar is more important than compasion for the people, parents, spouces, children and the soilders. And just for the record, my husband, mother and father in law are all retired MARINES!!!

Thanks for listening
and thinking

Posted by: Cyndie at April 27, 2005 12:45 AM

Yeah well, they can always click the "off" button on their remotes. Plus, the show is conveying the idea that it's a shitty thing Bush has gotten us into over there. The show certainly isn't glorifying it at all. Have you even seen the commercials? The show is all about how horrible it is there, not like "wow lets go kick some raghead ass". It's completely the opposite of any propaganda.

Posted by: Aaron at May 30, 2005 05:55 AM

Being a soldier that has been over there twice I must say I am looking forward to seeing this show. Why some might ask, I guess the same reason WWII vets went to see Saving Private Ryan, or Vietnam vets went to see Platoon. It is a story I lived, and I want to see for myself if the movie industry got it right. Sure it might touch some raw nerves, and if it does I know for a fact they got it right. After all isn't the reason we watch movies, television shows, go to plays, or even listen to music to feel. I think we should hold our thoughts though on what the show is about, hopefully it is about the soldiers, and maybe if they get it right everyone will see the good we do as well as the bad. As far as war being bad I can't think of any war that was good, but history remembers some as being more worthy than others.

Posted by: Vince at July 14, 2005 01:29 AM

i just wanna know the song in the new series over there coz it sounds so beutiful and also the meaning of it.

Posted by: honey at July 15, 2005 02:25 AM

About this show "over there". Just remember people that a show like this would of never been made if we were not in IRAQ, It may not have the clearest facts about the war, but maybe we the people can figure out that on our own.. Remember that war is hell and if GWB had any clue, he would of thought of that before he invaded IRAQ.. And if you dont like the show, you have knobs on the romote control to change the channel and some other buttons actually turn the T.V. set off , isnt that amazing..

Posted by: Stonewall at August 4, 2005 12:38 AM

I am a Very Proud Army wife!And I would like to ask do any of you know how hard our loved ones try to keep the horror of war away from us, the family members that they
have to leave behind for 1-2yrs at a time? How we worry,or how the one left behind has to comfort sad,scared little children and worried loved
ones.Have you thought at all about the terror that your show is going
to inflict on the one left behind,No you have not if you had you would not even consider putting this on tv.The preview is to much,it runs
during the day when my 6yr old is watching, it scares the hell out of him and his daddy is home what do think it will do to the one who's
parent is over there. Please for the sake of the children take this
off the air. I know that I am only one voice, but, I believe that I
speak for all military family members when I say we will not be watching your show.nor will my family be watching Fx network any longer

Posted by: nancy at August 4, 2005 02:35 PM

Posted by: kk83 at October 3, 2005 05:41 PM