November 02, 2004

Die Hard 4 Keeps Chugging Along

DieHard3Poster.jpgIn the genre of movie franchises that are just brainless fun, Die Hard is king! They announced quite a while ago that a Die Hard 4 was in the works, and it looks like the work is still rolling ahead. The good folks over at Moviehole give us this:

Word is that the script was a spec called "" and was in the vein of the 80's Matthew Broderick flick "War Games". Mark Bomback who scripted the God awful "Godsend" was brought in and whom was rewritten by Richardson a few months ago. As yet, only Willis himself has been cast and "Die Hard" and "With A Vengeance" helmer John McTiernan IS NOT going to be involved. Despite no firm storyline being released, detective John McClane is supposed to be RETIRED in the fourth movie of this most successful and entertaining action franchise.
Oh yeah baby, hit me up with more explosions and cheesy catchy one liners! YippyKiyay!

Posted by John Campea at November 2, 2004 07:39 AM

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I was just thinking about how Bruce Willis has kind of disappeared recently. I know that he had The Whole Ten Yards come out not too long ago, (didn't fare too well, as I recall), and he's in Sin City this summer, but it seems like he has really cut back on his projects. As a fan of all things Die Hard, I'm looking forward to more progress on DH4!

Marc Bowker
Alter Ego Comics
New action figures and collectibles at fair prices.

Posted by: Marc at November 2, 2004 01:23 PM


what else is there to say?

Posted by: miles at November 4, 2004 05:54 PM