November 21, 2004

First picture of Dr Doom

The drip feed of teasers keeps coming as we catch the fist glimpse of Dr Doom from the Fantastic Four movie. (Check out here for previous posts on the movie topic)

There is a lot of talk that it's not very good, that it doesn't do the character from the comics justice. Well I disagree, I think it looks good and it does look like the Dr Doom figure. In fact I'm surprised how close it is.

All these little teasers are really starting to whet my appetite for the movie. Aren't we due for a few more Superhero movies to actually work well?

See what you think and check out the full image from

Posted by at November 21, 2004 08:27 AM


At first glance, I agree with you, Richard. Looks like Doc Doom to me. Much better than the Green Goblin in Spider-Man.

Posted by: Marc at November 22, 2004 10:01 AM

Recipe for a good Fantastic Four movie. Keep Jessica Alba in the spandex and don't let anybody else say anything stupid. Pretty easy.

Posted by: Bombadil at November 22, 2004 01:26 PM