November 15, 2004

First Seven Minutes of Revenge Of the Sith

I've already said about a dozen times that the teaser trailer for Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith has me just plain giddy. Say what you want about Lucas, the man knows how to promote a film. At any rate, it appears that the Lucas Film marketing machine is already in high gear. They seem to be meeting with a bunch of marketing/merchandizing companies about promoting the film and it's various products. Reports have been leaking in from all over that a part of this presentation has been showing these folks the first 7 or 8 minutes of the new movie. Lucky bastards.

Several of these lucky few have been sending in reports to the good folks over at AICN who then present us with this: (WARNING, THERE ARE SPOILERS IN THE BOLDED PARAGRAPHS)

The room went dark and the scroll began, setting up the movie, describing how Palpatine had been kidnapped. The screen cuts to a planet we all recognize a Coruscant, very quietly a star ship begins to come into view. Ther is almost no sound except for the engines of the ship. We follow this in until it fills the entire screen and slowly we rotate "underneath", between the ship and the planet. Once we get here the noise starts in and we get our first view of the battle in progress. Note: it was about here that I crapped my pants the first time. The camera follows in Anakin and Obi-wan's Jedi fighters. However, you can plainly see that Anakin has modified his. The front part of his cockpit has been replaced with a view window that looks like a Tie-Fighter. He and Obi-wan then spend the next 5 minutes in a desperate attempt to get to the ship holding Palpatine.

Let me just say that if you took all of the space battles from all of the Star Wars movies they would not come close to what I saw in the first 7 minutes of this film. Epic is the ONLY word I can use to describe what I saw. In addition to the numerous small fighters and droids that are deployed against the Jedi, the background is filled with Star Destroyer level ships. This continues until Obi-wan's ship gets hit with "Buzz-Bots" and the droids begin tearing his ship apart, including destroying his astromech droid.

If nothing else, this movie is just going to be fun to look at. Getting excited. Man I hope this one doesn't screw the cat.

Posted by John Campea at November 15, 2004 06:13 AM


I'll probably go see this at the closest digital theater in my town a couple of weeks after its premiere. But not enthusiastically, more dutifully like a lapsed Catholic who only attends Mass once a year for X-Mas.

I can't even bring myself to read the above spoiler. Not because I mind reading spoilers -- just that my interest in this movie is so ambivalent that I cannot concentrate long enough to read most of these spoilers.

Posted by: Mark at November 15, 2004 05:07 PM

that sounds totally WICKED

Posted by: Ashley Heaton at April 5, 2005 09:32 AM

Same here. I am staying spoiler-free.

Posted by: Simone at April 5, 2005 11:55 AM