November 16, 2004

Devils Rejects Trailer

RobZombie.jpgWow. (Note previous post, and see that there is no sarcasm here) This is what a trailer does well. It builds suspense and, in this case, a foreboding and unease about the film itself because it doesn’t show you that much, but what it does show you are intense emotions from a group of people you know are going way too far, and the eerie commentary from the TV reporter mixed with this is enough to tell us that this is one dark ride.

The trailer promises a lot from the movie, and I’m genuinely intrigued. However, is Rob Zombie’s past attempt tainting the possibilities? I haven’t seen House of 1000 Corpses so I shan’t comment. Over to you guys.

Posted by Richard Brunton at November 16, 2004 04:38 AM



you know, i liked house of a thousand corpses, despite the fact it had huge problems (like all those negative exposure shots...god those bugged me), but this looks like it might actually be good!

imagine that!

i have always liked rob zombie, he is nice and crazy, and his one big talent is that he knows how to put on a show, this looks like a fine little macrabre show!

and i love that guy who was the clerk in house of a thousand corpses...what is his name? he is the bald bearded guy with terrible teeth.

also, I like directors using the same actors in different roles in different movie, (like guy richie's films lock, stock and two smoking barrels and snatch and all the tim burton/johnny depp ventures).

Posted by: miles at November 16, 2004 08:09 AM

House of 1000 Corpses was one of the most vile, horrible, awful, detestable films I've seen in my entire life. I felt dirty just watching it. I'm just one person with no particular love for horror/schlock films, but I know a bad film when I see it.

Posted by: Jesse at November 16, 2004 05:28 PM

I am a big horror movie fan and I LOVED House of 1000 Corpses. It was disgusting and provided lots of suspenseful moments. I was actually screaming into my hands at one point. Quality entertainment for sure. This movie looks great. I'm excited to see it. I, too, loved the clerk (Sid Haig)and I'm looking forward to seeing him in the next movie.

Posted by: nosamwiches at November 17, 2004 12:30 PM

House of...was such a breath of fresh air amongst a graveyard of tepid middle of the road horror remakes. Rob is a passionate fan of horror and film in general and it showed. The fact that it stays so fresh in the memory is testimony to just how well done it was. A labour of love that went to hell and back before it finally got distribution "Devils Rejects" is Robs reward for his undying integrity and dedication to his vision. I hope it gets the respect and success that it is appearing at this early stage to deserve. Cheers Rob, you're a true diamond in this pile of pig crap we call hollywood

Posted by: Grave at November 18, 2004 09:46 AM

I couldnt get enough of House of 1000 corpses.Cant fucking wait til the next one comes out!Rob Zombie fuckking ROCKS!

Posted by: chickrockpunk at December 8, 2004 08:46 PM

I Personally Thought House Of 1000 Corpses Was Awesome! Rob Zombie Did A Great Job! I Also Got To Meet The Cast From The Movie! It Was Awesome! Here Is A Link To All My Pictures With Many Horror Movie Stars. I Can't Wait Untill The Devils Rejects Comes Out!

Posted by: Logan at December 12, 2004 03:23 PM

Bill Mosely is GOD !

Posted by: Anthony at December 29, 2004 11:45 PM

I first saw House... as a store bought DVD and I won't make that mistake with the sequel. If Rob does as well as he did the first time (and why wouldn't he?) I want to see it in all it's glory on the big screen.

Posted by: Jason Halas at January 1, 2005 02:57 AM

house of 1000 corpses was a good movie.... but the real reason that im here is to find out when the devils rejects is fucking cuming out,,,, what the fuck when is it cumin out.... and rob zombie is the fucking shit ROCK ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: patryk at January 13, 2005 11:41 AM

ok rob zombie is really kool his music is the shit and his movies.... i just wana say that steven willson is a homo (really) and chris morris is a stupid spik..


BMX is the coolest fuckin sport ever

Posted by: patryk p at January 13, 2005 11:44 AM

Well the house of 1000 corpses is by far one of the best horrors that i have seen in ages,Part 2 ( The Devils Rejects ) promises to be another kick ass follow on of the first,sticking to the same characters and storyline. For all of you wondering the release date is said to be AUGUST 12TH 2005!!!!

