November 15, 2004

Denzel Washington takes a wage cut

DenzelWashington.jpg...and a huge one at that.

It's always a heartbreaking moment when a world famous movie star loses money, and I think it's terrible that the media are quick to announce the meagre salaries these people are on and not highlight when they are forced to take a pay cut debilitating their daily lifestyle. I mean for god’s sake, how are these people meant to survive?

Well, according to the Guardian, poor Denzel Washington has taken a massive pay cut to appear on Broadway this year. It seems that since the film he was supposed to be making just now was cancelled, he's had to find other work to scrape a living.

Washington is to play Brutus in Julius Caesar, and is being paid $1,200 (£650) a week - but he won't be complaining about that, because he is still taking home $20m (£10.8m) from Universal Pictures, despite the fact that the film he was to receive the money for, American Gangster, has been cancelled.

Can you believe that? $20million for a movie that was never made! The Guardian goes on to say that Variety reported they were tied into pay-or-play deals.

Now I remember seeing this story originally and thought of posting (obviously didn't because I just searched), and I was stunned at the timing. It was literally the Monday morning that the film was cancelled after the stars signing on the Wednesday or Thursday!

So for being signed up to a movie on which nothing happened and was cancelled within four days, both Washington and Benicio Del Toro received staggering amounts of money.

Don't get me wrong, despite my scathing tone earlier, I admire their business acumen and if only I were earning as much I would do the same. I would have to say it could also be said it's very decent of Washington to take the cut to appear elsewhere, he doesn’t really need the money does he?

Posted by at November 15, 2004 08:10 AM


Important thing to consider re "pay or play" deals:
they're standard contract language for stars of a certain magnitude, but they are almost NEVER executed. What happens instead is that the fee is rolled over into a subsequent project for the studio or production company. It's a win-win, as the money-types doesn't get stuck with paying for vapour, and the star is seen as cooperative, reasonable and an all-around good sport. Plus, such largesse on the star's part goes a long way towards bumping up their fee on the next project that actually DOES get made. Someone who forces execution of a pay or play is performing vocational seppuku.

Great site. Keep up the good work.

Posted by: justpassingthrough at November 15, 2004 12:20 PM

Cheers justpassingthrough, I'm just an odd poster. John, thanks on you!

Hey, why not change that email address to regularvisitor!

Posted by: Rich at November 18, 2004 06:58 AM

Denzel Washington is a "True" American. I couldn't care less what money he makes. In my eyes he earns every penny of it considering he probably has to deal with the Hollywood Liberal backlash for his strong political beliefs. Denzel Washington is one Hollywood actor that I would pay $20.00 to see.


Posted by: Anthony at February 19, 2005 10:45 PM

Denzel is a complete gentleman and he can do whatever he wants to in life and it will be alright w/ me. May God continue to bless you!
A true fan..............

Posted by: brenda at March 7, 2005 01:18 PM

Hello mam na imie maciek pozdrawiam denzela I from poland my mother like danzel

Posted by: maciek at May 2, 2005 01:39 PM

I recently read where Denzel Washington visit Brook Army Medical Center with his family and then wrote a check for one of the Fisher Houses. Please advise of the validity of this-no wonder he is considered an All American and True Patriot.

Posted by: Boyd McLean at June 18, 2005 08:25 PM

I would like to take this opportunity to share a very small portion of a screenplay I have written. Please be kind enough to read and I would appreciate any comments you have. I can be reached at 727-393-3484 from 7:30 to 5:00 EST Monday thru Friday. I thank you in advance for reading the following:
The scene opens: Camera looking out the window of a two story building. Off in the near distance a storm is moving away. Narrating voice: My father told me that if you count 1001, 1002, 1003 between the thunder and lightening and the numbers get larger the storm is moving away, but if the numbers get smaller it is coming closer.
Camera fades to black, showing the branches of an oak tree. There is a blue bird sitting on a limb turning it's head from side to side and looking back at the camera. It's back and throat are moving.(If, you ever had the pleasure of getting up close to a blue bird and talking to it the way it moves and the way the beak and throat move it's like seeing a bird trying to get words out. It amazes me every time my favorite bird lands on my finger for a peanut and I hold the peanut real tight in my fingers, he looks down at me, beak moving to beat the band almost trying to tell me to let the peanut go.)

Posted by: Bobby Paradise at July 14, 2005 07:41 PM