November 12, 2004

Elektra Trailer

Elektra1.jpgOh my. joy flows through my veins like precious life giving blood. As any long time reader of The Movie Blog knows, Jennifer Garner and I have had several short term wild and passionate love affairs (in my imagination). So just imagine my glee when seeing this. Oh my oh my! The good folks over at Coming Soon give us this:

Assassin-for-hire Elektra Natchios (Garner) is revived by the Order of the Hand, a group of assassins who helped train her. Assigned by the Hand's current leader, Kirigi (Yun Lee), to kill a man, Mark Miller (Visnjic), and his 13-year-old daughter, Abby, Elektra soon befriends them and decides to stand up to her ninja peers.
Ok, I must admit it sounds totally brainless and predictable. BUT.... WHO... CARES! The action promises to be fantastic and Jen will be wearing tight red leather. I'm a happy man. Someday I'll grow up. :)

Posted by John Campea at November 12, 2004 06:52 AM


I hate to say this, but despite all the action sequences, the trailer left me cold. I don't know, maybe it was the cheesy voice-over. The announcer sounded like he belonged on an infomercial.


Posted by: Screen Rant at November 12, 2004 10:52 AM

Wow !? As the official website states its movie influences- It really does look like Kill Bill, Hero and Crouching Tiger. Only it looks like a very lame wannabe version !

Posted by: boothbrave at November 12, 2004 12:00 PM

Lovers of manjawed women are rejoicing.

Posted by: Mark at November 12, 2004 05:09 PM

Hmmm... I have a bad feeling about this. (*cough* The Punisher *cough*). Nice poster, though.


Posted by: A.R.Yngve at November 13, 2004 12:37 PM

Aww - i don't give a monkey's a** about what any one says ! I can't wait to see this ! J. Garner rocks !!! lol can't wait for Alias season 4 either !!!

"You can have my 2 cents 4 free"

Posted by: IceSurfer at December 5, 2004 10:35 AM

Just love Jennifer Garner!!! 13 Going on 30 was wonderful and hopefully 'Elektra' will be a hit also. On the other hand, if Elektra turns out to be a dud, then I blame Affleck's bad luck rubbing off on Jennifer Garner.

I think we should all go see "Elektra" anyways despite the 'cheesy-lame' trailer.

Posted by: barbara at December 9, 2004 12:49 PM