Posted by: BlueSteel at January 21, 2005 01:29 PM

House of 1000 Corpses was a classic horror movie and I don't think Rob Zombie will disapoint with Devil's Rejects.I ve watched hundreds of horror flicks and House of.....was definatley one of my favs.......Run Rabbits run

Posted by: KristieLeeU at February 4, 2005 01:41 AM

WOOOH i saw house of... a few days ago and its awesome, cant wait until devils rejects comes out.. looks good but looks like too many guns for the movie it should be, we'll see..

Posted by: CHRis at February 6, 2005 05:34 AM

i laughed at house of a 1000 corpses, i loved it as i felt that i was not the only one with such a mind. the second will be one i have to see, i hope one day i too can create such great films

Posted by: flesh and blood at February 8, 2005 02:50 PM

Hell yah!!
I loved this movie and the simpal fact was that Rob made it his own, he made it all of everything such as.. gore,violence,necrfillia,caniblisum,psycotic,
fillthy,satanic,old fasion,and sespenceful!
it was perfectivly gresat for his first film.

Props to you Mr.White Zombie, you did a fantastic job on your work!

Posted by: Queen of Horror... I love it. at March 24, 2005 12:37 PM

first thing i loved house of a thousand corpses and to any one who didnt like it i guess you should just stick to scream mopvies because your real horror movie fans

Posted by: prophet at April 22, 2005 10:03 PM

House of 1000 Corpses was one of the most vile, horrible, awful, detestable films I've seen in my entire life. ~Posted by Jesse Nov 16, 2004. I couldn't agree more! Rob Zombie is a GENIUS!! Never in my life have i seen a movie as brilliantly offensive as House of 1000 Corpses. I love this movie and am waiting with baited breath for The Devil's Rejects!!! Rock on Rob!

Posted by: Diane at May 18, 2005 12:22 PM

OK...Big horror zombie et al fan. Seen em all. I really dug 1000 Corpses, it had a really good fucking scare to it. But it was borderline fucking nutz (and I guess you would expect that from Rob Zombie) In the end, I threw 1000 Corpses in the trash. Not because I didn't like it, but because I was scared to death my kids might pop it in the DVD player and be traumatized for life.

The jury is out on whether or not to see Rejects. We will see. I haven't had a geniune scare in a bit, so I guess this will be it...God Help Me....

Posted by: Mike at July 11, 2005 10:58 PM

cant wait for T.D.R gonna see it opening day

Posted by: Forrest at July 14, 2005 02:25 PM

house of 1000 corpes was the most disturbing movies i ever saw....maybe thats y i loved it soo much....Rob Zobie is a genious...The Devils Rejects is going to be even better and i cant wait!

Posted by: jhhgghg at July 19, 2005 05:48 PM

I love house of 1000 corpses and the devils rejects.At the ending of the devils rejects in what happened to Baby,Otis,and Capt.Spaulding I almost started to cry.I hope that Mr.and Mrs.zombie can bring the characters back again for another one.

Thank you everyone who was involved with the house of 1000 corpses and the devils rejects.

Especialy thank you Rob zombie and Sheri Moon Zombie.
sinceryly,your fan


Posted by: Desiree at August 6, 2005 04:32 AM

Soz Desiree, The characters will not be coming back. Rob has finished with these. He did say he will be doing more film work, but in a different genre.

Posted by: imeRsa at August 7, 2005 06:49 AM

house... kicked much ass. im sure this one will rule

Posted by: mrfrogdaddy at August 10, 2005 02:41 PM

Devils Rejects was the biggest piece of shit I've ever seen. IT was pathetic.

Posted by: Mike at August 18, 2005 02:44 AM

I Think Rob Is So Sexy, He Is Alot On The Wild Side, Just As Many Of Us Whom, Are Not Ashamed To Live, Life To The Fullist.
Keep Doing Well,

Love And Kisses, Sandy :)

Posted by: Sandy at September 11, 2005 04:43 PM

I Want to Marry Rob, He Is The Best Looking Man, That I Have Ever Set My Blue Eyes On.


Posted by: Sandy at September 11, 2005 04:46 PM