November 16, 2004

David Beckham turns down movie role

beckham3.jpgAhhh... now this is nice to see. A non-actor celebrity turning down a jump into a movie career... well... at least for now. Still, this is nice to see, and as a sports fan it's also nice a see an athlete stay committed to his game. The good folks over at Digital Spy give us this:

[Beckham] refuses to let it get in the way of his football career, and intends to continue with that for as long as he can. Beckham said: "I was offered a part in the new Pink Panther film. But I had a lot of games that were coming up, so I decided not to do it because of them. It was quite a good part, apparently.

"There was Bend It Like Beckham. Then there's a new movie called Goal that I'm involved in as it's to do with (his sponsors) Adidas. "I've never said that I definitely want to go into movies. I've been offered a couple of things, but my football comes first. After that, we'll have to wait and see."

Look at that picture. Damn... even I'm attracted to the guy, and I'm as straight as Jerry Farwell.

Posted by John Campea at November 16, 2004 07:45 AM

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Have you ever heard the guy talk?! He has trouble being himself let alone acting! Also his "dedication" to sport doesn't stop the man doing ninety thousand adverts a year. He earned 16-million pounds last year 6-million from Real Madrid (thats £115,000 / week) and 10-million from endorsements! Gillete, Adidas, Pepsi, Police (sun glasses), Number 7 clothing range for Marks and spencers, computer games, you name it he will do it!

How well known is Becks over in Canada? He has to be the most famous man in Britain, he cant fart without it making the news! Everyman wants to be him and every women wants to bed him, just ask my missus, I have to put up with his calender in my kitchen (next to my Kelly Brook calender)! Dont like his taste in women much though!

Did you see Tom Cruise with him at a Real Madrid game recently. Tom Cruise said he is his hero and got star struck when he met him! Can you believe that? He is also friends with Jude Law.

Anyway, if he was to do a film it would have to be a silent role, because Mr Bean sounds more macho than good old Becks. He is a good looking dude, ill give him that!

Posted by: David Terry at November 16, 2004 09:22 AM

I know VERY little about him other than he plays soccer but from that picture he kinda looks like a leading man. As far as his acting skills, I'd assume they're the exact opposite as his football skills so staying offscreen is a blessing to all.

Posted by: cybermike at November 16, 2004 03:09 PM

If the script requires him to say 'you know' 500 times then he is a cert for the 2006 male oscar.

If not he he will be a public service announcement film for a getting a decent education.

* Note for US users. Imagine if John Elway decided to be a leading man and you have a US version of Beckham.

Posted by: pdb at November 16, 2004 05:22 PM

Judging on David Beckhams England performance against Spain last night, maybe he should turn to acting!!!

Posted by: David Terry at November 18, 2004 04:00 AM

Beckham is bullshit....

Posted by: Thalion at February 22, 2005 02:17 AM