November 12, 2004

Empire's movie election results

I wish I had managed to get this posted before the results so you could all have voted, but I missed it. Empire ran a poll to find out which movie President would be best placed to run America, obviously narrowing the field to begin with, they left the final choice to the public.

The results are available at Empire, and what an eye opener it is. I'm not afraid to say I took this somewhat seriously and voted for Dave.

The scary thing is, the two Presidential choices there might have been better than the current...but that is a whole political debate I'm just walking away from. This is a MovieBlog after all...even with the growing number of political movie posts!

Posted by at November 12, 2004 06:36 AM


The guy who plays the President in F-911 didn't even crack this list?

Posted by: Mark at November 12, 2004 05:10 PM


Posted by: John Campea at November 13, 2004 07:10 AM

Thomas Beck? Pfaah! David Palmer is MY Black President.

Posted by: Franklin at November 13, 2004 07:00 PM